Chapter 2890 Final Farewell in Oqia

Chapter 2890 Final Farewell in Oqia

A few more days have passed since Minos and his group arrived at the Armhands headquarters.

In those days, he did as much business as he could for his guild, nothing very significant or that would change the situation in Oqia. Armhands was already the dominant force and its presence on the continent merely reinforced that reality. But there were deals that could be made, agreements that would enable more favorable scenarios for the guild.

What he could do, given his limitations and current plans, Minos did in those days, taking the opportunity in the meantime to catch up on all the recent history of his companions and family.

However short a few days were, he had learned everything remotely relevant about his companions in the Spiritual World, in The Adamant Land and Oqia. He was now up to date on the situation of each of them, their cultivations, and expectations of moving in the future. He also heard a lot about his grandchildren who had stayed behind, as well as the families they were already developing.

Sarah and Rowan's sons had already had their wives and were supposedly trying to reproduce. But they hadn't yet been lucky enough to have their first children and so Minos wasn't yet a great-grandfather.

Minos was happy with his family's progress in his absence and promised Sarah Rowan that he would go to the Spiritual World and The Adamant Land one last time to meet the rest of the family before continuing his journey into the Upper Realm.

So he entered his last days at headquarters, already preparing to say goodbye to those who would be staying and to leave with those who would be hitching a ride with him to Uzira.

On the day of Minos and his family's departure from Examire, he kept an eye on Kendrick's sons as he walked alongside his two male children.

Rowan had a tranquil look on his face, used enough to having his father away to be bothered by yet another goodbye. As for Kendrick, he didn't look sad either. Being the regent of the guild and having his family to look after, he had enough to worry about not missing his father all the time.

But seeing his sons training together, Kendrick couldn't help but think how soon he might have to take the same path as his old man.

"The journey here has been pretty quick, Father, I wonder where we'll be in another thousand years..." Kendrick asked, watching his sons as Minos seemed to impart some superior knowledge to those two young men struggling for him to see.

"You'll know." Minos said softly to his two sons. "Just do what you can and try to do what you think is best. The wheels of fate are taking us to wherever we're going to be in a thousand or a hundred thousand years."

Rowan and Kendrick looked sideways at Minos, seeing the mysterious side their father had nurtured over the years.

"Anyway, that's enough, you two." Minos said, ending the two young men's fight. "You have good talents. You'll make good warriors for the family." He praised them, quickly getting them both back on their feet. "Work hard and you'll be able to unlock the gift I left you. It will take time, but sooner or later, you will get there."

The two young men stopped in front of Minos and gestured respectfully to him, both with their eyes shining.

Minos patted them on the shoulder and then walked past them, heading towards where his group should already be waiting for him to leave Examire.

"Grandpa, when will we see each other again?" asked the younger of the two. Minos found himself outside the building they were in, from where he could see the entire guild headquarters, where, in one corner of the area, his companions were waiting for their departure, along with the family members who would be saying goodbye to him. He replied, "That will depend on how fast you progress. But I can tell you, the next time we see each other, you'll already be Supreme."

Kendrick and Rowan looked at the two young men, both understanding that their next meeting would take a long time to happen.

'Dad will be in the Upper Realm by then. They thought the same thing as they clenched their fists, looking forward to the day when Minos would succeed him.

"Anyway, don't think too much about it. Go on your journeys and create your own stories. I'll hear about your paths when we meet again." With that said, he arrived where his four wives were waiting for him, along with the guild members who were going with them to Uzira.

Looking at the group there just to say goodbye to them, Minos waved to his people, seeing among them the local Elders, Jalai, but also old acquaintances, such as Aurac, the elf who was currently at the end of the 11th stage, close to becoming a Supreme. "Everyone, this is goodbye. Take good care of the guild and the mechanisms we've built together. After today, we'll hardly see each other again, but I'll be watching your paths, even from afar. Eventually I hope to meet you again, this time in the Upper Realm."

Minos looked into the eyes of each of his friends and family members, confident that he would enter the Upper Realm and that some of them would do the same.

Most of them would probably never get in without his direct help, but he was sure that he could accompany and guide them from afar if he wanted to.

Some of the women there shed tears when they heard Minos' words, while the men felt more determined, with sparkles in their eyes, confident and obstinate. They too wanted to make the same journey as Minos and one day enter the Upper Realm for themselves.

Thus, Minos arrived alongside Abby, Gloria, Ruth and Segiel, before leaping into the air, starting the departure of his group, a group that, in addition to them and the Divine Dragon who had accompanied them there, had 17 other individuals.

Kendrick, his wife, his children, his brother and sister, as well as his grandparents, watched as the group left, with Jalai and the Elders of the guild watching the decisive moment for their journey to the Upper Realm.

It was the goal of every member of Armhands to advance until they reached the Upper Realm. With Minos' departure today, they were close to having their first member reach that level and open the doors to that dimension for the rest of them!

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