Chapter 2886 Back to Oqia
After entering the Artificial Moon, the journey to Gunaway Refuge was quick. The leaders of the Zocarro space station cleared the way for Minos and his group, giving them the privilege of traveling ahead of the queue to get transportation to the planet. Minos only used the service because he was accompanied by his women and the level 124 Divine Dragon. With his current abilities, he was able to pass through Zocarro's powerful atmosphere without needing the methods used by the force behind Gunaway Refuge and the Artificial Moon. But he still wasn't strong enough to carry his family and allies with him, as he preferred to pass through the Artificial Moon.
How would the local forces know that he was still alive, stronger than ever and back, if he used secret methods of movement?
Minos would make a point of going through the Artificial Moon even if he could carry his companions with him!
Now he was no longer worried about being chased by the Devils. After years since he had cut his ties with Hell and left Vicente Fuller in that dimension, nothing had reached them. That meant that either things were too lively inside Hell for anyone to think about him, or his old enemies thought he was really dead, or even both at the same time.
The only danger he was worried about now was if, before his disappearance, something had happened to his family. Before, he could do nothing but keep these worries to himself, but on arriving at Gunaway Refuge, he could finally ascertain the situation of his people.
As the island's leaders approached him to try to entertain him on his way to the coast to travel back to Oqia, Minos paid little attention to them, listening only to what suited him.
These locals recognized him and soon passed on to him the things they thought were relevant. Some of Minos' relatives from the same home planet - the Spiritual World - had passed through Zocarro in the last few years of his absence, and news from the mainland had reached the island.
But nothing very specific about Minos' relatives reached him. At most, he found out that Sarah and Rowan had finally left the Spiritual World and The Adamant Land to live in Zocarro!
For the rest, whether they were okay, involved in conflicts in Oqia or even still in Oqia, they did not know.
After getting the basic preliminary information that the Gunaway Refuge locals could provide, Minos and his group accelerated their speed, leaving the locals behind as they quickly reached speeds only accessible to high-level Supremes.
Within minutes they had left Gunaway Refuge, flying above the surface of the dangerous sea that had once challenged four of them.
The great level 124 Divine Dragon accompanied the group curiously on this journey, for the first time on Zocarro, interested in the world that had shaped Minos into this current supreme warrior.
Despite being born in the Spiritual World, Minos had only lived in the Spiritual World for a few decades. On the other hand, Zocarro had been his home for centuries,
enabling him to reach the 11th and 12th stages!
Minos himself recognized Zocarro as his current home, and his words in conversations during the last few years of the group's journey sounded like those of someone who had various plans for the planet, even considering its proximity to the Upper Realm.
The level 124 dragon had already heard from the group a little about how big this world was, about dangers and peculiarities they were likely to encounter on their way. But it was nothing for him to be impressed by and expect high-level fighting, unless the Celestials of Uzira were still alive after Mylecent's advance. But even considering them, there shouldn't be any problems capable of threatening him or the group too much.
So the great dragon continued to carry the group curiously, quickly crossing the strip of sea between Gunaway Refuge and Oqia.
The journey between the island in the far north of the planet and the mainland wasn't that long. In just four days, the group reached the large land mass called Oqia, from where they began their journey south to the central region of Oqia.
Examire, the headquarters city of Armbands, was about 3 weeks' journey from the northernmost point of the continent, considering the speed at which the group moved. But without any interest in making stops along the way to rest, cultivate or find out more, the group would take about three days to reach their goal.
After well over a century away from the continent, with their actions in Uzira, Hell, then the hunt for the Divine Tail and finally the search for Forfex's research, they were arriving at the headquarters city of the guild that had shaped them into the high-level warriors they were today.
As they passed the last mountain range in their path, sitting on the back of the great level 124 dragon, the four humans stood up to watch the great alien city gradually appearing on the horizon.
They spotted the various floating islands of Examire, among them the guild's headquarters. The women felt their hearts racing, thinking of their children and relatives, while Minos had a smile of expectation. They knew that bad things could have happened in his absence, but they hoped for good news rather than trouble. With their good expectations, they left the dragon's back, starting to fly side by side with their traveling companion, decreasing their speed and altitude as they got closer to their home.
But they would not enter the city of Examire, as they had always done on other occasions when returning to the guild after long periods away. They went directly to their guild's island, where Minos found himself arriving in the area and being recognized as the new Supreme Leader of Armhands.
'I had previously ignored that possibility... He thought with a smile on his face, anticipating the moment when his relatives, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, would show up to welcome his group.
With his golden eyes shining and a broad smile on his lips, Minos led his group through the Armhands' defensive formations, powerful defenses, but which, against someone like him, had no meaning.
He and his group entered the island, landing in the same place where Minos and Ruth had first arrived in the area, millennia ago. This time, however, instead of being forced to join a selection exam, they were greeted with cheers and gestures of absolute
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