Chapter 129 : Old Jiang Madame

Jiang Ruan had been staying in the fu for a few days. Then, this morning, for the very first time, she saw Second Yiniang.

From the time when Jiang Li died and Second Yiniang had subsequently gone to Langzhong fu to kick up a fuss, she had been confined to her residence by Jiang Quan. For her to be set free out of the blue was something which took everyone by surprise. What was even more astounding was that she seemed to have become an entirely different person: docile and overly cautious, nothing at all like her previous bossy and domineering self. In fact, she was almost like First Yiniang. The fu’s servants were all a-chatter, and they agreed Second Yiniang must have realised that, now that Jiang Li was dead, she would only be able to receive support if she lived out her days at Jiang fu very cautiously. The present time was not like the old days. The gentle and virtuous Xia Yan, whose talent and reputation was widely known, and the bossy and domineering Second Yiniang, glamorous yet mean, had both lost all their power and influence. Now, the person holding the reins in the fu was the one who had come from the brothel, Fifth Yiniang, Hong Ying. Moreover, Hong Ying was pregnant, so it was feared that big changes were in store for Jiang fu.

Previously, Jiang Ruan had met Second Yiniang once in the garden. While Second Yiniang had appeared perfectly respectful, there was something strange about her expression. When they returned to Ruan Ju, Lian Qiao opined, “Miss, something is odd about Second Yiniang because when she looked at you, it seemed as though she was angry.”

Jiang Ruan muttered to herself quietly before calling Lu Zhu and instructing her, “You go and ask around. Before Second Yiniang was released from her confinement, did she meet anyone? And, recently, has there been anything of special note?”

Lu Zhu accepted her instructions and left.

Jiang Ruan lowered her eyes. Second Yiniang had not looked at her with anger, she was more than familiar with that kind of expression – it was a bone-deep hatred, like a viper simply waiting for an opportunity to strike, a secretly concealed arrow nocked and ready to fly, reeking of the taste of conspiracy.

She wanted to know just what Second Yiniang intended to do.

Lu Zhu was Jiang Ruan’s personal maidservant, and all the people in the fu knew that Jiang Ruan valued her highly. Jiang Ruan was also now a Junzhu, so the fu’s people treated Lu Zhu with greater courtesy. It took no time at all for Lu Zhu to make inquiries and bring the information back. As it turned out, Jiang Dan had met with Second Yiniang once, and afterwards Second Yiniang had become very careful and extremely courteous in the fu. Whenever she encountered Jiang Quan, she had been overly deferential, and she was also very generous towards the servants. Although Second Yiniang was from a well-to-do family, when all was said and done, she was a shu daughter. Usually, she was short-sighted, like Jiang Li, and was unwilling to tip the servants. However, in recent days, she had been remarkably open-handed. After Lu Zhu had finished her report, she said impatiently, “Miss, what’s going on with Second Yiniang?”

Tian Zhu also felt that it was strange. She was accustomed to killing people, but was not used to the complicated twists and turns of life in a residence. Lian Qiao and Bai Zhi had their suspicions. Lian Qiao said, “Miss, you ought to be careful over the next few days. Second Yiniang has always been arrogant. Her sudden humble and obsequious behaviour is very odd.”

“I know.” Jiang Ruan stood up and said, “Since Fourth Sister is so warm-hearted, I might as well find something for her to do.” She narrowed her eyes and her tone was icy as she called out, “Jin Er, Jin San.”

The two secret guards appeared in the room out of nowhere, startling the maidservants. Jiang Ruan knew that the two of them had been lurking in concealment to watch over her ever since Xiao Shao had sent them there. She said, “Tian Zhu is from the fu, so it’s not convenient for her to go out. The two of you, go to Langzhong fu– I have something I want you to help me with.”

Jin Er and Jin San exchanged glances and chorused, “We obey Miss’ command.”

* * *

While one could say that Jiang fu was now cloaked in a gloomy shadow because of Jiang Li’s death, then the collapse of the once bustling and lively Langzhong fu was just as apparent. For the past few years, Jiang Quan’s official career had been smooth-sailing, but nowadays he seemed to suffer increasingly bad luck. At the same time, his relations with Xia fu had become terribly estranged. Several of his children were giving him headaches, and the only outstanding ones were the two who had initially been the least favoured in the fu.

Old Jiang Madame was already very weak, and she had suffered a serious illness due to Jiang Li’s death. The doctor had come to examine her, and had tacitly let it be known that she was unlikely to survive the year. Her body was already old, and no amount of miraculous medicine would be of use. In some ways, Old Jiang Madame was a sensible person and could clearly see that this massive Jiang fu was soon to experience decline. Thus, her heart swelled with anxiety. To make matters worse, she knew that she was ageing day by day, and was a very different person from the dignified and asuste old lady Jiang Ruan had met when she returned to Jiang fu.

On this day, Du Juan had obeyed Old Jiang Madame’s instruction to invite Jiang Ruan to visit Gui Lan Yuan; in recent days, she had been calling several of her granddaughters to visit her. Jiang Ruan had no grounds for declining Old Jiang Madame’s invitation. She brought Lian Qiao and Bai Zhi with her, and as they made their way there, they met Jiang Dan, who was on her way back.

When she saw Jiang Ruan, Jiang Dan stopped and smiled as she said, “Da Jiejie.”

“Fourth Sister,” Jiang Ruan said without emotion.

Unlike before, when Jiang Dan would usually show an aggrieved expression when she was met with Jiang Ruan’s cold demeanour, she looked to be in a very good mood as she asked, “Is Da Jiejie going to Zumu’s residence?”

As Jiang Ruan nodded, Jiang Dan smilingly said, “Nowadays, Zumu really values Da Jiejie, Da Jiejie is truly the object of everyone’s envy.”

Envy? Jiang Ruan smiled faintly and said, “There is no need for Fourth Sister to be envious. In the future, the day will certainly come when Fourth Sister will be even more greatly valued than I am.”

Jiang Dan was stunned. Her eyes flashed, and she looked at Jiang Ruan once more with eyes laden with meaning. “Da Jiejie likes to joke around. It’s getting late, Da Jiejie had best go quickly. If I hold you up, Zumu will punish Dan niang.”

Jiang Ruan nodded and took her leave. Jiang Dan stood and watched her retreating figure. Slowly, a small smile of elation grew on her face.

* * *

In Gui Lan Yuan, Cai Que and Du Juan stood on either side of Old Jiang Madame, gently waving circular fans at just the right speed so that a gentle breeze could be felt. Old Jiang Madame looked to be at ease, something which was seldom seen. She could no longer use ice to achieve a cooling effect for it would be difficult to avoid catching a cold at her advanced age.

This was the scene which presented itself to Jiang Ruan as she entered: Old Jiang Madame, looking tired, dressed in clothes which were slightly wrinkled, with completely white hair. Hearing some movement, she opened her eyes a crack, revealing eyes which were somewhat clouded over.

Circular fan

She was indeed not the same mistress of Jiang fu who had formerly wielded supreme authority and power. Rather, she was an old woman who was getting even older.

“Ruan’er is here, come next to Zumu,” Old Jiang Madame said as she beckoned to Jiang Ruan affectionately.

In her past life, and even in this life, Old Jiang Madame had never been so friendly towards her. Although Old Jiang Madame had never made things difficult for her in her previous lifetime, she had tacitly acquiesced to some of the things Xia Yan and Jiang Quan had done. Where she was concerned, the glory of Jiang fu was more important than everything. What was the sacrifice of one Jiang Ruan as long as Jiang fu could become more prosperous with each passing day?

In her previous life, Old Jiang Madame had not made it through this year’s winter. On thinking about it, it was about the time that she entered the palace, in autumn, that Old Jiang Madame’s lingering illness rendered her unable to leave her sickbed. She wasted away continually until the close of the year, when she finally passed away[1]. Even now, she had only a few months left.

[1] 驾鹤西去 (jia he xi qu) – lit. fly on a crane to the Western Paradise / fig. to pass away (idiom).

Jiang Ruan obediently walked to sit in front of Old Jiang Madame. Cai Que poured her tea, while Old Jiang Madame patted her hand and said, “Ruan’er, this is a new batch of passion fruit hawthorn tea. The palace consorts drink this all the time. You young ladies love sweet beverages, taste this.”

Jiang Ruan smiled slightly. She lifted the tea cup to her lips and moistened them with the tea before saying, “It’s very sweet.”

Old Jiang Madame smiled contentedly and instructed Du Juan, “Du Juan, pack some for Ruan’er and send it over.” She turned her head to look at Jiang Ruan, her gaze as affectionate as a grandmother observing an obedient granddaughter. “Ruan’er has grown up in the blink of an eye. Thinking back on the time when you were newly born, you were a wee little dumpling.”

Old Jiang Madame would not have mentioned this without reason. Jiang Ruan simply listened attentively, with a smile, as Old Jiang Madame continued, “Your mother was really unlucky, she died so early and abandoned the both of you. At that time, Xia Yan was so black-hearted and wronged you so grievously. These past few years, your father was too easily persuaded[2] and caused you much unnecessary suffering. In all, Jiang fu has been unfair towards you.”

[2] 耳根子软 (er gen zi ruan) – lit. soft ears; credulous.

Du Juan had gone to pack the tea for Jiang Ruan, so only Cai Que stood quietly to one side. Bai Zhi and Lian Qiao’s faces twitched slightly. Only Jiang Ruan remained motionless, as implacable as a mountain, and there was absolutely no change in her expression as she listened to Old Jiang Madame’s seemingly remorseful utterance. Seeing her like this, Old Jiang Madame paused while feigning incomprehension. She pulled at Jiang Ruan’s hand and said, “Thankfully, you and your brother have good fortune, and ever since you returned to the fu your luck has been quite good. On thinking about it, all of Jiang fu’s ancestors through the dynasties must have been blessing and protecting you from heaven.”

The corners of Jiang Ruan’s mouth lifted up minutely. These words implied that everything the brother-and-sister pair had achieved would not have been possible without the favour of Jiang fu.

Old Jiang Madame said, “You are all the children of Jiang fu, and must help and support one another. Zumu does not have many days remaining; I hope that all of you brothers and sisters will love and be kind to one another. Previously, your father did not treat you fairly. Now, Zumu has already put away that wicked woman. Don’t bring up the past any more. If the Jiang family does well, your reputation will also benefit in future, isn’t that so?” She went on long-windedly, “Your dage is now an official in the imperial court. He should assist his younger brother because the person you marry in future will still look at your fu’s circumstances, won’t he? Zumu knows you are a good girl, help your family members as much as you can on ordinary days, and you will have a correspondingly good future.”

Jiang Ruan looked down. After a brief moment, she raised her head and asked, with a faint smile, “What does Zumu want me to do?”

Old Jiang Madame was taken aback at her straightforward question. She had always known that this granddaughter was different, but at that time, the people in Jiang fu had constructed the wrong impression of her, never imagining that she would possess her present opportunities. Old Jiang Madame knew that she had one foot in the grave and her days were limited. She could see that Jiang fu was declining day by day, which caused her great anxiety. All her hopes were now pinned on Jiang Ruan and Jiang Xin Zhi, but the two of them just had to have been on the receiving end of Jiang Quan’s cold treatment, so it was inevitable that they harboured resentment. So, she had invited Jiang Ruan here today in order to raise these issues, but she never imagined Jiang Ruan would bear such an attitude.

A sense of gloom arose in Old Jiang Madame’s heart. Jiang Ruan presently possessed the position of junzhu due to the Empress Dowager’s bestowment, and the attitude of the General fu’s side was also providing food for thought. Looking at Jiang Ruan’s detached expression, she felt powerless and indignant. In the end, she merely smiled and said, “Your Second Brother is not bad at handling matters; since you are so close to the Empress Dowager, you can mention him to her once in a while. Also, there’s Su’er, who is your meimei. Bring her along to some of your young ladies’ gatherings so that she can see more of the world.”

She wanted to bring up Jiang Chao’s situation, and as for Jiang Su Su, she was at the age when she should be able to start to look for potential households. Probably because Jiang Su Su had grown up before Old Jiang Madame’s eyes, she still held the affection a grandparent had for a grandchild. But . . . Jiang Ruan smiled coolly and said, “The inner palace does not interfere with the government, and the close relationship between the Empress Dowager and Ruan niang is by heaven’s grace. How can Ruan niang dare to sway the Empress Dowager’s thoughts? As for Second Sister, she has grown up in the capital. She is much more familiar with the social circles of the noble young ladies than Ruan niang. Between us, she has seen much more of the world than Ruan niang.”

Old Jiang Madame was speechless. Leaving aside Jiang Chao, Jiang Su Su was really a cause for endless worry. Since the time of Xia Yan’s incident, the people in the capital had not only made fun of Jiang Quan being cuckolded by the foremost talented woman in the capital, Jiang Su Su had also been implicated, and treated accordingly. The young ladies whom she would usually call her friends had each kept their distance from her, and it had been a long time since any of the noble young ladies had invited her to go out. This being the case, there was no need to talk about future marriage prospects. Old Jiang Madame was extremely worried, which was why she had thought of asking Jiang Ruan to take Jiang Su Su with her when she went out. She did not expect to be rebuffed by Jiang Ruan in this way.

“They are your siblings, and you are actually unwilling to lend them assistance?” Old Jiang Madame said with some anger.

“Forgive Ruan niang for being truly useless.” Jiang Ruan sighed and continued, “Ruan niang fears that she has disappointed Zumu.”

Old Jiang Madame stared fixedly at Jiang Ruan and said, “Ruan’er, as matters stand, do you still harbour complaints towards the Jiang family?”

Jiang Ruan smiled indifferently. It was not complaint, it was hatred. At the moment, she did not know whether or not to think that Old Jiang Madame was too naive. In this lifetime, her only ambition was to work, step by step, to cause the collapse of the Jiang family, so why should she help Jiang Su Su and her brother? It was futile to talk about reviving the glory of Jiang fu. Since Jiang Quan was so concerned about this fu, then wouldn’t it be even better to allow him to watch what he treasured so dearly perish bit by bit, right before his eyes?

Perhaps because Old Jiang Madame felt that Jiang Ruan’s smile was overly mocking, such that it was exceptionally offensive to her eyes, she suddenly slapped the table and said, “Get out!” Shocked, Cai Que rushed over to say comfortingly, “Old Madame, please don’t get angry, be careful with your health.”

“Don’t forget you were born in the Jiang family!” Old Jiang Madame was so agitated, her words were bitingly caustic. “What you eat, what you use, all of it is from the Jiang family! What justification do you have for complaining against the Jiang family? Your mother died early; if not for the Jiang family, would you have lived till now?”

Cai Que looked at Jiang Ruan with some unease, but Bai Zhi and Lian Qiao reacted to this speech with anger. Jiang Ruan stood up and looked down on Old Jiang Madame condescendingly. This formerly all-powerful mistress of Jiang fu had aged considerably, and the distorted expression on her face, together with her sagging skin, made her look somewhat comical.

The Jiang family members all seemed to have been born with a propensity for selfish and cold behaviour, and naturally believed that all human beings should be of use to them. Old Jiang Madame was no exception.

Jiang Ruan smiled faintly and said, in a voice so cold it could penetrate even to bone marrow, “Perhaps I should ask, if not for the Jiang family, how did my mother die?”

Old Jiang Madame was astounded, and panic flashed in her eyes. “What did you say?”

“Perhaps Zumu also knows, isn’t that right?” Jiang Ruan said dispassionately.

“What nonsense are you blabbering? Get out, I don’t want to see you! Get out!” Suddenly stirred to action, Old Jiang Madame exerted all her strength to throw her jade pillow[3] on the ground, where it smashed into fine, sparkling particles.

古人为何偏爱硬质的玉枕、瓷枕,他们睡着不累吗? – 快资讯

[3] 玉枕 (yu zhen) – yes, really, a pillow made of jade. Jade and porcelain pillows were used by the wealthy in ancient China. The pillow would have a slight depression in the middle corresponding to an important acupuncture point, and it was said that jade/ porcelain pillows would promote sleep, reduce anxiety, and improve eyesight. In addition, sleeping on such pillows in the summer heat would be cooling. More here.

Jiang Ruan laughed softly, a peculiar expression in her eyes. “As expected.” Old Jiang Madame took in her shining, lustrous eyes and smiling expression and, feeling as if she had been transported to a cold and gloomy cellar, could not help shivering all over.

“What is Zumu afraid of?” Jiang Ruan asked. “I will not treat the Jiang family the same way the Jiang family treated my mother.” They would not get off so lightly. One day, they would feel a hundred times over the suffering they had inflicted on her.

Old Jiang Madame stared at Jiang Ruan with eyes like saucers. Without warning, her body stiffened, and a thread of blood trickled slowly from the corner of her mouth. Alarmed, Cai Que patted her lightly while calling out, “Old Madame, what’s wrong?”

Jiang Ruan paused and observed that Old Jiang Madame was gradually weakening. A deathly pallor appeared on her face, her lips turned bluish black, and the blood that was trickling out was clearly black in colour. Cai Que frantically held her finger underneath Old Jiang Madame’s nostrils. In a trice, her face blanched, and she yelled, “Murder! Murder!”

“What’s happening?” Du Juan, who had been busy within, pushed aside the curtain and walked in. With one glance, she was stupefied at the scene before her. Cai Que, intentionally adding to the chaos, continued to yell, “Eldest Miss has killed Old Madame! Come quick! Help!”

Bai Zhi and Lian Qiao’s expressions changed, and they said simultaneously, “What nonsense are you spewing? Miss is just standing there, what has this to do with our Miss? This is malicious slander!”

“Heavens! Eldest Miss, you’ve gone so far as to plot to murder Old Madame?” A familiar voice came from the doorway, with a faintly harsh tone, reminiscent of former days. Upon careful listening, one could make out a hint of delight. It was Second Yiniang.

Jiang Ruan narrowed her eyes, smiled frostily, and trained her gaze on Cai Que, who was holding up Old Jiang Madame. “Cai Que, did you really see me committing murder?”

Pinned down by Jiang Ruan’s eyes, Cai Que felt some apprehension, but nevertheless, quickly replied, “There were only Eldest Miss and Old Madame in the room, Eldest Miss and Old Madame were very close to each other, and Old Madame was quarrelling with Eldest Miss . . .”

“Oh, heavens!” Second Yiniang cried out dramatically. “Even if you had a disagreement with Old Madame, you should not have killed Old Madame! Such reprehensible, unfilial behaviour! Oh, heavens!”

“Second Yiniang, kindly conduct yourself with dignity,” Lian Qiao huffed out. “Do you know it is an offence to slander Junzhu, a royal family member?”

Second Yiniang paused momentarily before continuing loudly, “What? So a Junzhu can kill people as and when she likes? Then you might as well kill this concubine too in order to ensure silence! Oh, is there no law under the heavens?”

Her voice was very loud, and many of the fu’s people, alarmed by the noise, had flocked to the scene. Jiang Su Su and Jiang Dan hurried there as well, with Hong Ying being helped along some distance behind, holding her large belly. Along the way, a maidservant was probably filling her in on the situation. When she saw Jiang Ruan, she sized her up with eyes that reflected complicated thoughts and emotions.

Jiang Su Su was looking on with no small sense of schadenfreude, but Jiang Dan gulped and said, in a panic, “Zumu, what’s the matter with Zumu?”

“What does Fourth Sister not understand?” Jiang Ruan said coolly, “Zumu has been murdered, and it seems that she has died without finding resolution[4].”

[4] 瞑目 (míngmù) – to close one’s eyes / (fig.) to be contented at the time of one’s death. Dying without closing one’s eyes would signify having unresolved grievances.

Jiang Dan’s expression flickered minutely, and she looked at Jiang Ruan in great distress to say, “Da Jiejie, why did you murder Zumu? Zumu loved you so much, she even specially invited you to sit with her today, how could you harm her in this way?”

“Fourth Sister, do take care. A loose tongue causes a lot of trouble,” Jiang Ruan reminded her. “Does this junzhu’s words not match up to the words of a coarse maidservant? From beginning to end, only Cai Que claims that this junzhu harmed Zumu, Fourth Sister is this junzhu’s shu meimei, but you don’t believe your own sister, and would rather put your trust in the words of a maidservant? Isn’t this too cold for a sisterly relationship?”

Jiang Dan was dumbstruck and could make no adequate rejoinder. Just then, a cold, male voice interposed itself. “This official is here to take charge according to the law. Officers, come and take hold of the Jiang family’s eldest daughter who has murdered her own grandmother, Old Jiang Madame!”

There was really a squad of officers. With a faint half-smile hovering on her lips, Jiang Ruan inspected the senior officer taking charge, and said softly, “This junzhu clearly did not realise that the patrol guards could be so swift in action, it’s as if . . .you knew beforehand that a mishap would befall Zumu.”

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