Aeric’s eyes were narrowed and silent as he watched all of them step out of the courtroom. Soon, the place was completely free of those olden and their Messenger lackies.
The grand chamber fell unusually quiet, and the thick tapestries did very little to muffle the heavy silence that hung between Aeric and his mother.
Mother Guinevere stood up, mind throbbing and tired. Rather than have the knightguard by her side do it, she walked to the table by the window and poured herself some wine from the large bottle.
She gulped it down quickly and without sips, then took another, before stepping away.
Aeric watched her as she made her way back to the center of the courtroom and stood near the hearth, her elegant gown shimmering in the firelight, her posture regal as always, but her expression betrayed unease.
The Prince himself was sat on the armrest of a high-backed chair, one leg dangling while the other rested against the floor.
His arms were crossed, his gaze still fixed on his worried mother even though at times they moved to the flickering flames placed in special candleholders.
For a long moment, neither of them spoke.
Ilyon who stood beside Aeric and Jontel who stood beside Guinevere kept sharing glances, knowing that the tension was too thick between both parties.
Finally, Guinevere broke the silence. “You’re still thinking about what they said.”
Aeric exhaled sharply through his nose, his lips pressing into a thin line. “You could say that.”
He lifted his gaze to his mother, jaw resting on his palm. “Why didn’t you tell me about this? That something like this could happen?”
Mother Guinevere chuckled tiredly. “How was I supposed to know that my son would be the Awakened with the highest Affinity ever recorded in our history.”
She looked at Aeric and smiled at him lovingly. “I mean, I always knew you were special. I always said it. But even I didn’t expect this.”
Aeric gave her a shy smile, then sighed, his thoughts wandering off once again. “So this Divine City? That’s where I’m destined to go?”
Guinevere’s expression dulled down as her eyes searched his face. “I’ve been to that place. The Divine City is not what you imagine, Aeric. It’s a place of unparalleled power and knowledge, yes, but also of unrelenting expectations. The Disciples’ interest in you is not entirely selfless.”
Aeric raised an eyebrow, looking at his mother like he was questioning why she couldn’t tell that he already knew that. “I figured that out, right away, Mother. But this ‘interest?’ It felt more like a demand if I was asked.”
The Queen sighed, standing from her chair and walking all the way from the head of the table to sit in a chair beside him.
When they were close enough, she placed her hand on his affectionately. “The Disciples serve God Eros, but they are not without their own ambitions. They see you as a symbol, a tool to strengthen their position in the eyes of the Divine. Your Affinity makes you invaluable to them.”
Aeric frowned, his mind turning over her words. The one thing he didn’t want was to be the item of focus, as that would bring a serious halt to his plans of taking over. The thought of it in fact made his skin crawl.
But hearing his mother bring up his name, Aeric was certain that he had a hand in this.
He looked at Guinevere, sharpening his gaze. “You’ve never really trusted my father, have you?” he asked her.
Mother Guinevere smiled again, lowering her head. “Your father and I have our differences. He wasn’t particularly joyous when I birthed you, and I know him to be a very… selfish man. That is all.”
She looked at him deeply, showing that she was worried that she might have been giving Aeric the wrong idea all this while. “Do not think that I despise him or anything like that. I just know that he acts mainly on his own self interest, and that I can not trust.”
Aeric pouted as he looked away to think. “Everyone praises him though. They always told me that Eros is the all-knowing, all-seeing ruler of the Divine. But he allowed me to suffer and be hated for eighteen years before accepting me as his son. Now he sends his Disciples to bring to the Divine City? Pulling me into their fold?”
Guinevere hesitated, her hands clasping tightly in her lap. “Eros works in ways even I cannot fully understand, Aeric. But…” She trailed off, as if reluctant to say what was on her mind.
Aeric didn’t let her silence stop him. “But this feels too convenient. Eros has never been a father to me, not in the way you’ve been a mother. You said you don’t trust him, so I’m sure that you do not trust this. Whatever this is.”
“I can not oppose it, Aeric. I can be against it as I do not want it to happen, but I can not stop it from happening. Through time the most powerful of Players have also been summoned to the Divine City, and you are to be more powerful than both of them.”
“Both of them?” Aeric’s eyes widened. “Who are they— no, no.” He shook his head. “I must focus on one thing. And that’s Father. Don’t you see, Mother. He’s scared and he’s trying to separate us.”
Guinevere’s eyes looked at her son with a confused expression and reclined. “What? What— what do you mean, Aeric? Why would he want to do that?”
“Ehhh—” The words hung in his throat, leaving him frustrated. It was a good thing the words didn’t come out, cause Aeric was certainly unsure of how he would explain it.
‘It’s because of this morning, isn’t it? Mom and I kissed. And even though it was by accident, he didn’t like it, especially since he and I had just finished talking in the Soul River. All of this is a desperate move that appears well planned because my high Affinity gave him the perfect excuse!’
Aeric’s mind felt like it was about to explode. ‘He wants me to leave mom. He’s trying to keep us as far away from each other as possible. And what even makes this worse is that… if I go to the Divine City, I’m basically his slave! I’d live according to his rules, and serve a damned higher cause that benefits him!’
Aeric was beginning to feel inferior. It was dawning on him that Eros was undebatably the god of Erothyria, and he could simply move chess pieces on a board and completely change the trajectory of his life.
When he saw his mother still staring at him worriedly, he realized he hadn’t answered her question. He let out a deep breath, scratching the back of his head.
“I’m sorry, Mother. It’s just that I don’t trust him, or any of them. And I really don’t want to be separated from you, or my sisters. Even though we don’t get along.”
Guinevere’s face softened with a mother’s empathy. “I understand your doubts, Aeric. Eros has always been… distant. But that does not mean his intentions are malicious. But… we have time to think about this.”
A sigh left Aeric alongside a stroke of realization. “You’re absolutely right, Mother. I do not have to think about this now. Neither do I wish to. I have many things on my plate and I would rather get them done first. The Divine City can wait.”
He stood up, leaned into his mom and made sure to carefully peck her on the forehead, before turning around and leaving.
The tension in the room was palpable, and Guinevere watched as her son walked away to the staircase.
In the front door, there were footsteps, firm yet hesitant, the sound of a knightguard hurriedly walking to the courtroom in confusion.
“Can I get your audience, sir?” the knightguard said to Ilyon, knowing it was best not to disturb Mother Guinevere.
The queen mindlessly watched as Ilyon walked to the knightguard. He leaned over and listened to what the guard whispered into his ear. His eyes widened in confused surprise.
He hurriedly followed the knightguard to the door and once he affirmed what the man was saying, he walked back to the courtroom, face showing shock.
Aeric frowned as he saw Ilyon walking towards him just as he was about to reach the staircase.
“Ilyon,” Aeric said, noticing the courier’s odd expression. “What is it?”
Ilyon shifted nervously, his usual composure replaced by something Aeric couldn’t quite place. “Your Highness,” he said, his voice low. “There’s someone here to see you. She… insisted.”
Aeric’s frown deepened. “Who?”
Ilyon hesitated, glancing over his shoulder. “I think it’s best if you saw for yourself.”
Letting out a sigh, Aeric followed Ilyon to the door, which was then opened to reveal the person who had come looking for him.
Aeric’s face dropped to a shocked frown.
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