Chapter 2848 Omnilumina
“Rrgghh…!” the Demon’s expression grew severe with pain as Bodhisattva Maitreyi burned with him with an extraordinarily intense light. A surge of death and darkness erupted from within him, converging upon her as an extraordinary lethal deterrent.
One that would have forced her to redirect her efforts.
And yet—
Rui’s tone was chilling.
Even as he gently held Amare in his hands with love and warmth, his expression was ravaged with hatred and rage.
He breathed life into the very world around him with the building blocks of metabolism and sentience.
Life that was too irresistible for the Gu.
A focused, targeted attack that was meant to converge upon Bodhisattva Maitreyi instead diverged unto the world, spreading death upon the artificial life that Rui had created to redirect it.
Once more, the Demon was rendered toothless.
“Rghhh…!” he gritted his teeth as the burn wounds that Bodhisattva Maitreyi inflicted upon him grew deeper and deeper.
The two fought across heaven and earth with a ferocious struggle as light and darkness embroiled in battle. Bodhisattva Maitreyi’s warring efforts grew more driven than they ever had before. She had begun the fight to avenge the death of her granddaughter, but grew even more driven when she realized that she had returned to life by the grace of the Dawnbringer. Never before had she exerted such an astronomical amount of power to take down her opponent in her entire life.
“Light is the foundation of materia.”
A fiercely intense beam of light coursed through the very fabric of space and time as it struck its opponent true and straight.
A devastatingly colossal collision ravaged the Demon.
A profoundly deep gash emerged on his torso as he began bleeding black blood profusely. His pristine pitch-black Martial attire was torn to shreds as Bodhisattva Maitreyi blasted him with endless beams of light, one after another.
Each time he mobilized his poison to do anything, he simply couldn’t. He was not allowed to. “Genesis.”
Rui spread life across the entirety of the world around them.
Heaven and earth and had become a canvas.
He created self-replenishing chemical reactions derived from Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon, as well as other abundant elements, using their chemical properties to create the fundamental building blocks.
Once he created these building blocks, there was theoretically no limit to how much life he could create from the very fabric of heaven and earth.
He could bring life to all of Gaia, should he truly want that. RUMBLE!!!!!
The Gu poison consumed heaven and earth, poisoning the life that Rui created instead of himself or Bodhisattva Maitreyi. It gleefully ravaged the artificial metabolism that Rui had created for it to target while it left smaller lifeforms like them aside.
It rendered the Demon entirely defenseless.
It was not an exaggeration to say that the entirety of his Martial Body, Art, Mind, and all his entire combat style revolved around the efficacy of the Gu poison.
Rui didn’t need to physically hit him in order to bring him close to death.
He just needed to choke the very foundation of his life.
The poison that he had dedicated his entire life to.
Heaven and earth bloomed with life galore as the Gu poison surged towards it once more.
The world had absorbed so much Gu poison that the very color of heaven and earth had begun changing.
They grew black.
Pitch black.
Void black.
The lands, the soil, the mud, and the very bedrock. It became pitch black.
The air grew darker and darker, infested with a poison that exerted its potency to ‘kill’ it. The world around them grew darker and darker as Rui directed more and more of the Gu poison towards it.
He breathed life into it, only for the poison to consume it.
“Rrgghh…!” his expression grew menacingly ferocious.
And yet, there was no reprieve.
The Gu was at the very center of his offense and defense.
Without it, he had nothing.
An extremely dangerous point of failure.
However, how many Sages could spontaneously create a technique that allowed them to breathe life into the world?
Only one.
Only one Martial Sage could accomplish such extraordinary tasks.
The same Martial Sage who over Death.
The battle collapsed fast.
A once night-even battle between the two most powerful Martial Sages in the world had been reduced to a dominant one-sided beatdown.
“All of heaven and earth…” A faint whisper escaped Bodhisattva Maitreyi, “is light.”
With a single step, she became a fiercely powerful beam of light.
That was all.
All of heaven and earth melted.
They melted into light.
Light that converged upon a single point.
A single target.
Bodhisattva Maitreyi’s most powerful grade-ten Sage-level attack was a domain of space and time that converted all matter into light within a certain radius, converging all of it into a single target.
An attack that was far greater than anything that Rui had ever beheld in his entire life.
“ARRGHHHHGHGRRG!!!!!” the Demon’s howl was one of wrath and pain.
His death throes spread across the entire world.
Every corner.
The sum totality of all life heard him dying.
He unleashed every single iota of Gu within his body, towards Maitreyi.
And yet…
It never reached.
Rui gracefully redirected the Gu to heaven and earth with a breath of life, adaptively evolving to the most lethal force of death on the continent effortlessly.
Every cell in the Demon’s body.
Every molecule.
Every atom.
The very foundation of his entire being.
It was erased.
Rui watched with a chilling gaze as Bodhisattva Maitreyi erased his very existence from the very fabric of the world, never once letting Amare go.
The entirety of the continent shook under the extraordinary surge of power that vastly exceeded almost any other energy signature ever detected in the entire world. By the time her attack finally concluded, a vast portion of West Panama had been rewritten by the sheer power of her attack. –
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