Chapter 232: Exploration -9

Tak! Tak!

Bai Lung strode confidently down the path, his footsteps echoing through the eerie silence of the chamber.

Even if he tried to walk as quietly as possible he couldn’t.


He couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of facing this trial.

After all, he was one of the most skilled martial artists based on his opinion.

what could a simple test of strength and skill possibly throw at him that he couldn’t handle?

As he rounded a corner, the path suddenly split into several branching corridors. Bai Lung paused, surveying the options before him.

There was too many split parks here…

“Heh, so the guardian wants to play a little game with me?” he murmured to himself, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

“Very well, I’ll play along for now.” he speaks coldly.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Bai Lung chose the rightmost corridor and continued on his way, his mind already working to anticipate whatever challenges might lie ahead.

Some more void creature?

He knew the guardian had warned him not to underestimate the trial, but Bai Lung couldn’t shake the feeling that he was more than capable of handling whatever was thrown his way.

As he navigated the winding passageways, Bai Lung couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of unease.

The air seemed to grow colder, the shadows deeper, and the path increasingly treacherous.

It felt quite bad…

Still, he pressed on, his confidence remained unwavering.

Suddenly, the corridor opened up into a vast, cavernous chamber.

Bai Lung’s eyes narrowed as he surveyed his surroundings, searching for any sign of the next challenge or real.

But the chamber appeared empty, save for a single, ornate pedestal standing in the center.

Intrigued, Bai Lung approached the pedestal, his curiosity piqued.

Bai Lung’s eyes narrowed as he closed the distance with ornate pedestal in the center of the cavernous chamber.

As he got closer, he noticed a small, glowing object resting atop it. Reaching out, he grasped the item, only to feel a sudden jolt of energy coursing through his body.

“What the…?” he gasped, his fingers tightening around the object as he struggled to maintain his footing.

Suddenly, the chamber walls began to shift and tremble, the very floor beneath his feet seeming to melt and reform.

Bai Lung’s eyes went wide as he realized he had triggered some sort of trap.

“A test of skill… huh?” he muttered, his expression hardening with determination.

“Alright, guardian, let’s see what you’ve got!” Bai Kung remained unfazed.

Bai Lung quickly slipped the glowing object into his robes and assumed a defensive stance, his senses heightened as he waited for the next challenge to reveal itself.

He was ready to fight.

He knew the guardian had warned him not to underestimate this trial, and he had no intention of doing so.

This was his chance to prove his worth, and he wasn’t about to let a few tricks and traps stop him.

Not to mention, he still has trails waiting for him in the tower.

As the chamber continued to morph and shift around him, Bai Lung’s mind raced, trying to anticipate the guardian’s next move.

As Bai Lung braced himself, his muscles tensing as he waited for the next challenge to present itself.

Bai Lung’s heart raced as the chamber continued to shift.

Suddenly, a low rumbling sound echoed through the chamber, and the ground began to tremble beneath his feet.

“Aha, so the guardian wishes to test my agility, does he?” Bai Lung murmured, a confident smirk spreading across his face.

Without hesitation, he sprang into action, leaping and twisting through the air as the floor crumbled and collapsed around him.

His movements were fluid and graceful, like a deadly dance, as he navigated the treacherous terrain.

As Bai Lung landed lightly on a newly formed platform, he caught a glimpse of a faint shimmer in the air – a subtle distortion that hinted at the presence of some unseen obstacle.

His eyes narrowed, and he reached into his robes, retrieving the glowing object he had taken from the pedestal.

“Let’s see what secrets does this thing holds,” he whispered, holding the object up to the light.

In an instant, the chamber was filled with a blinding flash, and Bai Lung felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

The air around him seemed to shimmer and warp, and he realized that the object had revealed the true nature of the challenge… It was an intricate series of illusions and traps designed to test his senses and reflexes.

Bai Lung’s eyes gleamed with red light as he gazed at the glowing object in his hand.

“So, it wants to test my senses….?” he murmured, a smirk playing on his lips. “Very well, I accept your challenge.”

Bai Lung grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Alright, seems easy enough,”

Reaching into his space ring, Bai Lung retrieved the exquisite scroll… the same Profound Empty Scroll, a relic passed down through his family for generations.

( scholar’s family )

Unrolling the scroll, Bai Lung’s fingers danced across the delicate parchment, invoking ancient incantations.

The air around him shimmered and distorted, and suddenly, the illusory traps that had previously been invisible became as clear as day.

After his ‘sea of tome’ was awakened, since then, he has learned how to use this scroll.

It was a scroll capable of capable of enhancing runes and arrays. Not to mention, thanks to this scroll, even without profound qi, He could use Array and profound runes.

” Tch! That guardian was clever but not clever enough,” Bai Lung chuckled, nimbly dodging and weaving through the maze of shifting platforms and energy barriers.

As he navigated the treacherous terrain, Bai Lung’s mind ran like a Usain bolt.

He knew that the guardian had not simply set this trial to test his physical abilities – there was something more at play.

The glowing object he had retrieved, the intricate illusions… they all pointed to a deeper mystery.

Bai Lung’s grip tightened on the Profound Scroll as he pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets that seemed to be hidden here.

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