The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 518: Traces of a Great Civilization

Chapter 518: Traces of a Great Civilization

Lily couldn't help but notice these subtle thoughts, but she had no intention of harming these people.

"What's your name?" Lily asked the man.

The man's heart leaped with joy because he knew this question meant they were safe for now.

"I'm called Qiao Tie," the man replied.

"From now on, you'll be in charge of these people. You'll continue mining every day, and we will provide you with three meals at regular intervals. But if anyone slacks off..."

Before Lily could finish her sentence, the man interrupted with a stern tone, "If anyone slacks off, I will present their severed hand to you, Madam!"

Lily nodded slightly. She was not an ordinary person herself, and her nature did not fit the definition of a good person. If it weren't for Su Chen's presence, she might have become a formidable boss.

Initially, these people were somewhat worried about their future, but when they ate their first meal, they were almost moved to tears.

Because they had actually tasted meat!


While their previous meals were decent, they couldn't compare to meat. It was a luxury only nobles could enjoy. In the past, they would brag about it for days if they caught a whiff of the aroma.

Now, every one of them had meat to eat at every meal. Where could they find such treatment?

Lily probably didn't anticipate that a simple inclusion of meat in their diet would motivate these people to work tirelessly. Not a single person slacked off, and their efficiency improved significantly.

They weren't manually mining here; they operated some simple mechanical mining equipment, including a large number of robots.

Lily restricted their movement and, in another location, deployed the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle). After constructing a power plant, ore refinery, Slave Miner, and war factory, she started mass-producing Hyperspace mining vehicles. These mining vehicles could teleport back at any time, making them highly efficient.

While the others were busy working, Qiao Tie sought out a Red Alert soldier to request an audience with Lily.

Lily agreed, curious to know what this person wanted. If he had any ill intentions, Lily wouldn't hesitate to deal with him.

"What brings you here?" Lily sat in the office that had originally belonged to the head of the mining camp, while Qiao Tie stood nervously.

Qiao Tie couldn't help but feel nervous, considering he was facing a City Lord-level Expert, and he only had the strength of a Fourth Tier. Even so, his strength was the highest among all the miners.

"Madam, I have a highly confidential matter to report to you. Less than three people know about this."

"Oh, go on," Lily said with interest.

"Madam, just a few months ago, my team and I were controlling robots in a certain part of the mine when we excavated something. Later, we even uncovered a tunnel, and I suspect there may be treasure inside."

With that, Qiao Tie retrieved an item from his person. It was an ordinary-looking cup, and it was precisely its unremarkable appearance that made it seem peculiar.

How could a cup be found inside a mine? After all, this was a satellite, and ordinary life forms couldn't survive here.

Lily took the cup and carefully examined it. To her surprise, it turned out to be porcelain. While porcelain itself wasn't unusual, many civilizations could produce it, what caught her attention was a symbol she found on it – a miniature version of the Earth's emblem.

Lily immediately sensed that something was amiss. However, she didn't contact Su Chen; as Super Soldiers, they only bothered the Commander when the situation couldn't be resolved. If they turned to the Commander for every little thing, what would be the purpose of their existence?

"Have you entered the tunnel inside?" Lily asked, placing the cup down.

"I haven't personally gone inside. At that time, I was controlling the robots, and something strange happened. It seemed like there was nothing in the tunnel, but when I controlled the robots to walk inside, they walked and walked, yet they ended up coming out! No matter how many times I tried, it was always the same. I was scared, so I used rocks to cover the entrance and made a pact with my companions not to tell anyone else."

"Why did you decide to tell me now?"

"I feel that there's something unusual about that thing, and with Madam's abilities, you might be able to unravel the mystery inside. I'm just a miner; I hope my workplace remains safe." Qiao Tie said earnestly.

Lily's lips curled slightly. This man was quite clever, which explained why he had become the leader of these people. However, according to the Commander's theory, certain people shouldn't become too self-assured; when they became overconfident, they would lose sight of who they were dealing with.

"All right, I've heard you. You can go now."

After Qiao Tie left the room, his expression changed dramatically.

He had thought, "I've said all this, and she hasn't taken the bait yet? She must be planning to go there secretly. As soon as she solves the mystery of that tunnel, I'll be able to enter and obtain the treasure left behind by that great civilization!" Qiao Tie's eyes gleamed with excitement.

Even though he only knew a tiny bit of information, he understood that this civilization was far more advanced than Yan Yun Star. However, he hadn't dreamed that there could be someone in this world with Psychic sensing abilities. Every word he had thought had been heard by Lily.

"Hehe, quite a daring person. But sometimes, so-called courage is just a joke."

Before long, Lily appointed a New Human as the leader of these miners. As for Qiao Tie's whereabouts, no one knew.

Based on the information she had obtained from Qiao Tie, Lily made her way to the location of the mine. There were some rocks blocking the path ahead. She activated her psychic abilities, causing the rocks to shatter and fly away, revealing an unremarkable tunnel.

The only peculiar thing was that while there were some ores hanging around where Lily stood, there was not a single ore inside the tunnel ahead.

"This doesn't seem right; this location isn't on the 3D map!" Upon seeing the tunnel, Lily recalled the 3D map she had previously scanned. Strangely, this tunnel didn't appear on the map.

Lily didn't rush in but, like Qiao Tie, controlled a robot to enter the tunnel. She observed the video feed from the robot while waiting. (To be continued.)

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