The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 493: Ghost Emperor’s Intelligence

Chapter 493: Ghost Emperor's Intelligence

"If it were up to me, I'd definitely kick Marshal out and take charge myself!"

These were the thoughts of some human powerhouses.

Unfortunately, they could only think about it. Ninth-level Peak was a realm they might never reach in their lifetimes—the threshold for the Ninth Order was just too high.

Wang Chun pondered for a moment and said, "Marshal, this large-scale Ghost Clan attack may not be as straightforward as it seems."

"Oh? What do you mean?" Marshal asked with great interest.

Wang Chun waved his hand, conjuring a virtual image of Yan Yun Star in front of them. With another gesture, he displayed the territorial boundaries between humans and the Ghost Clan. Human territories were marked in white, while the Ghost Clan's were in black. A significant portion of the white territories was surrounded by black, which was a precarious situation.

"Marshal, take a look. Currently, the land we humans possess has been reduced to this extent. Given the Ghost Clan's strength, they could easily wipe us out in one go. But why haven't they done so in this period?" Wang Chun explained.

Marshal furrowed his brows; he had thought about this question before. In truth, humans were barely holding on, and if the Ghost Clan had been more ruthless, sending all their forces, humans wouldn't have survived until now.

"The Staff Department has made some speculations. It could be internal discord within the Ghost Clan, or there might be some hidden circumstances within the Ghost Clan that have prevented them from taking that step."

Wang Chun chuckled softly, "Marshal, your Staff Department is quite competent. Indeed, the Ghost Clan is not entirely united internally, but when it comes to dealing with humans, they present a unified front. The only reason they haven't taken that step is..."

"Is what?" Someone couldn't help but ask. "Ghost Emperor!"


Hearing these two words, the human powerhouses involuntarily sucked in a breath of cold air. Ghost Emperor was consistently portrayed as a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse to the outside world. If such a figure were to appear, humanity would be truly doomed.

Yet, Ghost Emperor had never shown himself, giving them a glimmer of hope.

"Chief Guard, do you know anything about this?" Only Marshal seemed to pick up on the implication in Wang Chun's words.

After all, the information about Ghost Emperor had mostly come from unofficial sources, and its accuracy was yet to be confirmed.

The other human powerhouses' eyes brightened; when it came to Ghost Emperor, no one was indifferent.

"I do know a little, but this information doesn't come for free," Wang Chun said calmly.

His words didn't sit well with someone, "Chief Guard, you are now the second-in-command of the human alliance. Is it appropriate for you to demand compensation for sharing information?"

Marshal's face darkened instantly. He remembered what Chief Guard had told him earlier: he was now a member of an organization called Red Alert Base, and he wasn't acting independently anymore. His decision to join the human alliance this time was primarily because of his face.

However, these were Wang Chun's words, and Marshal hadn't fully believed them initially. But now, he was starting to realize that Wang Chun might not be lying.

Wang Chun remained silent, merely casting a faint glance at the person who had raised the objection. It was just a single glance, but it made the person break out in a cold sweat, as if he were facing imminent death.

If it weren't for Wang Chun closing his eyes, the person might have wet himself right then and there.

Ninth-level powerhouse, the terror was unimaginable!

"This is vital intelligence about Ghost Emperor. With your current intelligence system, it would be impossible to obtain it even with a lot of time and resources. I'm just recovering some costs. Is that unreasonable? Or should any of you be willing to provide all your information for free?" Wang Chun's words silenced everyone.

As high-ranking humans, they all had their own intelligence systems, and every piece of information shared could earn them rewards. There was no such thing as providing information for free.

Seeing that no one spoke up, Marshal cleared his throat, "Chief Guard, we will assess the level of your information and reward you according to the human alliance's system. Is that acceptable?"

Wang Chun nodded; he had always intended to share the information, but certain things had to be in place. He wasn't a philanthropist.

"With this attack, I suspect that it is primarily for Ghost Emperor. His Ghost Patterns have been damaged, and he needs large quantities of human blood to recover. War is the best way to obtain human blood."

Hearing this, the human powerhouses blinked in surprise.

"Ghost Patterns damaged and needing human blood for recovery? Why have I never heard of this before?" one human powerhouse questioned.

"Yeah, I've never heard of this information either. Can Ghost Clan's Ghost Patterns even be damaged?" another inquired.

Marshal didn't deny the information outright. He seemed to have recalled something and said, "I once battled a Ghost Clan powerhouse, and it took me a long time to recover afterward. When I encountered him for the second time, I noticed that his strength had indeed declined significantly. Could that have been because of damaged Ghost Patterns?"

"It seems that Marshal has encountered this before. Indeed, Ghost Clan's Ghost Patterns are hard to repair once damaged. Only human blood can restore them, but the process is slow. Typically, only powerful Ghost Clan members have the chance to damage their Ghost Patterns."

"What about Ghost Emperor? We've never heard of Ghost Emperor being injured."

"Does this count as the second piece of information?" Wang Chun looked at Marshal.

Once Marshal nodded, he continued, "Only a very few Ghost Clan members are aware of Ghost Emperor's injury. I happened to learn about it accidentally. He once engaged in a major battle with another Ghost Clan member due to ideological differences, and both came close to mutual destruction. It was only after that battle that Ghost Emperor discovered his Ghost Patterns were damaged. He has been using human blood to recover ever since."

These words were, of course, false. Ghost Emperor had been injured, but not his Ghost Patterns; it was his body!

Wang Chun was quite confident in his initial strength. He had almost died himself, and Ghost Emperor couldn't have fared much better.

If he hadn't stumbled upon a rapid recovery method, his situation might be similar to Ghost Emperor's now.

The intelligence about Ghost Emperor greatly shook the human high-ranking members. They felt fortunate that internal discord existed within the Ghost Clan; otherwise, humanity might not have survived until now.

"Chief Guard's two pieces of information are crucial. Finally, we understand the purpose behind the Ghost Clan's large-scale attack. In that case..." Marshal's body trembled, and a surge of overwhelming aura burst forth. His voice was like thunder, "This time, we'll give the Ghost Clan a big welcome!"

"Marshal, do you mean...?"

"It seems you've forgotten that we also possess Weapons capable of annihilating a City on Yan Yun Star." Marshal revealed a radiant smile.

Upon hearing Marshal's words, the human powerhouses were shaken to their core. After prolonged battles, they had almost forgotten about their formidable trump card.

(To be continued...)

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