The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 32 Building A Secret Base - [2]

With renewed confidence, I raise both hands holding three buckets of water and three buckets of lava. The pulsating energy of my determination fills the air as I affirm to myself that if I managed to put magma in an iron bucket, I can recreate water and lava infinitely, just as I did in the game that marked my past life.

Approaching the strategically created holes, I begin by pouring the three buckets of lava into three separate blocks on the ground. The lava flows, forming small pools of intense heat. Then, firmly gripping my iron pickaxe, I strike the stone block in the center, triggering an expected reaction.

The liquid magma from the lava pools merges, creating a single majestic magma source. I am momentarily paralyzed, awestruck by the power I now possess before me. The magma source remains still, immutable, as if time has been frozen around it. It is infinite.

With the excitement of discovery still pulsing in my veins, I tightly hold three buckets of water. I feel a mixture of anticipation and confidence as I prepare to accomplish another seemingly impossible feat: create infinite water.

Approaching another hole I made earlier, I position myself carefully and pour the three buckets of water into three distinct points on the ground. The water flows, forming small shimmering puddles reflecting the light from the torches around.

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Knowing what to do next, I reach out and firmly grasp my iron pickaxe. With a precise motion, I strike one of the dirt blocks surrounding the water puddles. The earth dissolves, revealing a fascinating reaction.

The three water puddles start to merge, flowing and uniting into a single liquid source.

Quickly, I take an empty bucket from my inventory and dip it into the water source. The bucket instantly fills, with no sign of the water diminishing. I repeat the process with the other two buckets, witnessing the magic of infinite water manifest before my eyes.

With this, I can start my farm of infinite magma golems.

With a determined and expectant gaze, I watch as the stone blocks come together and transform into a robust body. Skillfully, I fit two more blocks on the sides, giving shape to the creature's muscular arms. Then, I place a watermelon on top, replacing where the head should be.

An electric sensation fills the air, and the environment around me trembles with intense energy. The once static magma source begins to be drawn into the blocks, as if it has a life of its own. The monster begins to take shape before my eyes, as the incandescent magma flows through its limbs and shapes its structure.

With the creation complete, before me stands a powerful and imposing magma golem. Its skin shines intensely with the heat of the lava, and its eyes seem incandescent with an inner flame. It is an imposing creature, ready to follow my orders and serve as a powerful tool in my quest for world domination.

As I observe the magma golem before me, my mind fills with ideas and strategies. I envision a horde of golems of different elements, each with unique abilities and devastating powers. The thought of controlling such an army, capable of annihilating any opposition, brings a satisfied smile to my lips.

However, the question of the soul still persists in my mind. Is it possible to give life to these creatures, to make them evolve and become even more powerful? I need to find answers to this enigma, but now is not the time. There is much work to be done, and building my empire is my priority.

With the magma golem in motion, obediently following my orders, I make my way to the adjacent room, called the "Plantation." This is where I intend to cultivate and harvest watermelons on a large scale, utilizing the available resources.

I carefully observe the empty space in front of me, visualizing the ideal layout for the plantation. I decide to cover the entire ground with fertile soil blocks, ensuring a conducive environment for the healthy growth of plants. With the system's ability, I manipulate stone, shaping small pipes and cylinders that will serve as water conduits.

My gaze falls on the wall opposite the plantation, where the infinite water source I created earlier is located. A satisfied smile spreads across my lips as I have an innovative idea. Why not directly connect the water source to the plantation? This would save me the daily time and effort of manually watering the plants.

Determined to put my plan into action, I raise my hand and skillfully shape the stone pipes, strategically connecting them. I prepare to break the wall of the plantation, creating an opening through which water will flow freely, constantly irrigating the watermelons. With a quick and precise strike, the wall crumbles, revealing the pathway for connecting the stone pipes.

Using a piston, I position the end of the pipe at the newly created opening. Water gushes from the infinite source and, through the pipes, flows toward the plantation, nourishing each row of watermelons with the necessary amount of moisture. The sight is spectacular, water running in small streams along the beds, nurturing the plants on their journey.

With the magma golem guarding the entrance to the monster room and the plantation intelligently irrigated, I feel closer and closer to achieving my goals of domination.

Satisfied with the functioning of the automated plantation, I exit the room, leaving behind the gentle sound of running water feeding the watermelons. My next objective is to expand my underground base and further enhance its functionalities. For that, I need more resources, especially redstones, which will be crucial for system automation.

With determination, I pick up my iron pickaxe and venture deeper into the mountain that houses my base. Each strike of the pickaxe echoes through the narrow corridors as I search for valuable redstones. The darkness around me is illuminated only by strategically placed torches on the walls, casting dancing shadows throughout the tunnel.

The environment is damp and cool, a peculiar combination of air that grows heavier with each step into the depths. I feel the earth beneath my feet and the splashes of water falling from the ceiling, creating small puddles along the way. However, none of this distracts me from my main objective.

As I progress, I see the first signs of redstones, small sparkling points amidst the dark rocks. My anticipation grows, and with increasing determination, I strike the stone with my pickaxe, dislodging bright and reddish fragments.


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