With the carefully connected stone tubes and pipes, forming an intricate conduit system for the magma, the time has come to create my golem. With skill and precision, I stack three blocks, representing the golem's body, and position two blocks on the side, symbolizing its arms.

Next, I open my inventory and take out a watermelon. This peculiar and unlikely fruit, intentionally chosen, is the finishing touch to bring the stone golem to life. Carefully, I place the watermelon on top of the golem's head, balancing it perfectly.

As soon as the fruit makes contact with the top of the golem, something magical happens. The magma, which was flowing through the pipes until then, starts to be sucked into the blocks, filling each cavity. The scorching lava flows like a life force, imparting life and power to my stone creation.

As the magma is absorbed by the blocks, a system message appears before me with a cheerful "Ding! Ding!" announcing the success of my creation:

Congratulations, user, you have successfully created a [Stone Golem]!

- [Stone Golem] -

[Health Points]: (5,000/5,000)

[Level]: (15)

A sense of satisfaction washes over me. I proudly observe the Stone Golem, brought to life by the fusion of rock and the elemental power of magma. Its firm and imposing features convey the raw strength contained within.

"With this amount of magma, I can create an army!"

Quickly, an army of Stone Golems emerges at my disposal. I strategically line them up, forming an imposing line of defense. Each one emits a fiery glow, stemming from the magma that gives them life.

As I organize the golems, I attentively observe the lava in the surroundings gradually dwindling. The flow decreases until it completely ceases, leaving behind only the cooled traces of volcanic rock.

Carefully, I start walking on the ground that was once dominated by scorching lava. Each step is calculated, avoiding any cracks or still hot areas. After sufficient cooling, I grasp my iron pickaxe and begin digging into the ground.

As I remove layers of rock, my pickaxe hits a special mineral: Redstone! In a game from my past life, this material was known for its malleability and ability to generate and conduct magical energy. It is exactly what I need to advance with my inventions.

With care, I delve into a process of invention and creation to develop a small magical energy reactor capable of penetrating the magma core of the Stone Golems. The combination of magma power and my new technology promises explosive and controllable results.

Using Redstone, I forge a series of magical devices, consisting of intricate circuits and conduits for magical energy, all skillfully interwoven into a sturdy and durable structure.

"Ding! Ding!"

Congratulations, user, you have successfully created a [Raw Energy Reactor]!

After that, I raise my iron pickaxe, creating a small chamber in the core of the golems, creating a space where the energy reactor can be implanted. With millimeter precision, I insert the device into the cavity, ensuring it is properly connected to the flows of magical energy emanating from the magma.

By connecting the reactor's cables to my gauntlet, I establish a direct link between myself and the golems. This connection grants me absolute control over the golems, allowing me to activate or deactivate their magma cores at will.

With the activation of the reactor, magical energy starts pulsating intensely. The Golems shine with an even brighter glow, while the magma core becomes a controllable and explosive power source.

Through my gauntlet, I can issue precise commands to each individual golem or to the entire army together

. With a subtle movement of my fingers, I can trigger the explosion of a specific golem's magma core, eliminating any approaching threat or causing devastation in a designated area.

The combination of magical science and the technology of the energy reactor gives me a significant strategic advantage. I can control the explosions remotely, adapting them as the situation requires.

Upon realizing the magnitude of my invention, an evil laugh escapes my lips. Sinister laughter fills the cave, reverberating off the walls and echoing into the darkness.

"HAHAHA! Shit! I'm a genius!" The laughter intensifies, echoing with a mix of satisfaction and malice. The feeling of power courses through every fiber of my being, making me feel invincible.

As the sound of my wicked laughter fills the environment, the reactor's energy pulsating in sync with my gauntlet, I realize that I have achieved something truly epic. A sense of superiority takes hold of me, fueling my ego as a super genius.

Now it's time to bring these golems to the surface. I need to scour the Triton village; perhaps I can find another magical crystal that can serve as a power source for my other inventions.

With determination in my eyes, I start digging upward, toward the earth's surface. The iron pickaxe scrapes against the stone, creating sparks and the sound of metal against rock echoing through the cave. Each precise strike of the pickaxe creates a new step in the staircase I'm building.

With each upward thrust, I feel the earth and debris falling around me, forming a trail of loose soil and rocks. The stone golems, faithful to my will, accompany me on this journey, climbing the steps I'm creating.

Sweat drips down my forehead, mixing with the cave's dust. But there's no room for fatigue or surrender. My mind is focused on reaching the surface, on emerging from the underground.

That's how I can go back to the beginning, where I fell but used the water to cushion my fall.

As the Stone Golems ascend the staircase I've created, I closely observe the body of the princess that was previously shattered on the ground. A sense of bewilderment takes hold of me as I notice the wounds that once tore her apart begin to emit a glow, slowly healing and regenerating. My eyes fixate on the mermaid's chest, where a pulsating heart resurfaces.

I furrow my brow, skeptical in the face of this unexpected sight. A torrent of thoughts invades my mind, questioning the reality of what I'm witnessing. How is it possible for her to return to life? I'm certain I witnessed her death, and to confirm that, the system even concluded that the mission was a complete failure.

A mix of perplexity and suspicion settles within me.

I cautiously approach the princess, observing every movement she makes. Her lost and confused gaze reveals a sudden awakening. She slowly opens her eyes as if regaining her strength and consciousness.

"But... how?" I murmur to myself, unable to find a logical explanation for this phenomenon.


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