Chapter 1505 - 1505: Harboring a fugitive I

“You went through so much, just to make me join some anti-HOA coalition? That hardly seems worth it,” said Lex skeptically.

“That may seem like it to you now, based on your current point of view. But hundreds, thousands, even millions of years later, how much impact will your joining have caused? Even if you only do one mission every century, over a long period of time the effect of joining the coalition will become substantial.

“More important than that, it will allow you to meet and work with others working against the HOA, build your reputation, and gain exposure. You see, the purpose behind having you join the coalition is not because the coalition lacks manpower. Rather, it is to allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the HOA so that when your realm rises, and you are ready or wish to make a more sizable attack against them, you will have the knowledge and tools you require.”

“You are thinking really far into the future,” Lex commented.

“Oh, not at all,” Licanderoth said, waving his hand. “This is a war that has been going on for Ages, and it must end within this Age. Since the timeline is already set, then both we and the HOA will be thinking along those lines. Every decision we make balances immediate gains with long-term gains. You have already shown your potential, so there is no reason to invest in your future – just as the HOA will surely attempt to stamp out your future.”

Lex sighed. Of course, the HOA would try to kill him. What’s worse, they were planning on a timeline of billions of years – a frame of time so immense he literally could not conceive it, let alone plan for it.

Already, the fact that he had asked the Planning Division inside the Inn to create a 100 year plan, and a 500 year plan for the development of the Inn was putting a strain on his own planning capabilities as well as his workers. To consider that someone might be plotting his demise in a complex plan that takes thousands of years seems too distant from himself to feel like a real threat.

More importantly, he needed to genuinely consider what to do about this coalition. Joining it would provide numerous benefits, yet it would also concrete his position as an enemy of the HOA. He also had to consider how it would reflect on the Inn, for although he, as Lex Williams, did not necessarily represent the entire Inn, he could not be separated from it either.

“I appreciate the offer, but I’ve already been pushing things. The Inn is supposed to be a neutral organization, and my actions have cast a shade of doubt on that. I cannot continue to put it in an awkward position because of my selfishness.”

Licanderoth smiled, and leaned forward a bit, as if he was pleased that Lex had touched upon this topic.

“Lex, do you mind if I ask you a potentially private question?”

“Go ahead. If it’s too invasive, I simply won’t answer,” said Lex.

“As I have never actually been, I am not too familiar with the Midnight Inn and its operation. How much do you really know about the Inns operations? I know that the Inn claims to be a neutral organization, but do you really think its actions are like that of a neutral one?”

“The Innkeeper is pretty open about these things. The Inn only wishes to operate independently, without getting involved in other issues. It is only against those that threaten the Inn or break its rules. Why? Do you think it has been biased towards someone?”

“Not really, but… it’s just that being a neutral organization is easier said than done. Even the Seraphim Resort is not entirely neutral. Attempting to achieve true neutrality invites a challenge to it. While I was discussing the payment issue for the Brimming Dream Lotus on your behalf, I heard a specific rumor, though I don’t know if it’s true.”

“A rumor relating to someone wanting to challenge the neutrality of the Inn?” Lex asked. Though he maintained a largely calm expression, he became entirely alert. This was not the kind of thing he could ignore.

“There’s a rumor that the Inn is harboring a notorious criminal. I do not know the details and trust me, I did my best to learn the identity of that criminal, but it was for naught. But regardless of whether such a rumor is true or not, the fact that it is spreading means that sooner or later, someone will come looking for him. At that time, the Inns commitment to neutrality will be tested – as well as their ability to sustain it.”

“A notorious criminal? I’m sure we have many guests who have some kind of criminal record somewhere. Such a thing is basically impossible to avoid. I’m sure even the Resort often welcomes guests who are considered criminals by some.”

“Yes, but I don’t mean some small-time crook wanted in a realm or two. When I say notorious criminal, I mean across the universe. Think about it, Lex. Who did I go to ask about whether you could purchase the lotus? I asked the Dao Lords of the resort. They are the ones who were discussing the rumor, and the fact that they allowed me to overhear it means it’s common knowledge. A criminal who attracts the attention of a Dao Lord is not some petty crook.”

Lex quickly went through the list of guests inside his Inn, and almost immediately thought of a particular guest to whom he had given a tonne of MP to spend. Mary had asked him to remove the name, and nicknames of that guest from his memory for even knowing it was too dangerous.

Yet he did not forget that not only did Ripley, the auditor from the Versalis Bank, freak out upon learning of that guest’s presence, even Mary had reacted strongly to him. More importantly, for some strange reason, he was entirely undetectable by the system.

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