Ch58 – Sinister Intentions

The star network was immediately abuzz. This matter, under the deliberate guidance of people with ulterior motives, quickly sparked huge interest on the star network. Because Ruan Tang had been in the limelight recently, the heat this time was even more intense than the previous time. However, except for a few of the keyboard warriors who were showing off their ‘righteous indignation’, most of the netizens were still quite rational. With the last lesson, this time the netizens did not dare to believe in the rain on hearing the wind. They were no longer easily swayed by the water army or people with ulterior motives. Instead, they raised their own questions.

[Love Potion: Since Ms. Cai has had such a bitter life these past years, why are her hands still so fair and clear?]

[Yao Guang: ... is it because of the beauty filter that comes with the videotaping? ]

[Salted fish was originally fish: Above commenter, let this peanut gallery onlooker tell you that the video of that dog Zhuo never opened the beauty filter. Do you see the reporter’s hand? The contrast is so obvious. ]

[The Wind Blows: I think the anchor isn’t this kind of person. There must be some reason! ]

[wuminly: The anchor could donate so much to help those in need. He is definitely not the kind of person who would be so stingy to his own family. I also think there must be something wrong with this! ]

[Be kind: We shouldn’t so easily draw conclusions. The anchor will definitely give an explanation @Ruan Tang V]

Ruan Tang had never been one to stay on top of happenings on the internet. By the time he found out about it, his fans had already produced a long post on Weibo to clarify for him.

“Ruan Tang National Support Association V: We would like to ask the netizens and soft jellies to keep calm. We don’t know yet whether this matter is true or not. Moreover, for now, the witnesses and evidence of the other party is insufficient. [Picture 1][Picture 2][Image 3]”

“Firstly, Wei Zhuo had already published posts to smear Ruan Tang before, and was later accused of stealing trade secrets. However, due to health reasons, he has not appear in court. The details can be seen in Figure 1. Secondly, according to Ms. Cai, she has been working hard to support her two children, but we can see in the video that she has not a single callus on her hand, and it is very clean and delicate. I myself, am a white-collar worker who works hardly does housework, but I also have a few calluses. The comparison chart can be seen in Figure 2. Third, we are clear about who Ruan Tang is. First of all, he was injured and was in a coma from an accident during filming. He woke up after five long years and yet he was still passionate about serving the public good. Figure 3 shows the hospital records and donation details, as well as the screenshots of the various official institutions’ posts at that time.”

“In addition, I would like to ask, since Ms. Cai has been such a caring mother to her children, where were you, his mother, when Ruan Tang had been injured these past five years?”

The picture the Weibo post drew was clear. With a single glance, each was a heavy blow. This caused Ruan Tang’s fans to forward this like crazy. In just half a day, the post had been forwarded more than 50 million times.

His light brain soon rang, and Ye Shao’s exasperated voice was heard across the line, “Idiot! Didn’t you say that this was absolutely foolproof!?”

“Ye Shao calm down.” His eyes flashed with a cold light, saying in a poisonous and aggrieved tone. “This is only the first step. Cai Xin is Ruan Tang’s mother. Who would believe that a mother would harm her own child? But this Ruan Tang really knows how to disguise himself, so I need a little more time to slowly expose his true face.”

“Hmph! That better be so.” Ye Shao snorted. “If you mess up this time, you know the consequences yourself!”

“Yes...” Together with the meek and obsequious response, Wei Zhuo’s eyes flashed with a light of deep hatred.


After discovering that Wei Zhuo had sent a video related to him, Ruan Tang’s first reaction was neither panic nor anger, but rather he felt a little helpless. He even wanted to say to Wei Zhuo: “How old are you (how old are you)?”

After watching the “performance” of the woman who claimed to be his mother, he was so angry that he laughed.

Yes, it was a performance. Even without the memory of the original owner, and even if he wasn’t an expert judge of acting, it could still be seen how exaggerated and mindless the performance of this woman named Cai Xin was — crying so loudly yet her eyes weren’t red. The tears were probably squeezed from eye drops and finally her action of squatting and clasping hands was even more flawed.

Everything only showed that she did not care at all about “Ruan Tang”.

Thinking of how such a woman turned out to be his own mother, he felt that she was an insult to the word “mother”.

Faced with this weeping face that that wanted to blackmail him, there was uncontrollable discontent and indignation in his heart. This grievance was not his own emotion, because he and Cai Xin were complete strangers to each other. So this sentimental anger actually likely belonged to the original owner still remaining in this body. When he saw this woman, it was brought out by instinct.

It was only when he saw a picture of Ruan Yu lying weakly on the bed that he felt sad and distressed.

Although Ruan Tang was late to the party, others with his interests in mind weren’t like this. Like He Yun Yi, when he discovered this incident for the first time, he immediately notified his younger brother. Even before they went to Ruan Tang to discuss matters, preparations had already been made for the response.

He Yun Chen had been continuously checking the mysterious remittances, but it was slow going because he couldn’t abuse his public office for private use. Now that Cai Xin came out, he immediately got a direction for his search, and quickly found out that the unknown account really belonged to Cai Xin herself.

Cai Xin deliberately evaded major responsibilities and chose minor ones in the video. She only said that when Ruan Tang used to film, he would occasionally send money to her and Ruan Yu. But in fact, he only left himself with ten or twenty thousand for living expenses and all the rest were remitted to them each time. Over the years, the amount had increased from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and then millions of GMs in the past, sent every month. With so much money, it was enough for an ordinary family to be set for life! It was not until after the injury and coma that the remittances that had lasted for several years, stopped. After, his brain injury was too serious, he lost his memory of the past after waking up, and he did not remember this mother and child, let alone to continue to send money.

It may be assumed that it was precisely because of this that Cai Xin rushed over to demand money after getting the news.

In order to better counterattack, you must know yourself and know your enemy. Therefore, He Yun Chen contacted Ruan Tang’s former entertainment company through Ran Jing. He wanted to ask about Ruan Tang’s home situation. Ruan Tang signed up with the company from the beginning of his debut, and worked there for so many years. The company should know something.

Sure enough, they quickly learned from Ruan Tang’s former agent, Cui Lei, that Ruan Tang kept his cards close in hand. He had never once mentioned his family in so many years, so Cui Lei did not know that he had actually been sending money to his family all along.

When he was still a newcomer, Cui Lei also had a lot of artists under his management, and he could not allot a lot of care and attention to Ruan Tang, so Cui Lei’s knowledge was limited. He only knew that Ruan Tang’s performance had always been particularly energetic. Whether it was training or work, he almost never took a day off. As long as he had the opportunity to earn money, he would not give it up. Such earnest artists were very rare. On top of that Ruan Tang’s situation wasn’t good, so Cui Lei was willing to give him every opportunity to train him as much as possible.

As for Cai Xin’s claim in the video that she had been unfairly added unto the blacklist, Cui Lei was even more scornful. He said that after Ruan Tang met with the accident, there was a woman who claimed to be his mother who had called demanding money. At that time, it was he who received the call. After the other party knew that Ruan Tang was seriously injured and comatose, she didn’t call anymore. Instead, he didn’t know how she got in touch with the company, but she wanted to talk with them about compensation.

But at that time, Ruan Tang was just in a coma, he didn’t die. Afterwards, he would still need a lot of treatment which would be costly. He was also a long-time employee of the company, and he had just won the honor of film emperor. The outside world was still concerned about his follow-up situation. Therefore, the company decided to directly use the original compensation for damages as payment for his treatment cost and did their best to cure him. However, Ruan Tang’s mother actually still wouldn’t let off the company and wanted to demand money. She was crying and being troublesome. She also threatened to sue the company. Later, the company really found her troublesome so they told her to sue if she wanted and then put her on the blacklist.

Cui Lei felt that this kind of mother who didn’t care about her son’s life or death was definitely a stepmother. So he also blacklisted her on Ruan Tang’s light brain. Five years quickly passed, if she hadn’t appeared like some demon now, he would have quickly forgotten about the matter.

It was clear from investigating the situation that the relationship between Ruan Tang and his family was relatively weak. The woman named Cai Xin may indeed be Ruan Tang’s mother, but she only recognized his money and not the person himself. She has been asking for money for years. After the accident, her first concern wasn’t her son’s life or death but rather, she wanted to get her hands on the compensation that rightfully belonged to Ruan Tang.

Both He Brothers felt that it was better to cut off ties with this kind of mother as early as possible. However, this situation was different from before. This was, after all, a family matter. It wasn’t something that the two outsiders could just interfere with. It wouldn’t do for them to overstep their boundaries and meddle in other people’s affairs. They could only bring the evidence and recordings. They once again visited Ruan Tang’s house.

“President He. Marshal He.”

Ruan Tang’s mood was still stable, and they were each given a glass of juice, and all three of them sat down on the sofa.

“You came because of the matter regarding my mother?”

He Yun Chen nodded and his eyes looked worried. Ruan Tang felt warm in his heart and smiled at him, “I’m fine. I don’t really remember her, so I don’t feel anything. And this time my fans have helped me to speak out and believe in me. They support me and I’m still very happy.”

Be that as it may, being publicly vilified by his own mother would never be as light a matter as he said.

He Yun Yi paused and said, “I suggest that you show to the public the certificate issued by the hospital to explain your memory loss, and we can also testify that you have always wanted to investigate your family situation. You also have the details of the remittances. With how you’ve never failed to provide money to that woman every month for so many years it would be enough to prove that you are definitely not the kind of person that she accuses you to be. At that time, when you were injured, that woman contacted your entertainment company several times to ask for money, and even threatened to sue them. In preparation for any contingencies, these were recorded. These could also be used as evidence.”

“Thank you.” Ruan Tang gratefully looked at the two of them. They really helped him a lot.

He Yun Chen asked: “When are you going to publicize these matters?”

He lowered his eyes and pondered for a long while. He then raised his head and shook his it slowly. “I won’t be publicizing these things for the time being. I want to go home to my home planet to see things there first.”

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