The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 794: Wedding Portrait- Part 1

Chapter 794: Wedding Portrait- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Alps- Novo Amor


When Lucy put her hand around Vladimir's arm, she couldn't help but feel the jittery nerves and butterflies that bubbled up in her stomach. The sound of the music played inside the church drifted to the nearby place, leaving something soothing as she walked along with Vladimir next to her side.

When she entered the church, she noticed the walls and the ceiling of the church, which was indeed old, and the windows had been opened for light to pass through along with the air and music.

Looking ahead of her, she noticed Madeline and her aunt standing on the left side. It seemed like Vladimir had truly turned her aunt as her second bridesmaid, and on the right side, she caught sight of her brother Calhoun and Ethan, who must have accompanied her aunt. At the side stood Helena, Odin, who looked young again and Dimitri, watching them. When her eyes fell directly at Theodore, she caught sight of him in the white wedding clothes, waiting for her near the altar.

She saw him smile at her, his smile warm and kind that was directed towards her. Lucy's heart fluttered even more than before on locking her eyes with the groom.

He looked as handsome as the first time when they had met, his golden glasses in place. His hair had been parted to the side as usual, and he looked like a knight, her own personal knight, thought Lucy in her mind. Her heart skipped a couple of beats at how he stole her heart for the millionth time.

The feeling of walking down the aisle with Vladimir was way different compared to the time when she had walked with her very own father.

The last time when she had walked down the aisle, the feeling had felt foreign, but now it strangely felt more comfortable, and it wasn't because she had done this before. She was walking with the Devil who had decided to accompany her, with his daughter's thoughts in his mind and heart. Reaching near the altar, Vladimir finally let go of Lucy's hand and looked at her.

Vladimir could see his daughter's face as she looked at him, his heart tightly squeezing at the thought that she was here now with him. Before he could let her go, he leaned forward to kiss both the sides of her cheeks with an air kiss.

"Thank you," said Vladimir to Lucy, and she offered him a warm smile.

"I will be right here," Lucy surprised with her words as if Vladimir was her very own father, and it was because she noticed the subtle reluctance in his movements. He gave her a nod.

At the same time, Theodore had stretched his hand forward for Lucy to take and join him.

This was it, thought Lucy to herself, and she placed her small hand in Theodore's hand.

She felt him gently wrap his fingers around before having her come stand in front of him. She stared into his eyes that reflected her happiness in them. The entire time, she couldn't stop smiling and to release the excitement, she squeezed Theodore's hand.

She had waited for this time for so long and had dreamt it in so many different ways, but nothing could compare to the way how she felt now. The moment felt so precious that her heart could burst with pure happiness.

The four musicians had taken a seat at the backside of the church as they continued to play the music, and the tone and pace of the music had been lowered to something more serene.

Gabriel, the priest for their wedding ceremony, stood looking at them and addressed,

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy marriage. The sacredness of marriage binds us to what we believe and love," said the angel as he started the ceremony. "Theodore Hosteler and Lucy Hawthrone, let us remember that the future happiness is to be in consideration to patience, kindness and affection. To pledge today to each other to remain undivided for eternity."

With only a few people attending the wedding who were close to them, Lucy could be herself without having to worry what the next person was going to think and perceive about her actions.

On the other hand, Theodore couldn't get his eyes off his bride, who stood in front of him. Lucy looked enthralling in his eyes, and though he knew how beautiful she was, he felt like her presence had put him in a trance that only she could break.

The whole night until the early morning, Theodore had stayed with her, listening to her soft snore as she slept against the door with him on the other side of the door. He had given her company until the rays of the sun had started to change the colour of the sky and brightening the land.

She looked beautiful and happy, and he wanted to keep her like this for the rest of their lives. The smile that had been lost years ago had finally returned on her face. He had noticed the unbridle smile on her lips when their eyes had met when she had come walking down the aisle.

It was good to see Vladimir had walked with her because he knew as much as the Devil was evil, she needed an older male who was like a father figure. Even if Vladimir didn't care until the very last few minutes, Theodore knew Vladimir would see the resemblance of his daughter in Lucy.

Gabriel had continued with the ceremony, saying, "It is your duty, Theodore, to your wife to be, Lucy, to cherish and be a loving husband. To be thoughtful to her and be her support. To protect her from danger and to share the love with her. To shoulder her sorrows and burdens until the end," he said to Theodore.

The priest then turned to look at Lucy to say, "It is your duty, Lucy, to your husband to be, Theodore, to be faithful and patient wife, to comfort him and provide him with affection as you support him. To be there for him at the darkest hours and stand next to him with the marriage that binds you both."

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