The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 787 Ingredient- Part 1

787 Ingredient- Part 1


Lucy saw Gabriel disappear from her sight and the cemetery without leaving a trace behind as if he weren't here at all and it had been just her. She looked back at the graves where Nana's body laid inside, and she finally turned around, ready to leave when she heard the rustling sound that came from the nearby trees.

She wondered what or who it was when she finally caught sight of Theodore, who made his way through the gates of the cemetery.

He walked straight towards where she was before engulfing her in his arms. For a moment, Lucy turned startled at the sudden action, and then a smile spread across her lips.

"I didn't know you were going to return soon. I didn't mean to keep you waiting," she said to Theodore even though he was yet to speak to her.

She could hear his heart beating loudly in his chest and his breath slightly ragged compared to the usual one. She could smell the musky male scent that wafted across her nose that came from Theodore.

She heard Theodore say, "I was worried about you. The room was empty and you left no note."

Lucy hugged him back, "I thought I would be back before you returned. I am sorry," she whispered.

"It's okay," replied Theodore while holding Lucy closely in his arms. She was petite in physique, and there was still space after he hugged her. He drew his hands closer to him, placing one of his hands on the back of her head and the other around her waist. "You should have told me if you wanted to come to the cemetery, I would have accompanied you. Even in the middle of the night."

"I know," she responded to him. She knew Theodore would accompany her to any place where she would want to go, but since he had been away on some work and she had been too curious to leave this place by itself.

Another reason being, this morning when she was here all alone, she had met Madame Fraunces, but the woman had disappeared when she had brought Theodore to the cemetery. She wanted to see again if she would be able to meet people alone again. In the end, as Gabriel said, she could wait there all for as long as wanted, but the people she was looking for would not turn up.

"I am sorry for worrying you," she whispered as they pulled away from each other's embrace, and she looked up into Theodore's eyes to see how his brown hair had turned dishevelled. He must have come by himself without the carriage, thought Lucy to herself.

Theodore brought his hand up, placing it on her cheek so that he could caress it with his thumb. "I just worry sometimes, that this is all a dream and everything around us will disappear."

A gentle smile appeared on Lucy's lips. She placed her hand on his.

"I will always be here," replied Lucy, and he held her hand as it slid away from her face.

"Do you want to stay longer here?" asked Theodore, and Lucy shook her head. Today she had spent enough time in the cemetery, once in the morning and then now.

They got back to the castle in the carriage that Lucy had used. Returning to the room, Theodore didn't question her regarding her night trip to the cemetery, believing she would tell him when she was ready.

"Is this the gown?" he asked, looking at the box where the white material peeked out of it.

Lucy turned to look at the box, and she nodded her head, "It is. This actually belongs to brother Calhoun's mother."

"I would have never guessed," he murmured to himself.

"Madeline spoke to Calhoun and Vladimir about it," she explained everything that happened, and Theodore nodded his head.

"That explains why the atmosphere in the room was heavy when I went to meet him," said Theodore, his gaze leaving the box and looking at Lucy, who came to sit in front of him on the chair.

"Is he okay?" asked Lucy, a small frown appearing on her forehead. She knew it would bring unpleasant memories when it came to Lady Constance's past related to her time in the castle.

"He will be fine. He's Calhoun Hawthrone," Theodore smiled as he said this, and he asked, "You don't have to wear the gown if you don't want to." He had heard how some of the humans believed wearing a wedding gown that belonged to some other person, which was not used, was considered bad luck. Not to forget, Lucy had adopted the human beliefs compared to the vampire beliefs. "He said he has somewhere to go tomorrow. Someone to look for."

Lucy nodded her head. Though she knew the truth of what happened, she had never heard her brother openly speak to her about it. Maybe it was only when she found out the truth did he speak, but not everything that was on his mind.

"I met the angel tonight," she informed him, and Theodore stared at her.

"Which one?" asked Theodore. It was because there were so many of them, and every angel was different compared to the next one. Somewhere, he had always been worried since Lucy had returned back to life. What Madeline had done was cheat death by freezing Lucy's time. He was worried that someday, a salvette mortem would come to take her with it.

"Gabriel," answered Lucy, and she saw his expression relax. "Actually I heard something interesting today."

Lucy explained what she had heard from Madeline about Vladimir's demon servant who had changed appearance and also Madame Fraunces, whom she had met in the morning.

"He said if she doesn't decide to go to Heaven, she will automatically turn into a demon of Hell," stated Lucy, worried as she didn't want a lovely lady like Madame Fraunces to turn into an evil being. "I thought I would be able to meet them, but I did see Nana through Gabriel's help. She's doing well."

Theodore was glad to hear that Lucy had received the closure that she needed from her caretaker. He remembered the day when Calhoun had brought Lucy back to the castle and the way she had broken down into a sea of tears that didn't stop for a long time.

Gabriel was one of the angels who was easier to approach compared to the rest of them. Though previously, Paschar and Raphael were available in the living world to talk to, but since the fight in Heaven had taken place, they both had been ordered not to leave Heaven until permissions were given to them.

"What about your wedding clothes?" inquired Lucy, her eyes staring into Theodore's eyes that reflected her.

"Calhoun had summoned the tailor to take my measurements and it is in preparation. It should be here by the end of this week," he replied to her before tugging her hand and making her sit next to him.

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