The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 557 Back in my arms- Part 3

557 Back in my arms- Part 3

"Gabriel?" a look of shock appeared on Michael's face, and before he would misunderstand, Gabriel said,

"Let us try to resolve the matter without any fight. Bloodshed has brought no one happiness, and it would only make things worse. We all know it's not possible for a person's soul who has passed through the gates of Heaven to remember what has happened in the living world, and a demon's abilities doesn't work here. Why don't we clarify it?" suggested Gabriel with a smile on his lips.

Raphael agreed with a nod, "Yes, why don't we? Maybe a true love's kiss awakened her memories?" A round of murmur took place around the angels again, and they wondered what would happen.

Everyone waited on what Michael would say, and he nodded his head before asking Madeline, "Do you remember who killed you in the living world?"

Madeline's hand that slipped from Calhoun's arm moved down for Calhoun to hold it in his hand in support. She didn't know how it happened, but right after Calhoun pulled himself away after the kiss, it was as if every single memory that she had from the living world had made its way back to her.

"It was a level one demon, his name was Darian," answered Madeline.

Calhoun had no interest in Michael's question, "This sorts everything. You cannot keep someone against their will. At least when you know where their heart belongs."

Michael was not happy with the unexpected development because in all these years, not once did a soul regain their memories. He wondered if it was because Madeline was Paschar's child. He stared at Madeline before his eyes fell on her and Calhoun's hand that had interlinked with each other.

After some deep thought, Michael said, "It seems like the demon's love has already tainted her heart. I don't see it to be of any point in keeping her here. With her regained memories and the love that she seeks not being here, she will only wilt away…"

Michael continued, "And when it comes to love...It is hard to stand against it. But keep it in mind that this is the only exception and the last one." Hearing this, a smile spread on Madeline's lips. "I will let it go with the hope that demons can learn to love and be compassionate. Leave Heaven soon before I change my mind," and saying that, Michael didn't stay any longer there and left the place. After Michael left, so did Vladimir.

Gabriel and Raphael smiled at Michael's decision, knowing even though Michael was strict with rules, he still had a soft heart. After all, he was an angel.

"I will see you in the church if you ever plan to visit," said Gabrie to Madelinel. Raphael bowed at both Madeline and Calhoun.

"I was glad to be of your help, King Calhoun," replied Raphael, and before they knew it, both Gabriel and Raphael flew away to follow their brother Michael. Madeline looked at Paschar, who still stood there, looking at her without going back to the heart of Heaven. Calhoun let go of her hand, and Madeline walked to where Paschar stood.

With most of the angels who left the scene and the issue about Madeline staying in Heaven resolved along with the memory that had returned to her, she didn't know what to say to her father. Not because she didn't want to speak to him, but there was a certain heaviness in her heart. She knew he cared.

His grey eyes watched her, walk and come to stand in front of him.

"You are free now, Madeline. You don't have to worry anymore," said Paschar.

"Will you get into trouble? For not listening to Michael earlier?" Madeline didn't spend much time in Heaven to know how he would be punished for his actions.

"Don't worry about that. That would mean Michael's decision was wrong too. And he did the right thing by letting you go," Paschar offered her a smile, "At the end of the day, we just want the others to be happy without causing any harm. He knew that the love you both share is special and not something that will hurt anyone. It just took him some time to understand."

Paschar was speaking about Michael. Madeline nodded her head.

Then Madeline said, "I wanted to tell you something." Paschar tilted his head with a questioning gaze.

"What is it?" he asked her.

Madeline had never met her mother when her mother was alive, but there was a secret that they both shared. Not knowing, Micahel had already dropped a hint about it earlier. She said, "Mother loved you a lot. You meant the world to her."

Paschar had not expected Madeline to say something like this. "I know." A smile broke through his lips, "You should go before the gates that Michael opened closes again," he advised, and Madeline nodded her head. Before Madeline was ready to go, she stepped forward and put her hands around Paschar.

Her actions caught Paschar off guard, and after a second, he put his arms around her, "I will miss you," he said to her.

"Me too," whispered Madeline to him. It was the first time she was acknowledging him as her father. "Do you think you will be allowed to visit the living world again?"

"Let's hope for it," replied Paschar, and he then dropped his hand as it was time for Calhoun and Madeline to return to the living world. Stepping away from Paschar, Madeline went to where Calhoun was waiting for her.

While Madeline made her way to where Calhoun was, she heard the wings flap that told her that Paschar had left them alone now. Madeline took one last look at Heaven, the place she had stayed for the briefest time and a home to her father.

"Ready to leave?" asked Calhoun, and Madeline nodded her head.

Back in the heart of Heaven, Gabriel had taken a seat on one of the benches as if he was enjoying the warmth of the sun. The atmosphere had turned back calm and the angels had returned back to their usual duties. Raphael had gone with Michael.

Seeing Paschar making his way, Gabriel asked, "Did they leave?"

"They did. What are you smiling at?" questioned Paschar.

"I can sense the heaviness in your heart, Paschar. If you didn't want her to go, you shouldn't have done it. She is your daughter," stated Gabriel. Paschar stared at the other archangel for long seconds before saying,

"I don't know what you are speaking about," and Paschar left the place.

Maybe Michael, Raphael and the other angels didn't notice it, but Gabriel was aware that Paschar had something to do with fixing Madeline's lost memories. Setting it to the time when Calhoun had kissed Madeline.

Gabriel placed his hands back on the bench, leaning backward to face the bright sun before a faint smile appeared on his lips.

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