The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 534 The night to let go- Part 1

534 The night to let go- Part 1


Helena along with Dimitri spoke to Calhoun, discussing what happened after he had left the High House quarters. While on the other side, Vladimir had not left the place and watched them from a little distance away while hearing their conversation very clearly.

"The magistrates want a full sweep of the lands so that they are assured that no harm will ever come to bestow on them," stated Helena with a serious voice. "They are now scared and want re-election to the committee of the High House by dissolving the current one."

Calhoun, who heard what Helena had to say, nodded his head.

"They are scared about what might happen to them if we demons and angels rose in power." A small chuckle escaped Calhoun's lips. It was funny how the vampires who previously looked down upon the humans and other lower creatures now couldn't stand the thought of another creature being above them. "They feel as if they are losing control. We have a majority of demons who are of higher rankings working in the High House. There is no way the judgment can move in their favour."

Helena let out a tired sigh from her lips.

She said, "Things like these need proper planning, King Calhoun."

"And when did you plan to reveal it to the public and to the officials?" Calhoun questioned with his eyebrows raised at Helena. "The land doesn't hold only humans, vampires or the weres anymore. There are many demons and fallen angels, and we don't know when the ratio will increase. It is only right that we regulate the situation to avoid any possible uneventful events in the future."

Dimitri, who was standing next to Helena, spoke, "My King, if I may. Demons are of different levels. At least that is what I heard. How do we send back the ones who came from Hell?"

"You cannot send them back that easily," chimed Vladimir, "The world belongs to every creature, but most of them want to dominate it, and that is what is causing an issue here."

Vladimir, who had not been introduced to the High House members, Dimitri looked at Calhoun, and asked, "Who is this man?"

Calhoun's red eyes shifted to look at Vladimir, wondering if his grandfather wanted to reveal his identity.

The Devil smiled as if his grandson read his mind.

"I am the King's very close relative. I go by the name, Vladimir Lazarus," the Devil introduced himself.

Neither Helena nor Dimitri had ever heard about this man, nor did they know that the King of Devon had a relative like this one.

Vladimir's lazy red eyes moved to look at Dimitri, wondering who this person was to question him.

"He is," said Calhoun, not wanting Vladimir to go all dramatic as he didn't bother to answer the High House member's question.

Helena's eyes narrowed, and she observed Vladimir. There was something very peculiar about this person, and she wondered what it was. If Calhoun was a demon, it meant even this man was a demon and maybe a powerful one at that. Because not everyone had the ability to notice who was a demon in this world, it was a rare gift.

Vladimir's eyes went back to look at the woman's eyes that were bright red. He could sense her character's strength just by the way she looked at him with hidden annoyance in her eyes, and it put a brighter smile on Vladimir's face. It was their second meeting, and he enjoyed it with amusement.

In the world that they lived, there were different kinds of demons. The level one demons who existed before the Devil claimed Hell, the level two demons were the ones created by him, the level three demons were born in the living world, while the rest of the demons were creatures who the Devil didn't pay heed to.

"The demons who came from the underground world, some are under contracts with the Devil while there are other superior level demons who need to be dealt carefully, else you might end up burning yourself," said Vladimir to Helena when his words were for everyone.

"I don't think it's a problem to have demons in the living world unless they try to cause unwanted problems to the living creatures of this world," Helena turned to Calhoun, "Anyways, we came here to inform you about the dissolving moment that has started in the High House."

Calhoun gave her a nod, "That is very much appreciated. I will have some of my men placed in the main tower of the High House so that they can guard."

Helena bowed her head in acknowledgement.

"Why don't we have dinner together? We have one spare seat at the table," chimed Vladimir and Calhoun felt the urge to roll his eyes. If he was not wrong, the Devil was trying to get under Helena's skin.

"Dimitri," called Helena, "Ask the coachman to get the carriage ready."

Dimitri offered Calhoun a bow and then at Vladimir before leaving the front of the mansion's entrance.

"Aren't you worried that the vampires and the humans will try to revolt?" Vladimir tilted his head in question. "Maybe we should have someone guard you. It would be saddening if something happened to you."

The frown on Helena's forehead didn't leave, and she said, "I can take care of myself, but thank you for your concern." She turned to look at Calhoun, and said, "Thank you for your assistance, King Calhoun," and she turned her back to make her way towards the carriage.

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