The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 446 Blood on the floor- Part 1

446 Blood on the floor- Part 1

Vladimir sniffed the air and said, "What's this, Odin? It looks like there's a party going on in the castle."

Odin followed his Master since they had left the caves, looking left and right, craning his neck and heard the screams and metals clash against each other. "It seems like there are fights going on, Master."

"Do you know why there are people in here when we have already scheduled our day to kidnap the King's wife?" Vladimir didn't like the idea of someone coming to try and interrupt his already pre-scheduled plans. "Smells like the half baked demons and fallen angels in here. Did you go to Hell, Odin?"

Odin cleared his throat, "Yes, Master. I have informed about you returning to Hell, but it seems like there have been slight changes. One of the demons named Greyson has been gathering an army and telling how you were not going to come back."

"Filthy creatures never know when to draw the line, do they," Vladimir's words were more of a statement. They stepped into the inside parts of the castle and caught sight of dead bodies on the ground. He took a big sniff of the air, relishing the smell of death that was also laced with power-hungry, greed, cruelty and other emotions that he very well associated himself with. "I think we have come on time."

Odin craned his head again, this time to look at the top to find two people fighting.

"Leave them be," said Vladimir, "We aren't here to play with the minions. Now where is the girl, the human," said the older vampire, closing his eyes and trying to trace her scent, "Found her," said Vladimir, his eyes snapping open to show his red eyes.

Away from the new duo who had entered the castle, Raphael snapped his head now and then, trying to find where Beth had gone. He had only stepped near the window to take a look outside where there was a fight going on, but in less than a minute when he had turned around, Beth was no more in the room. He didn't even know how she had freed her legs from the chains as the chains looked like they were broken.

Running around the Northside of the castle, Raphael loudly called out, "Lady Elizabeth? Shit this is not good," he said to himself.

"Lady Elizabeth, where are you?" he shouted again, his black eyes searching for the lady or a brown werewolf.

"What are you looking for?" asked someone from behind him, and Raphael turned to find a woman standing not too far away from him. He hadn't seen this woman before, and he could only guess that this person was an intruder.

"Peyton Humphrey," she greeted back before saying, "You didn't tell me whom you were looking for. I can help you search."

"What a kind lady you are," said Raphael. "I am looking for my future wife, but she's been too shy with me. It would be best if you went back to your...home. I will find her by myself." As if on cue, both of them heard a wolf's loud howl that echoed through the castle for not just them, but everyone to stop for a second and hear it.

"It would be rude of me to let a charming man such as yourself go alone and not help," both the sides of the woman's lips pulled up into a broad smile, and Raphael smiled. Without uttering a word of response to her, he turned and started to walk away to head in the direction of the werewolf's howl. But he had barely taken a few steps when a sharp knife was thrown at him, and in time he caught it.

It was a throwing knife that had a loop on the opposite side of the blade, and he rotated it in his finger. "That is not nice at all."

"You didn't wait for me," she complained with the smile that still didn't fall from her face.

Raphael faced the woman, "Here, I am."?The woman went straight at him to attack him with her knives that kept coming one after another, making one think from where she was pulling out the knives so quickly to throw it at Raphael.

He dodged away, his movements were as quick as the knives that were coated in poison to get to him. "I wished I could play for longer, but I have very little time, and I would rather prefer I use the time to find the person I am looking for."

"Too bad that you are occupied but I insist," said the vampire-demon Peyton, who almost got hold of Raphael as one of the knife grazed against one of his sleeves, the fabric melted, leaving a wide gap.

Raphael moved behind the pillar, covering himself and hiding from the woman who had not stopped throwing the knives at him even for a single second. He pulled out the cards from his pocket that were all black and metallic in nature.

"Are you here for the dark angel?" asked Raphael.

"If you are here for the same reason I will need to put you in the coffin," replied Peyton. "What are you doing hiding behind the pillar? Are you a low-level demon who has no abilities? Poor thing doesn't have any weapon to defend. Let me help in lending you two of my knives, and we can see who wins."

"I would rather happily love to call you victorious and forfeit from the fight," remarked Raphael to hear the woman laugh. But he knew the woman wanted to kill him. "You know what they say," his voice echoed in the empty place they were in, "Do things that you are good at. No point in me picking your beautiful looking knives when I don't know how to swing them as elegantly as you do."

He then stepped out of the pillar and noticed the woman was not there. His eyes carefully took in the area he was in. He knew the woman was still somewhere in here and hadn't left. Hearing the soft rushing air above him, he looked up to see her coming at him, and he raised his leg to kick her, and she slid through the ground to crash against another pillar.

"Pardon me for my gestures. I am usually much more polite with the ladies," Raphael bowed his head, while still trying to follow the growls of the werewolf.

"I must be bringing the best out of you. Don't you think we should get together?" she asked.

"Hm, too forward, aren't you. I think I will pass on that. But I do have to ask you, do you like to play cards, lady?"

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