262 Trap- Part 2


When Calhoun mentioned visiting to the dungeon at this hour of the morning, Sophie's attention turned to the King, and she tried to get her mother's attention who was having her breakfast. Sophie would have not cared if it was someone else, but this was her blood sibling. She had tried to inform her mother in the morning, but her mother had been busy with the other ministers of the castle.

With the key that was with Theodore, Sophie was sure that Markus was still locked in the dungeon. But then, it wasn't like it was her problem that he had decided to take a visit.

Her hand slowly crept under the table to tap on her mother's lap so that she could get her attention. Her mother turned to look at Sophie with an unimpressive look. Sophie would have told it to her mother, but she felt the King's eyes on them.

"I have something to talk to you about. It's urgent," Sophie said, keeping her words minimum.

"What is it about?" asked her mother, "Finish your breakfast, and I will listen to you."

Sophie gritted her teeth. If they were to wait until the completion of the meal and if Calhoun went down to the dungeon, they would find Markus there.

"But mother," Sophie began only to be interrupted by the lowly human she despised on this table.

"It is considered to be rude to leave the table half-way when you are still having your food," Beth's annoying voice fell on Sophie's ears. Sophie gave a sharp glare at her.

"I don't think you know what I want to speak to my mother about. Please continue enjoying the food, Miss Harris. I doubt you get to eat so many things-"

"Sophie," Lady Rosamund warned her daughter, who had been waiting to claw Elizabeth. The older vampiress thought that she had brought up her daughter well, to know what to speak where and how to control her emotions, but Sophie had learned none of it.

Sophie noticed Beth smiling behind the glass of water, and the vampiress gritted her teeth. Her mother had raised her voice in front of everyone at the table. Sophie doubted her mother would appreciate it if she found Markus was locked in the dungeon.

"It'll take just a moment," Sophie used the politest tone, a sweet smile on her lips.

Lady Rosamund sighed. Dropping the napkin on the table which she had placed on her lap earlier, she bowed her head at Calhoun before getting up and following her daughter.

When both the mother and daughter left the room, Samuel was the one to speak,

"Sophie has always been slightly against humans as she grew up in a household full of vampires. Humans have done nothing, but serve in our families."

Mr. and Mrs. Harris gave a small nod. They came from the village and weren't too connected with the vampires except for the rare times in the past.

"Of course, my lady," Samuel offered the girl a bow who returned it. "Wonder what Sophie has done to get into trouble this time to take her mother out of the room to speak."

Calhoun was still playing with the rim of his glass before letting it go. As much as his attention was on his relatives, his thoughts were still on Madeline who wore an aloof demeanour. Wanting to test, his hand moved under the table, and he held her hand that was on her lap. The little contact startled her out of her thoughts.

Madeline had been quiet since she had woken up, answering only to the questions that were asked to her while continuing to eat her breakfast. Even though her family was right here with her, for the very first time, she felt alone. She didn't know what to think. She wanted to brush the dream away like it was nothing, but there were too many similarities and truth in there, coinciding with the current situation of her life.

When she arrived at the dining room, Madeline saw her parents offer her a warm smile, but she doubted it. She desperately wanted answers to her questions that were brewing in her mind. She tried to look back at the memories and time spent with her parents that seemed perfectly normal. Was her mind playing tricks on her? But then why was she breaking glasses? Last night the glass that she fixed was not a dream, and it was real.

She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she missed some of the exchange of words that took place at the table. It was only when Calhoun's hand held hers did she snap out of her thoughts to return to the room where she was sitting.

Madeline felt Calhoun's hand under the table. Before anyone could see it, she tried to pull away and place it on the table, but Calhoun didn't let go of it.

Her heart slowly started to beat faster, and she looked around at the people to make sure no one had noticed it. Bringing her eyes back to meet Calhoun's eyes that were looking at her curiously, she gave a pleading look to him, but this only had him squeeze her hand tighter. His hand felt warm on hers.

Her heart felt heavy and Calhoun noticed there was something that was bothering Madeline right now.

When everyone were busy finishing their breakfast, Sophie informed her mother about what happened last night by going far away from the dining room so that the King or no other vampire would be able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"And you are telling me this now?" Lady Rosamund's eyes flared up in anger after hearing what Sophie said.

"I wanted to tell you this yesterday, but Theodore was the one who saw me to my room. He didn't leave the corridor and kept on guarding it for almost all the hours that I couldn't come and meet you," Sophie bit her lip, "I think Markus is still there in the dungeon."

"Of course that little swine of a servant would know you were up to no good. Not to mention Markus is missing right now. How hard it is for both of you to follow my words?!" Lady Rosamund asked with an incredulous look on her face. She felt as if she had given birth to two children who didn't know how to play their cards. "At this rate forget about the throne, both of you will end up outside the castle or worse in the cells. Now go stall Calhoun. I will go see what I can do in the meantime."

One of the servants arrived at the door of the dining room. Bowing his head, he said, "My King, the tailorman is here to see you. He says it is extremely important."

Calhoun's eyebrows raised in question. The tailorman he was interested in was locked in the dungeon. Who was his servant speaking about?

"It is tailorman Barnby," the servant added and Calhoun gave him a nod.

"Have him wait in the parlour," Calhoun ordered. The servant bowed and left the door.

"Are we getting more dresses stitched?" Lucy asked Calhoun, "It would be good to have the wedding dresses tried before the wedding."

"Yes," Calhoun nodded his head.

James was the one who was working on the wedding dress. Though his assistants were working on the dress, they would probably need guidance from James. His lips twisted in distaste. If Calhoun was right, whatever had bitten James was not simple wolves, but they were werewolves. The type of creatures he wasn't fond of, but then he didn't like humans nor vampires either. There were only a few agreeable ones.

Werewolves were feral creatures, who lost their minds when they turned, having no recollection of what they did during the time of their transformed state, destroying anything and everything. The one were the Warring's ruled, the land that consisted of a few werewolves and humans while Devon was populated with vampires and humans.

The wedding gown would need to be finished as Calhoun was in no mood to postpone his and Madeline's wedding. The same could not be said for James and Catherine Barnes' wedding. He wondered what would happen when Mr. Barnes would find out that his future son-in-law was turning into a furry animal.

When Calhoun saw Madeline had finished her breakfast, he said, "Accompany me, Madeline," he let go of her hand and got up from the chair. Madeline quietly followed him. Sophie missed Calhoun just by two-minutes. By the time she arrived in the dining room, Calhoun was missing and her eyebrows furrowed in worry.

Lucy, on the other hand, didn't want to stay at the table or near her husband. She stood up, and Samuel stood up along with her.

Samuel said to her, "I will be late while returning at night. I have work in the outer district." Lucy didn't nod her head, nor did she respond. The pain and anger was still there.

"Where did brother Calhoun go?" asked Sophie to Lucy and Samuel.

"Some tailorman wanted to meet the King," Samuel answered and before Sophie could leave in search of the King, Lucy who was in a bad mood said,

"Brother Calhoun has taken Lady Madeline along with him. You should give them space, Sophie. They would like to spend some time alone than being hovered." Lucy had never used such a sharp tone before, and she walked out of the room.

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