“This is the place…”

Ezekiel looked on from their vantage point as the enemy encampment seemed wholly unaware of their presence. His scouts had told him that this was a detachment sent out by Helion as a forward party, and that enemy reinforcement shouldn’t be expected should they fall.

It was the perfect target.

“Is everyone ready?” the Prince called out to Atlas.

“By your word, my Prince,” Atlas replied, the man’s tone dripping with readiness as he palmed on his sword.

“I’m to assume that we’ll spare no witnesses?”

Ezekiel turned to Darius, the king’s question ringing in his ears as he considered his response. Even now, the rage he had in his heart burned hot and righteous, the call for blood and revenge almost threatening to consume him.

Even so, he knew that letting his temper get the better of him would only lead to unnecessary deaths. It was only right that he quelled his fury, lest the enemy dealt an even bigger blow than they’ve already done so.

“I’d prefer that, yes,” Ezekiel responded. “However, the value of capturing this camp’s commander cannot be ignored. A few stragglers escaping would also work to demoralize the next wave that might come to reinforce this position.”

The ravings of a mad survivor could do wonders to the enemy’s morale. If they were swift in brutality in their attack, then stories of their strength would start to spread, which could work in demoralizing any future attacks. Or, even if they did try and assault them, their hearts would waver against the stories of their strength and brutality.

Of course, that was assuming that even a single survivor would be able to escape.

“I see,” Darius rubbed his chin in thought. “You mean to utterly destroy them both physically and mentally?”

“It would help a long way in future battles,” Ezekiel explained. “By weakening their resolve, even the superior numbers of the main army can become manageable.”

“So we should make sure to be as brutal and graphic as possible,” Darius nodded in understanding. “I can do that.”

Ezekiel nodded to the king before turning his gaze back at the encampment. “Shock and awe… They won’t even know what hit them.”

Looking over his army one more time, the Prince palmed his sword as his grip on his reins tightened. There would be no turning back after this. Their position would be exposed after this, and they would have to shore up their defenses, but it’ll be worth it just to send a message.

“We’ll approach quietly up until the last second,” Ezekiel relayed to his commanders. “Once we’re in the enemy’s sight, only then do we shout our presence. Understood?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The Prince nodded at his commanders. There would be no room for error on this ambush. He wanted them routed, and he wanted them utterly demoralized before they could even put up a fight.

Taking in a deep breath, Ezekiel drew his sword, his horse standing up on its hind legs as he finally gave out the call.



A peaceful silence settled across the Helion encampment. None seemed to be amiss, and their position as the vanguard of their army had all but assured that they were stocked and ready for battle. With Ebodia being a weak and puny kingdom, they probably didn’t even need this many of their men to spearhead the attack to begin with. Some of them even thought that the main army wasn’t even needed to make the kingdom surrender.

“It’s a peaceful night, isn’t it?” one of Helion’s soldiers commented. “Those Ebodians would never be stupid enough to try and assault us in our own encampment.”

“Yeah. They’re probably still within their borders, huddling all scared of our coming presence,” another soldier laughed.

Truly, it was an atmosphere of sheer and utter confidence. With their strength alone, they could take on a human army even while they were outnumbered ten to one. They were that reassured of their victory as they drank and ate to their heart’s content.


“What the-”

“Don’t just stand there! Reinforce the gate!” one of the sentries shouted out from above their tower. “They’re already upon us!”

It was then that Ebodia struck.


“Bring those gates down! I want us in there yesterday!”

Ezekiel was raring for a battle as he shouted out orders to his men. While they’ve made quick work of what few guards the encampment had as their defensive perimeter, the enemy watchtowers were quick enough to raise their main gate against them. Not that it made a difference, seeing as they didn’t have any ranged support to even try and thin out his army’s numbers.

“This is going well,” Darius rode up to his side, the king not joining the battle just yet. “Once those gates come down, all hell will break loose.”

“And that’s exactly what I’m counting on,” Ezekiel scoffed. “Feel free to help yourself to the inevitable slaughter. We rescue who we can, but we won’t take them back with us to our camp.”

“Understandable,” Darius nodded. “In all honesty, I’m just waiting for that battering ram of yours to knock those gates down.”


The two watched as his men systematically rammed on the enemy gates. With each attempt, the wooden gates budged even further, partly revealing the panicked soldiers within as they all waited for the inevitable battle.

Already, the Prince could tell that his plan was going according to his specifications. Their sudden arrival had shaken their resolve, and the only thing they still had left to do was to hammer down their strength and let them have a taste of what they can expect

“Shall we take our positions?” Darius offered.

Ezekiel nodded, “We should, yes.”

Leading their horses up to the front, the enemy gates were practically close to falling as they prepared themselves for the slaughter. Twirling his sword with one hand, Ezekiel couldn’t help but smile as the gate finally fell, his eyes almost glowing with hot rage as he finally let himself go. With another deep breath, he shouted out the one word he had been wanting to shout out for the last few hours.


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