Waking up alone wasn’t exactly what Bartos had in mind, but perhaps it was for the best, seeing as he vaguely even remembered what caused it in the first place.

“Ugh… what happened…”

Forcing himself up, he took a look around, only to realize that he wasn’t in his own tent. In fact, he was lying down on a bed that smelled awfully like Jayra’s…



It was then that the memories of how and why he ended up in Jayra’s tent played itself inside his head. He distinctly remembered she leaned into him, her beautiful face hovering so close to his to the point that he was barely keeping himself together.

He also remembered a few choice words from her, one that promised him a slow and agonizing death should he ever go back on his words.

And then she kissed him.

‘Did it actually happen?’

Absently, he let his hand hover over his lips, trying to somehow feel the sensation of her lips back onto his as he stared at her belongings. She said she’ll give him a chance. A chance to somehow prove himself, his sincerity towards her.

He will have to do so then.

“Still, that was stupid of me…”

Bartos grunted to himself as he stood up. To think that he had fainted after a mere kiss? It was both hilarious and embarrassing just thinking about it. Surely, Gideon would constantly use the fact to give him grief the moment he learned about it.

Yes… Him fainting should be kept secret from that man.

Looking around, the fact that he was alone tipped him off that something must’ve happened. Perhaps she was outside and was simply doing her duties in some other form of capacity.


With a grunt, Bartos left the tent, and hopefully, the embarrassment of fainting along with it would be gone as he stepped outside.

Unfortunately, it was at that exact moment that Gideon decided to show up. Based on how he was smiling at him, Bartos could already tell that nothing good would come out of interacting with him now.

“Bartos! Where have you been?” Gideon greeted him with a smile.

“None of your business,” Bartos quickly replied.

“Oh? Then why did you just come out of Jayra’s tent then?” Gideon teasingly chuckled. “Did something happen?”

Bartos immediately growled, “Again, none of your business.”

“Hey now, I just want some progress between you two,” his companion teased with a smile. “Come on. Did you make some headway?”

Instead of answering and letting Gideon take full control of the conversation, Bartos kept his mouth shut as he looked away. There was no need for him to take all of this abuse, not when there was a better use for his time other than to gossip to his friend about his improving love life.

“Not gonna budge then, huh,” Gideon sighed. “Fine then. I’ll find out what happened sooner or later.”

“I’d prefer it if you don’t,” Bartos growled.

“Hah! You can’t stop blabbermouths, unfortunately.”

Bartos rolled his eyes. Perhaps there was some truth to Gideon’s words, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want him of all people to pry into his hilarious attempts at wooing a human. Not only would it be embarrassing, but the man would also get even more material to tease him with.

At that point, he might just kill him for the sake of getting him to shut up.

Looking around once more, Bartos noticed something off. The camp seemed to be abuzz with activity, and there were soldiers running around hastily putting on their armor. Were they under attack?

“Where’s Jayra,” he immediately asked.


“Just answer the damn question,” Bartos growled.

Hearing the lack of patience in his tone, Gideon finally replied, “Last I heard, she was with the Princess grieving the loss of their Seer. Someone had ambushed the man, and now the camp’s in a frenzy trying to keep up with Prince Ezekiel.”


Gideon blinked at him for a second, “Oh right. You were probably asleep when it happened, but King Darius told us to keep an eye on Xen while he accompanied the Prince on his impending attack. They’ll probably ambush them, seeing as it’s still night out.”

“I see,” Bartos grunted, some of the tension in his body leaving him as the gravity of the situation finally cleared up. “I’ll assume then that they’re burying the body?”

“Yes,” Gideon nodded before he smirked. “If you’re thinking about going to Jayra, then now’s the time. She’ll be really vulnerable this time of-”

Bartos didn’t let Gideon finish his sentence as he quickly made his way to where his mate was. He didn’t have any directions as to where the funeral was being held, but it was easy to spot the plume of smoke coming from just outside the encampment. And sure enough, he spotted Jayra along with Xen, both of them holding each other for support as they oversaw the burial rites.

Keeping his distance, Bartos hesitated moving forward. Did he really want to barge in like this? To take advantage of Jayra’s moment of weakness right after he told her he wouldn’t abuse her?

Suddenly, her words repeated itself in his head. The gruesome and graphic way that she threatened him was something that he took to heart. And even as a werewolf, for some reason, he was sure that Jayra wasn’t joking when she said she’ll utterly destroy him to the point where there wouldn’t even be a body left to bury.

Cautiously, Bartos decided to keep his distance, forcing himself to be content with simply watching his mate from afar as they let out their grief for the fallen. Perhaps there would come a time where he could comfort her in his arms, but surely, now wasn’t it. They had barely gotten to know one another, and it was only proper that he respected the funeral rites.

After all, despite all his desires, using a funeral as a backdrop for romance was simply in bad taste.

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