Darius walked Xenia back inside his tent. Without so much as leaving any room for her to deny him, he said, “Rest, Xen. I’ll just have a meeting with your brother to discuss important matters together with his officers. I’ll be back soon.”

She simply nodded, watching him walk out of the tent so much as any fanfare. Sighing to herself, she found herself looking around Darius’s tent again. And of course, nothing really significant had changed.

“What did I even expect…”

Soon, her servants came to prepare her to go to sleep. As much as she didn’t want them with her in the first place, her father insisted, and Darius even seconded with bringing her personal servants from the palace with her. Well, at least she no longer needed to make a fuss over simple matters anymore.

Then again, it was probably for the best. She was a Princess after all, so it was only natural for her father to wish her comfort in everything she did.

She subconsciously smiled at the memory, also having thought of how Darius vocally said the same to her. He wanted her pampered and treated well as his queen; always giving her as much comfort as she needed despite despising the situation that they were in.

After getting dressed and braiding her hair, Xenia thanked and dismissed the servants. Once more, she wore one of her usual nightgowns from back when she was still in the castle.

Smiling at the comfort of the good fabrics she used to wear, Xenia relished in the fact that her bosoms could finally breathe properly. It was one of the reasons why this paricular nightgown was her favorite. It was simply way too comfortable, especially in the current weather that they were having.

Satisfied with her current arrangement, she looked down and gave herself one quick glance over. Somehow, a part of her wondered if it was okay to sleep with such thin fabric covering her decency while she was with the Werewolf King.

‘It wouldn’t be the first time that we’ll sleep together…’ she thought with a frown, recalling how she even managed to sleep in that cave with his naked body pressing against hers. ‘That was so stupid of me…’

Seeing that everything was in order, Xenia made her way to her bed. Well, at least until she realized something. “How come there’s only one bed in here?” she murmured with a pout as she crawled on the comfortable mattress. It was big enough to fit three to four people, but it was still just the one bed.

Laying on the soft mattress, Xenia tried her best to make herself comfortable as she blankly stared at the tent’s ceiling. She then turned to her side, staring at the empty space where Darius would soon sleep on.

“Just have to put up with it…”

Xenia let out a loud sigh. She already accepted her fate, and she would always stop herself from being stubborn just so she could stick with it. She wanted to make things work between her and Darius anyway.

There was no point in rejecting him or running away from him. She came to that conclusion after talking to her brother, Ezekiel. Her brother’s words hit something deep inside her then, and she had no confidence in her to deny what she was feeling.

Letting out another sigh, she closed her eyes as she tried to sleep. After a few minutes of trying, however, it was clear that sleep was simply too far for her to achieve at that point in time. It was probably because she slept during the journey on their way to the camp? Her eyes darted towards the tent’s entrace, waiting…

“Weird,” she murmured, realizing how she found herself waiting for Darius’s arrival. “Why am I doing this…”

After a few moments, the tent’s curtains moved. Almost immediately, Xenia quickly shifted to her side, closing her eyes in an effort to fake her slumber. She bit her lower lip, her heart pounding as she waited with bated breath.

There were few silent movements, and soon, Xenia felt Darius joining her on the mattress. She could feel the warmth rolling off his body getting nearer, and she held her breath when Darius’s arm wrapped itself around her waist.

‘What is he doing?’ she inwardly panicked. She could feel his chest and, face on her back… Was he burying his face in the crook of her neck?

‘Is he sniffing my hair?’ Xenia inwardly thought. Thankfully, she had washed her hair, so it shouldn’t smell awful.

‘Wait… Why does it even matter if I smell awful to him or not?’ she silently scorned to herself. ‘It doesn’t matter.’

“Why aren’t you sleeping, Xen?” he asked in his hoarse voice.

‘He knows I’m awake?’

Xenia didn’t know what to do. Should she continue trying to fake her sleep? Or should she just open her eyes and be done with it? She was way too busy thinking about what should be her next move that she was paralyzed in her indecision.

It was then that she suddenly felt Darius’s nose rubbing against the delicate skin of her nape. She stiffened, but she then quivered when his hot breath and soft lips touched her skin. Jolts of electricity began running down her spine, and she had to bite her lower lip just to stop herself from making lewd noises. Already, a moan was threatening to come out of her mouth, and she didn’t want to know what would happen if it did.

Xenia forced herself still as he continued to have his way with her. He was licking and suckling on her bare nape, and she was quick to blame the situation on the fact that she preferred to wear a loose nightgown that night.

It almost looked like an off-shoulder dress while she was sleeping, and it was practically screaming for someone to take it off her. In hindsight, she should’ve worn something more conservative, like a tunic that would hide her shoulders from this impatient man.

‘This is too much,’ Xenia inwardly complained. What Darius was doing was making her feel so good that she couldn’t help but want more of what he could do.

Keeping her eyes shut, she felt Darius move her stiff body to face her. He then whispered into her ear, “Stop pretending, Xen. I know you’re awake. Open your eyes and look at me. Relax your body, my love.”

‘My love? Did I heard him right?’

Reluctantly, Xenia slowly opened her eyes, holding her breath once more as the closeness of Darius’s face was too much to bear. She could practically feel and smell his breath, and it was doing things to her that she didn’t want to admit that she liked. Did she truly have no shame?

“You…” she whispered out, her hand fiddling with her gown as she waited for an answer.

“Sorry, I can’t help it,” Darius unapologetically replied, a seductive smile on his face as he then brushed his lips against hers. “You just smell so good, and it’s so tempting… I want to run my lips all over your body, Xen. I’ll keep doing this whether you like it or not, so you better get used to me.”

“You’re seducing me…” Xenia directly accused with narrowed eyes. He was seducing her, and it was undeniably effective!

“Hmm… Tell me, are you being seduced?” Darius fondly and wickedly asked, his lips still brushing lightly against hers. He kept on licking and suckling on them slowly, making sure to torment and lure her into asking for more.

Xenia was conflicted as his hands gently touched her neck, his fingers crawling all the way down from her shoulder to her arm while his lips sprinkled small kisses on the tip of her chin. His attack was slow and deliberate, making sure that she wouldn’t be able to say no as he descended on her neck and lingered on her clavicle.

His ragged breaths… The moist feel of his tongue… It all gave her an unexplainable, but pleasurable sensation like no other.

“Tell me, Xen… Should I stop now?”


July 1, 2022

A/N: Do you think this is too early to say YES? Hahaha

E/N: Personally, yes.

A/N: But my readers probably want some steamy scene already. lmao

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