“Don’t you at least need to cover yourself up, Your Majesty?” Atlas commented with a frown as he looked at Darius’s naked human form from head to toe.

Darius’s eyes quickly darted around to Gideon, who immediately understood his intentions as he then ran towards the servant to get some clothes. After which, the king’s eyes shifted back to Atlas, a cunning smirk forming on his lips.

“Hah! It’s not like this is the first time Xen has seen my naked body,” Darius proudly scoffed, ignoring how his mate had turned beet red at his words. “Why rush in covering myself up?”

On the sidelines, Xen coughed at the incredulity of the situation. She actually sounded like she was choking on her own saliva.

“Once more, take your hands off her now, or I will rip it off her myself,” he repeated, his eyes boring holes on Atlas.

Wordlessly, Atlas acquiesced, quickly releasing Xen’s wrist before backing off. Only then did Darius relax his gaze, turning his attention back to his mate as she fumed at him.

“Darius!” Xenia snapped at him with a frown. Even when annoyed and angry, Xen always seemed to look far too adorable in his eyes. It didn’t help that she only bloomed further whenever she was blushing like that. How he just wanted to pinch those cheeks of hers, if only to make them even redder.

“What?” Darius naively asked.

“You’re overreacting again,” Xen retorted. “Just cover yourself up already. My people aren’t used to often seeing naked men.”

It was then that Gideon arrived with his clothes in hand. He handed them over with a nod, “Your Majesty.”

Staring at his clothes, Darius raised an eyebrow as he then keenly looked at Xen. “Help me get dressed,” he ordered her, completely uncaring about whoever was currently around them.

Instead of moving as she was ordered, Xenia simply frowned at him, Darius’s shoulders dropping as he took the hint and annoyingly put on his trousers himself. It was humiliating, in hindsight, and he knew he wasn’t acting like himself by being petty like this. He then grabbed his own cloak and was about to put it on when…

“Princess, let me escort you back to camp,” Atlas promptly offered with a worried tone.

Darius froze, quickly turning his attention back to the pair just in time to see Xen nod at the man.

‘No way!’ the king inwardly grunted. It was infuriating how easily his mate had left him just to go with this Atlas!

[Are you going to take that?!]

Absolutely not.

“Ahhh!” Darius groaned loudly, clutching his right shoulder in an effort to fake an injury.

Almost immediately, his effort had the desired effect. Xen’s eyebrows knitted together upon seeing how he winced as if he was in pain while putting on his cape. Instinctively, she moved closer to him, helping him in her own way as she draped the cape over him.

“What’s wrong?” she worriedly asked. There was no way for her to tell how bad he was wounded. He was practically in blood, and his cape only helped in obscuring his body further.

With a resigned nod, Xen finally turned to Atlas and said, “I will ride in the carriage with Darius if that’s fine.”

[Yes!] Darius and Zeus cheered together.

Xen then looked at Gideon. With a frown, she ordered, “Help him get inside the carriage. I’ll get Jayra.”

[Tsk! Leave and get Jayra yourself. Let Xen help me in the carriage,] Darius telepathically commanded Gideon. He wouldn’t let this Atlas have his time with Xen. Not with that twinkling eyes of his lingering on his mate.

“Allow me to get the healer, Princess,” Gideon quickly replied, already moving to leave the scene. “Please help the King inside the carriage.”

Seeing his opportunity, Darius immediately put his arm over Xen’s shoulders and said, “Let’s go, Xen. I want to rest.” He then looked at Atlas and authoritatively instructed, “Once everything is clear, we can move forward to the camp.”

The man parted his lips, and Darius could see the frown that quickly flashed through his face. It dissipated just as quickly when Xen spoke, however.

“Do as the king says, Atlas,” she urged the man. “My father had entrusted him with the authority over our group, and it’s only proper to follow the chain of command.”

“I understand, Your Highness,” Atlas replied.

Watching the man leave, Darius was glad that Xen backed him up. Immediately, he let her walk him towards the carriage, still faking his injury as he clutched on his nonexistent wound.

“Where are you hurting?” Xen asked, and he could tell that the concern in her voice was genuine. For the first time in his life, Darius regretted that he didn’t actually get wounded enough for it to matter.

[Silly…] Zeus scoffed.

Darius had a smile on his face, but he quickly dropped it in favor of keeping up his facade.

“I’m not sure, Xen,” he replied with a lethargic voice.

Before the princess could ask any further, Gideon and Jayra had already arrived. They were quite fast to arrive at their side, and the former promptly moved to help the king up inside the carriage as he telepathically inquired, [Sire, are you hurt badly?]

[No, I’m not,] Darius plainly answered through his thoughts.

[Fake a good faint…] Zeus quickly chimed in as soon as Darius was inside the carriage with Xen. [It’ll be great.]

Darius blinked at his wolf’s suggestion. He didn’t know why Zeus wanted to do it, but he did it anyway. Letting himself go limp, he acted as if he had lost consciousness right in Xen’s arms.

“Darius!” Xen worriedly called to him, but he kept his eyes shut. “Jayra! Quickly check him!” With a nod, Jayra moved in haste, using her magic to assist the Werewolf King’s body in an attempt to treat his nonexistent injuries.

“There’s no major wounds on him, Princess. If any, it’s only scratches,” Jayra frowned. “That’s weird… There’s no way for him to pass out like this… so how come he lost consciousness?”

Darius inwardly cursed. Was he about to get found out?

[Go pull Jayra out of this carriage now. If there aren’t any more problems we can move on with the journey!] Darius immediately instructed Gideon. [Just bring something that Xen can use to clean this stinking blood off me.] He then growled, [Go! I want my privacy with Xen!]

[Got it, Sire!] Gideon quickly answered telepathically.

Getting the hint, Gideon hastily pulled at Jayra as he explained, “He’s probably just worn out. Usually, His Majesty will lose consciousness whenever he overuses his body. A good rest will get him back up, so let’s leave, Milady.”

He then dragged the mage out with him towards the door. “We can let Princess Xenia clean him up. I’ll ask for a servant to bring them some water and a few towels.”

Before Xen could even protest, the two were already out of the carriage. Soon enough, the aforementioned servants arrived with everything she could need to clean Darius up. The carriage started moving as well, locking her in with the king.

“Get up!” Darius heard Xen grunt. He didn’t move an inch, however. Nor did he ever open his eyes for her. “I know you’re faking.”

He held his breath, hoping that she wouldn’t call her bluff. When he heard her let off a loud exhale, he knew that he had her fooled. He wanted to know if Xen would take care of him. Or if she would simply let him be with his men and servants.

“Did you really lose consciousness?” Xen mumbled to herself.

A few moments passed, and Darius finally felt a wet towel brush against his skin. Xen was cleaning him up, and it was glorious. He wanted so badly to open his eyes and see her being so caring, but he didn’t want to spoil the moment. Instead, he let her do as she pleased.

[She stayed… with me…]

[Of course, she will. It’s her duty as your future wife,] Zeus jokingly scoffed. [Don’t celebrate just yet… Not until you’ve claimed and marked her, you idiot.]


A/N: That’s so harsh of you Zeus lol killing Darius’s good vibe. By the way guys, you can Join our DISCORD group via Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy ; Follow and like our [email protected] or Instagram: EUSTOMA_reyna

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