The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 680 Selfish And The Worst

So far, things were going smoothly in Calypso's life. He couldn't ask for more; being the Alpha of the Midnight Pack, holding a high position in their Kingdom as the Great Justiciar, having a sister, and most importantly having his mate as his wife. But for some reason, he was having these negative thoughts that everything would crumble around him if he didn't do something different. That if things remained as they were now, his happiness wouldn't last that long.

"You look bothered, Alpha," Seth commented as he sat beside him, handing him some of the pending cases that needed urgent addressing. "Something on your mind?" 

"Hmm… I didn't think I'd be that transparent," Calypso mumbled with a sigh. He should compose himself before Aurelia notices his distress.

"My Alpha?" Seth repeated. "What's bothering you?" 

Wordlessly, Calypso chuckled as he stared in Aurelia's direction. She was currently with Lena, the two of them working together to renovate the manor's lawns with more flowers and decorations. It actually all was Lena's idea. His mate wasn't the type to love this kind of stuff, but he guessed she couldn't say no to his sister who probably just pulled her in to help her with her project.

"Seth, have you ever felt like everything seems to be going too well for it to be true?" he opened up. "That if nothing changed, you feel like these blessings will soon leave you?" 

Calypso was glad that Seth was lending him an ear. Surprisingly, the man was actually a good companion. At first, he thought that he and Seth wouldn't get along due to the man being majorly against him being the Alpha of the Midnight Pack during the first time they met. He even recalled how Seth warned him on how he would always keep an eye on him.

That was back then. Time passed, and their relationship surprisingly became smoother the more they interacted. He and Seth honestly almost had the same ideas when it came to taking care of their pack. They were good ideas, and Calypso actually wanted to support the changes he put forward.

"Hmm, I guess that's normal, Alpha. If you have this fear of taking risks, and then losing everything you had would be kind of frightening," Seth reminisced, his eyes glued onto Lena as he monologued. 

"But who wouldn't have those thoughts? I remember how my father would always tell me that in this life… in this world… nothing is truly permanent except for change. The only thing we can do then is to always be ready to face everything that might happen, even if those changes wouldn't be to our advantage. He wanted me to stay strong and face everything with my head held high. To innovate and turn things to my advantage no matter how hard it is…" 

Calypso couldn't help but chuckle. "Looks like you're determined to turn everything to your advantage, huh…" he scoffed. "Especially when it comes to my sister Lena."

"Of course," Seth unknowingly answered with a nod, only for his eyes to widen when he realized what exactly he just said. Hastily turning to Calypso, he gasped, "What?!"

Calypso laughed. Seth's reaction alone to being caught red-handed like this with his mouth agape was so funny that it almost made him cackle.

"No wonder you've been watching my sister more intently than normal," Calypso teased with a grin. "Still, I should remind you that you also have other duties to attend to. Like right now, I'm here so that you can be dismissed and do some other work for the pack."

Seth innocently scratched his head as he mumbled with an awkward smile, "But you need someone to talk to, so I think I'll stay here for some time with you, Alpha." He cheekily chuckled as he added, "Tell me everything. I'm pretty good at listening and giving advice."

"Since you're insisting, then fine…" Calypso hummed with a raised brow. "Do you have any news about her then?" 

And by her, Calypso meant his mother. Seth's mother was the only close friend his mother had. Actually, he couldn't even call that woman his mother. He had too much hatred lingering inside his heart to even address that woman as such.

"The last time I heard from my mother, Aunt Anna was sick. Mother actually left four days ago to visit her," Seth informed him. "Based on how much time has passed, my mother will probably return some time this week. I'll ask her for more information as soon as she comes back. Also, do you know that you have a younger brother through her? His name is Calum, and he's twenty-three." 

Calypso hummed in thought. He had heard about the part where his womb-provider had another son to her mate, but not the part where she was sick. Honestly, he wasn't interested. In fact, it only agitated him more knowing how she spent twenty-three years with her second son that she had with the man she ran away with. All while leaving him alone with his father when he was eight. She was the worst!

"I regret even asking you about her now," Calypso wryly grunted.

"I don't know if this will help, but I think you should know how many times Aunt Anna came back here to look for you while you were away," Seth further informed him. "She told my mother not to mention this to our King knowing how King Darius will inform you in turn. She's been visiting this manor a few times every change of the season, hoping that you've already returned."

"And she stopped doing so the moment I returned, right?" Calypso scorned, followed by a curse under his breath.

"That's because that was when she started becoming sick and weak, Alpha…" Seth continued.

"You know what? I've heard enough," Calypso huffed. "Leave me for now…"

"I understand…" Seth nodded. But before he left, he added, "But let me say this before I go: I believe that's why you're weary, Alpha. You're living in the trauma of the past. You have to let go and move on from this dilemma. That way, you won't fear for the future…"

Calypso didn't comment on Seth's last words. Instead, he kept his eyes on Aurelia. By the time Seth had already left, he let out a heavy sigh in deep thought. He was lucky that his mate awakened to a wolf and was also able to feel the Mate Pull. It was more than an assurance already that she wouldn't leave him so long as he made everything work out in their relationship. That was why he was working hard for her, and he was honestly glad that it was paying off, especially with her confession about how she was already falling for him.

[We should see her…] Axel suggested. [You have to let this out for your own good.] 

"I don't think I will," he scoffed as he gritted his teeth. "Why would I waste my time seeing the woman who abandoned me to run away with her mate?" 

It was just common sense. Her mother and father married for love, but when her mother turned twenty-seven, she suddenly met her mate… a Beta from another pack. He was aware of how strong the Mate Pull was, but was his and his father's love not enough for her to stay and overcome it? Was abandoning them like that and choosing her mate the right decision to make for her? No… she was simply selfish and the worst!

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