Soon, they finished breakfast, and just in time for Lena's arrival in the manor. Once their new guest's arrival was announced, she and Calypso headed to the entrance of the mansion to greet her.

Greeting the new arrival, Aurelia noted that Lena was with the Queen. She saw the confused look that the two were giving her while they were looking at her. 

"Oh, she's Aurelia. She's a hybrid, and she recently just discovered the existence of her wolf," Calypso explained. "She was in the process of practicing her shifting, but somehow got stuck in her wolf form…"

"Oh, my sister-in-law looks so adorable in her wolf form," Lena burst out as she approached Aurelia to hug her. "Look at those purple furs!" 

Aurelia winced at the sudden attention. She wasn't used to this kind of bodily contact, but maybe she had to get used to it now if she was going to have Lena as a sister-in-law.

"Welcome to our home, Lena," Calypso welcomed. "I hope you find everything to your liking…" 

Lena then turned to him, releasing Aurelia from her to hug Calypso instead. Looking on, Aurelia didn't know why, but she felt annoyed at seeing how Lena was hugging her mate.

[You're jealous of your sister-in-law?] Aura asked.

[She's family now, but then, Lena's not exactly blood-related to Calypso…] Aurelia muttered. 

"Thank you so much for accepting me to be a part of your family, Milord," Lena hummed at Calypso. "I really don't know what my age is, but our Queen had me registered as your younger sister. As such, I should probably address you as big brother Calypso now, right?"

"Lena, just call me Big Bro," Calypso answered. "I'm your brother now, so address me casually, alright?"

Aurelia frowned as she wondered when these two even met. She already met Lena since she was the one who treated the woman in the absence of Lady Jayra. There had been no interaction between the two of them aside from that of being a physician and a patient. She knew she shouldn't feel this way. Lena had lost her memories, and she was aware of how fond the Queen was of the woman to the point of making her a part of the royal family as Calypso's legally adopted sister.

[What's wrong?] Calypso interrupted through her thoughts. He probably felt her discomfort since her wall wasn't fully up against him.

[Nothing,] she scoffed.

[Thank goodness we're in our wolf form, or else you'll surely have a hard time hiding your annoyance at Lena's arrival…] Aura teased.

"Hmm, this is good news. To see that Lady Aurelia's wolf had finally come out before she reached the age limit…" Queen Xenia commented with her usual adoring smile. "I'm sure your family will be very delighted to hear this good news…"

"True, Sister-in-law. I am happy for her too, but Aurelia doesn't want her family to know about it yet till she masters her abilities," Calypso answered and Queen Xenia nodded in understanding. "Also, I can see that your stomach is starting to get bigger. I can't wait to see my future niece and nephew! Oh, I'm excited seeing my Lia with a big stomach like yours too." 

Aurelia rolled her eyes as Calypso shamelessly uttered his words. While the two women chuckled, she felt a huge lump in her throat at the prospect of pregnancy. It was only a good thing that she was in her wolf form. At least she was able to hide the deep blush forming on her face.

"I'm sure Sister-in-law will still look stunning even with a big belly," Lena commented, making Aurelia feel guilty for getting annoyed with the woman in the first place.

[Jealousy can make someone petty, you see. But then, it couldn't be helped especially when we have these insecurities,] Aura sagely advised. [You're right, after all… Words accompanied by actions are still way better than actions alone. But who are you to demand that when you yourself won't give your all and take risks?]

Aurelia's frown deepened as she mumbled, [It looks like you've been siding with our mate…]

Aura replied with a chuckle, and Aurelia could only shrug at her wolf's behavior. Her wolf's bond with Axel was getting stronger too. Sooner or later, she wouldn't be surprised if Aura would end up scolding her more often in favor of Calypso!

Once things settled down, the first thing Calypso did was to ask for a gathering among his officials to inform them that she was now a Hybrid with an official wolf in her. Aurelia smirked upon seeing the disappointment of every female werewolf who was eyeing her mate.

[Hah, let's show them that we're not weak, Aura!] Aurelia inwardly declared to her wolf. [Let them see that this position as Calypso's Luna belongs to no one else but us!] 

[Getting possessive, aren't we?] Aure teased. 

Aurelia simply ignored her wolf. She was too busy rejoicing in that little victory of hers against the women that looked down on her.

"Everyone, meet my sister Lena."

Calypso also took the time to officially introduced Lena, of course.

"I-It's nice to meet you," Lena meekly bowed, her stutters almost overpowering her speech as she did her best to introduce herself. "P-Please take care of me…"

"We will, Lena," one of the men chuckled. "Don't worry!"

"Of course," another casually added. "We'll keep you safe!"

Aurelia couldn't help but chuckle at how their men quickly came to like the woman. Really, it was hard not to, seeing as Lena looked like she couldn't even hurt a fly.

"I really have such a cute sister, don't I?"

"Indeed, she's so beautiful, Alpha Calypso!"

Her chuckle froze as she raised an eyebrow. Calypso's words… As much as she hated it, they affected her.

[It's only natural,] Aura supplied.

[No, it's not,] Aurelia grumbled.

Why? Why was she feeling this irrational jealousy? She didn't like it one bit. It wasn't like her to be petty like this. Lena was surely her sister… in the same way as how Gideon was a brother to her… but that didn't stop her from developing an unrequited love for him, knowing that they weren't truly blood-related. What if Calypso ended up the same with Lena?

[If you're hurting this much, then you love him already,] her wolf sighed. [You lost in your own game, Aurelia. You already fell for our mate without knowing it…]

[This… Can't be…] she helplessly murmured.

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