Calypso's eyes widened as Aurelia's words almost dripped like honey from her ever so kissable lips. His heart skipped a beat, and he almost wanted to ask if he was dreaming as her words repeated themselves over and over inside his head.

[S-She wants to do it? Right now?] he couldn't help but ask.

[Shouldn't you be happy?] Axel laughed even if his excitement still palpable in his tone. [She's giving herself to you now. This is our moment!]

Calypso was just about to speak when he suddenly thought of something. As much as he wanted to take his Lia right here and now, this was still his mate… And his mate was anything but normal.

"Well, Calypso?" she scoffed, her cold expression still on her face despite the ever growing passion he was feeling within her. "I'm waiting for an answer."

[What are you waiting for?!] Axel scolded him. [This is the third time that she's giving you a chance to mate with her! Are you seriously going to say no to it again?!]

[Absolutely not!] Calypso burst out. [I'm going to take her tonight. Of that, I'm sure. Still, this is Lia we're talking about. She's not some any ordinary woman that I've bedded after a few rounds of flirting. She's not even going about this like we're mated for life already!]

No, he could tell that something was wrong the very moment she walked into the room. Obviously, he could tell that Aurelia was planning something even before the night even came. From that afternoon forward, his mate was brewing up something within the privacy of her workshop, and from her emotions alone, he could tell that it involved him and a few of the rumors that she had just told him existed.

"I think you already know the answer to that," Calypso smirked, his responses carefully thought out as he picked out his words. "How can I say no to you, my sweet Lia?"

Moving to sit beside her, he raised his hand to her cheeks, gently caressing her face as he kept up his performance. In his mind, however, he was scrambling desperately to know just what exactly his mate's plans truly were.

[Can't you just take her words at face value?] Axel complained. [She's right there in front of you, practically baring her all for us to take.]

[No, Lia isn't like that,] Calypso shook his head even as his hands began to slowly undress his mate by the shoulders. [She wouldn't just give herself away like this.]

Unfortunately for him, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get a glimpse of what was going on inside her head. At any other time, he would've easily inferred her thought processes by the way of looking at her emotions. It was the one thing he had over her, and no matter how hard she tried hiding her feelings from him by scowling, her heart betrayed any and all that was running through her mind. But now…

'I can't get past all the passion she's feeling,' he inwardly scowled even as his desire for her rose higher and higher with every inch of skin she revealed to him. 'I know she's feeling something else, but I didn't even know this was even possible!'

It was practically unheard of for a female werewolf to put up a wall against their male mates once they've been marked, but somehow, his Lia had managed to do just that. While he could tell that she was experiencing other emotions through their Bond, the overwhelming passion he was getting off of her was so great that it was practically drowning out every other emotion within her. Everytime he tried to sneak a glance at her feelings, he was bombarded with a burning desire for him that it almost made him want to ravage her just to fully experience what was going on inside her chest. 

'How in the world is she even keeping that all in?!' he burst out in confusion as his own senses were starting to get drowned out in the presence of his mate. 'I can't believe she's still in control like this!'

But try as he might, all the possible explanations he could think of came up short as Aurelia slowly and inevitably took control of their intimacy. She smirked as she stripped herself off what was left of her dress, revealing herself to him in all of her glory as her hands began to take off his pants for him.

'I'm being taken advantage of,' he concluded even as he willingly lied down on the bed and let her mount him. 'This… This is what she wants!'

"Let me make this experience a pleasurable one for both of us," Aurelia scoffed as she freed his already erect member from the confines of his clothes. "I'll take care of you, Calypso."

Her sultry voice sent shivers down his spine as her delicate fingers wrapped themselves around his cock just like that one drunken night they had. But unlike the last time she pleasured him, her movements now were more measured, calculated. Her eyes were cold and logical despite the clear blush and sweat blooming across her body, and her touch was both gentle and stiff, probably because of how she was reaching behind her as he stroked his massive cock behind her back.

"Y-You can turn around, you know," Calypso advised as he grunted through the pleasure.

"I think I'm rather comfortable sitting on your waist like this for now," Aurelia scoffed as her hands began to move faster, her other hand already having thrown away his shirt leaving him just as naked as she was. "Besides, I'll be moving on to sitting on your cock in just a few minutes anyway."

Another groan escaped his lips from the combined sensations of his shaft being stroked and her casual declaration that she would ride him in just a few minutes. He'd finally have access to her very core… He'd finally mate with her… Wait…

'No! Focus! This is still a test, I'm sure!'

Calypso grunted as he found his resolve. Turning the table, he sat back up despite the pleasure coursing through his body. Grabbing Aurelia by the shoulders, he gave her the deepest kiss that he possibly could, his body already moving ever so slightly in a way to assert his control.

'This is just another game to her,' he inwardly growled, his own fires starting to burn as he rose up to the challenge. 'One that I know I have to win.' 

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