The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 653 Fueled The Fires

Aurelia didn't anticipate that it would be so hard to fight and resist the Mate Pull. It had only been a minute since she and Calypso had let their bodies come close like that, but already her body was going haywire. She had closed her eyes in an effort to distract herself, but she could still feel Calypso's intense gaze on her. His warm breath was coming closer.

'Is he planning to kiss me?' she mentally thought.

[That seems to be what's happening,] her wolf sarcastically scoffed. [We might not like it now, but it's a foregone conclusion that we'll be in his embrace.]

And soon enough, Aurelia felt Calypso's full lips smack against hers. She slowly opened her eyes and saw how his eyes were also open. She opened her mouth to say something, but Calypso quickly slid his tongue through her lips.

'Heavens!' Aurelia inwardly gasped.

She was totally caught off guard by his actions. And what's even worse was she was unable to stop Calypso from doing so. Why? It was because she was enjoying how he was gently kissing her, tasting her as if savoring all that her mouth had to offer from the outside to the inside. The sensations it was giving to her body were simply amazing. She felt butterflies fluttering inside her stomach, not to mention the tingling and pleasurable sensation now crawling all over her body.

Maybe her wolf was right. There was no harm in enjoying intimacy with him. It was bound to happen anyway. And besides, surrendering her body to him didn't mean that he already had complete rule over her very being. It was simply a means to an end, one that she also happened to find pleasure in even as she continued this game she waged against him.

She will complete the Mate Bond with him simply so that she'll be able to put a wall against him. Nothing more. Nothing less.

[Agreed,] her wolf hummed in approval. [That is exactly what is happening.]

[You sound pleased,] Aurelia barely managed to scoff back. [You have plans of your own, don't you…]

[I am you, after all,] her wolf cheekily chuckled. [Make no mistake, I am still firmly on your side. I'm simply doing what's best for us.]

Aurelia made a mental note to double-check her wolf's advice to her before turning her attention back to what was arguably the most confusingly pleasurable experience she had ever experienced.

Slowly, she ended up closing her eyes as she responded to Calypso's eager kissing. This wasn't the first time they had kissed, but somehow, this felt different to her. Somehow, it felt more intense with her answering him with the same intensity he gave her. She didn't know if she was doing it right, only copying what he was doing to her, but she could only assume that she was doing fine.

Feeling his tongue enter her mouth, she promptly mirrored his actions as she probed deeper into his as well, their tongues fighting for dominance as they savored each other's flavors.

By the time they were done, both of them were practically breathless. They stared at each other, both of them panting as their chests heaving.

Calypso smiled at her as he murmured, "I want more."

Before she could reply, he once again sealed her lips with his. Aurelia let out a soft suppressed moan when she felt his wayward hand crawling up on her sides, moving as if sizing up all of her curves and counters. Somehow, she the sensation of his warm palm running across her body. It felt good, and she couldn't help but gasp when his hand cupped one of her breasts, gently squeezing it like it was fruit for his taking.

"Lia, you're driving me crazy," Calypso murmured into her mouth before his lips found their way to her cheek and then trailed down to her jawline. He stayed there on her neck, his lips sucking and nipping at her skin like it was some sort of delicacy. "I just can't get enough of you…"

"Are… Are we going to complete the Mate Bond now?" she hoarsely murmured as her hand found his hair to grab onto while he licked and suckled his neck.

Calypso kept his silence as he continued on with his ministrations. All the while, Aurelia couldn't help but imagine just what exactly would happen now that she was all but presenting herself to him. She knew she was losing badly, but for the life of her, she couldn't help but feel fine with such a prospect.

[What is happening to me?] she couldn't help but groan out.

[Nature,] her wolf humorlessly scoffed. [This is your nature as a werewolf expressing itself in the face of your mate.]

[Obviously,] she scoffed in annoyance even as her pleasure made it hard for her to keep her tone level. [How do I fight this properly?]

[Simple. You complete the Mate Bond with him,] her wolf advised. [Doing so will satisfy your baser instincts, while also allowing you better control over the flow of your emotions.]

Aurelia almost opened her mouth to speak before a throaty moan escaped her lips. As much as her body loved what was happening, her mind was desperately running through every possible situation where she could still come out of this encounter on top.

'H-He's clearly insatiable,' she inwardly groaned as she felt his hands run circles around her stiff nipples. His lips were still deliciously sucking on the skin on her shoulder, his tongue trailing across the sensitive spot and making her mind blank out every other second or so. 'M-Maybe he'll take me now…'

Gritting her teeth, she resigned herself to the sensations running rampant across her body as she prepared herself for the inevitable. She felt herself letting go as she moaned at his ministrations, the furnace which was her body starting to burn as every action and touch he did to her only fueled the fires burning within her loins.

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