The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 649 Step Up Her Defenses

Aurelia could only hold onto her sighs as she walked side by side with Calypso onto the Lantern Festival. Just as she remembered it, the winter village where the festival was annually held was filled with stalls upon stalls of random knick-knacks and street foods. There was also a considerable amount of entertainment to be had as the very streets themselves were littered with casual and professional performers alike. From juggling clowns to singing bards, there was little to want from the place when it came to spending time just to have fun.

[But from the sound of it, you're not exactly pleased,] her wolf casually remarked.

[You don't sound like you're enjoying the scenery as well, you know,] Aurelia scoffed. [Truly, we're one and the same.]

Then again, it really couldn't be helped. Really, the only reason why she was tolerating all of the noise was that Calypso was trying his best to show her a good time. The same could be said for her own brother, actually. Then again, she actually liked her brother enough to tolerate being in noisy spaces like these just to be with him.

[That sounds like you're equating our brother to Calypso,] her wolf pointed out. [And you're not being that honest with yourself just now.]

[So it would seem,] Aurelia mentally shrugged. [I can admit that Calypso's efforts are affecting me more than I would like. And the Mate Pull is annoyingly getting stronger.]

It was an observation that had both Aurelia and her wolf on edge. Well, her wolf was more accepting of it, but at least her other self was still firmly on her side. Even now as they simply strolled on by through the streets, his annoyingly attention-grabbing scent was succeeding in making her feel weird. His fingers occasionally brushing against hers also never failed to send a jolt of electricity running up her arm. All in all, his very presence was a magnet of sensations that she really didn't welcome with open arms.

"Shall we go to the play then, Lia?" Calypso asked.

"Perhaps," Aurelia nonchalantly responded. "Kindly lead the way then."

He flashed yet another smile at her, and her heart jumped like she was just given something that she had desperately needed. Why? It was very much annoying.

[Why don't you just go ahead and let him complete the Mate Bond?] her wolf suddenly chimed up. [If anything, that'll stop his advances from feeling like you're constantly being electrocuted just from looking at him. It might also allow us to shift into our wolf form if our hypothesis is correct.]

Aurelia narrowed her eyes. [Are seriously considering just letting him win?]

[Absolutely not!] her wolf quickly defended. [Still, if you're that annoyed with his presence constantly making itself known to you, then perhaps completing the Mate Bond will allow you to have some resistance to him. After all, constant exposure is known to build up a tolerance, right?]

She inwardly rolled her eyes at her wolf. While her other half was correct, she couldn't just let him roll over her without a fight. Besides, she was in no hurry in accessing her wolf form anyway. She had no use for a form just yet, and she really didn't want him to have full access to her thoughts.

[I understand that, but it's just a thought, you know,] her wolf casually pointed out.

[You're clearly compromised,] Aurelia accused her other half. [How can I trust that you're on my side if you're advocating that I just let Calypso win?]

[As if you're not being affected by him as well,] her wolf scoffed. [If you're saying that I'm compromised, then what say you?]

Aurelia let out a sigh as she shook off her wolf's conclusions. She will have to give it to her other half for now. As much as she tried to deny it, she was truly being affected by Calypso's advances far more than she would've liked.

Why even his most basic of glances made her cheeks go red in return.

"Well, here we are," Calypso announced as he gestured towards the makeshift theater in front of them. "This is where they're supposed to enact the festival play."

Aurelia raised an eyebrow at the sigh in front of her. Just like she remembered it, the stage was made of snow and ice as the light from the nearest torches made the platform shine against the darkness of the night. It wasn't much, but it was just enough to stir a bit of nostalgia out of her.

"Remembering something?" he asked, having probably noticed her expression.

"A few memories from my youth," Aurelia casually remarked, her legs already walking ahead to secure a seat for herself. "I did say that my brother used to take me here."

"That you did," Calypso chuckled as he sat right next to her. "But that was back then. You're here now, Lia. With me."

She almost flinched when she felt his palm land on her hand. The sensation of it alone almost made her gasp for breath as the Mate Pull all but screamed at her to like her mate.

'I refuse to let to let this metaphysical nonsense win that easily,' she inwardly growled. 'Control yourself...'

Taking a deep breath, Aurelia schooled her features as she flashed him one of her usual cold smiles. Sure, he might be able to feel her true emotions, but that didn't mean she had to give him the satisfaction of seeing them etched onto her face.

"I am indeed with you now," she coolly replied. "That is an obvious thing that is happening, yes."

"Lia, you don't have to act coldly to me anymore," he insisted with his usual smug smile. "I can feel your emotions, remember?"

"Calypso, that is exactly why I'm doing this," she smiled back, her smugness shining through despite the blush forming on her face. "I will concede to your point, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to find another method of rebuffing you."

It was at that point that the play started. Aurelia could only inwardly let out a sigh of relief as both she and Calypso had their attention taken by the entertaining story being played out before them. At the very least, it was a welcome distraction from the hammering sensation within her chest.

She knew she had to step up her defenses, especially since she noticed that she hadn't removed her hand from his grasp during the whole duration of the play.

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