The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 644 Let His Sister Go

"I just hope we're giving Aurelia away to the right person," Gideon remarked as he looked at Calypso, the man having picked up the drunk Aurelia for them to retire to the former's bedchamber where they would both sleep in the same bed.

"Aurelia is a woman grown now, Son," Lord Tubal reassured him. "She reassured us already numerous times that she can handle herself well enough."

"Father is right," Freya added. "You should have more faith in her."

Gideon sighed as he shook his head. Perhaps his mate was right. But still, he just couldn't help but think otherwise. Calypso just had this air to him that rubbed him wrong. It was as if the man hadn't truly changed. That he was still the same man that could possibly play with his little sister's heart.

"I think I need to have a walk around," Gideon grumbled as he stood up.

"Son, you really shouldn't think too hard on this," Lady Rosa insisted. "Aurelia has made her choice. It's our responsibility to respect that."

"I know," Gideon sighed. "I just… I'll come to terms with it eventually."

"Let me come with you," Freya quickly added as she stood up with him. "I need some fresh air myself."

Shrugging, Gideon flashed his wife an appreciative smile before they promptly left the dining hall. With the moonlight shining across the hallways, they both casually walked about, not really having a destination in mind as they lackadaisically made their way to the gardens.

"So, what do you really feel about this situation?" Freya nonchalantly opened up.

"Really? I think you already know what I feel about this?" Gideon scoffed.

"Well, I want to hear it coming from you," she scoffed back at him with a smirk. "It's different from just knowing, and I don't want you telling me to just check through our Mate Bond."

He couldn't help but sigh. Really, he already knew that he was wrong with what he was feeling, but what could he tell them? He was just that worried about his little sister. He just wanted what was best for her.

"I just can't help but feel worried for her. For Aurelia, I mean," he admitted, rolling his eyes as he held onto her hand. "Is it wrong for an older brother to be worried for his little sister?"

"No, it isn't, but I feel like there's more to this," Freya insisted. "What is it?"

"Freya, do you really think I'm not saying what I'm feeling already?" he weakly chuckled. "That's just it. You can even check our Bond to see that I'm not lying."

His mate frowned at him, and sure enough, he felt her feeling through their Bond to see if he was telling the truth. And of course, as soon as she was done, she let off a sigh as she apologetically looked at him.

"Fine… I'm sorry for doubting you," she sincerely stated. "I just… You sounded so doubtful…"

"Well, you couldn't really blame me for it since Calypso's reputation is just that bad," Gideon chuckled. "Still, if everyone around me is telling me that he has truly turned over a new leaf, then I'll defer to your better judgment."

"As if you didn't just admit earlier that you don't see the changes yourself," Freya scoffed. "Just admit it, Calypso had changed."

"I'll admit it once I see him making my sister truly happy," he jokingly huffed. "He'll have years to prove himself, at least."

They both shared a small chuckle as they aimlessly entered the manor gardens. Walking around, they both settled themselves on a nearby bench as they enjoyed the fresh evening air.

"Say, can you really not tell if Aurelia loves you differently?" Freya suddenly asked.

Gideon blinked. "What do you mean?"

His mate carefully chose her words as she replied, "Aurelia sees you as more than a brother. Her love goes beyond what you'd normally have for siblings."

He couldn't help but narrow his eyes at what his mate was telling him. "Freya, are you saying that Aurelia loves me as a man?"

"So you really couldn't tell," she sighed, her reaction only making him shake his head. "I see…"

"Look, if you're worried that I'd reciprocate her feelings, then don't," Gideon reassured her after a bit of wrapping his head around his sister's love for him. "I will never see Aurelia that way."

"Are you sure about that?" Freya dubiously asked.

"Why are you even asking me that?" he scoffed. "I marked you, didn't I? You're mine, and that will never change. Besides, Aurelia's literally my little sister. We're not wholly related by blood, sure, but I will never see her as more than that."

As if a weight had been lifted off her chest, Freya snuggled up to him against the bench, her face burying itself into the crane of his neck as she hugged him.

"I'm glad to hear it," Freya smiled. "I knew it was a stupid question, but I just wanted to hear it from you."

"I can understand the sentiment," he chuckled as he pulled her closer to him. "If you want, I'll limit my possessiveness over her. I'll let her do as she pleased, seeing as I can't really control her even if a tried."

"It's fine," Freya shook her head. "I can see that you mean your words."

"I most certainly do," he smirked. "Still, I'm sorry if I somehow made you uncomfortable with it."

"No. If anything, I should be the one apologizing for even thinking that it was possible," Freya chuckled. "Really… For me to even think that you'd consider Aurelia as more than your sister is stupid, now that I thought about it."

Smiling, Gideon embraced Freya in a warming hug, cuddling her in his arms as they both shared the moonlight shining above them.

"So, I take it that you're already over Calypso getting custody of your sister?" Freya teased.

"Not by a longshot," Gideon scoffed. "Still, like I said, I've given him all the chances that he might need to prove me otherwise."

As much as it pained him, he would just have to let his sister go. Aurelia was a grown woman. Surely, she knew how to handle herself.

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