The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 607 Please Don’t Leave

Stepping into the dungeons was an experience Shila really didn't want to experience again. Still, if doing so meant that she could see her Pinra again, she would do it as many times as was needed of her.

"Right this way."

She nodded at the guard escorting her down as she found herself once more in the deepest and darkest depths of the dungeon. After a while, the servants following her had been stopped by some of the guards, mostly for their own safety as they were made to leave the things they brought with them.

"I'll take it from here," Shila reassured her servants as they left. "Feel free to head back to the manor." She then looked to the guards and asked, "I assume you will be the one to carry my gifts in their stead?"

"After a cursory inspection of them, yes."

"That's fine," Shila nodded. "Also, can I request that I be accompanied by a few female guards this time around?"

"That can be arranged."

Taking the guard's word, Shila waited for the guard to leave, only for him to be replaced by two female guards that simply gave her a nod of acknowledgment. Satisfied, she continued with their walk until eventually, they reached the door to Pinra's cell. Like usual, she was chained to the ground, a listless look on her face as she stared blankly at the wall beside her. However, all that changed as soon as she called out to her.


The young woman shifted almost as quickly as she spun. Through the bars, Shila saw the faint look of surprise in her eyes, an almost palpable look of familiarity surging through the girl as she made her way nearer to the door.

"You… You're Shila, right?" Pinra weakly asked.

"That's right," Shila warmly smiled. "I have a few things for you."


Shila had almost moved to open the door when she remembered that it was locked shut. Turning around, she asked the guards if she could enter.

"That might be too dangerous, my Lady," one of the two guards protested.

"I'll be fine," Shila firmly responded. "Besides, I need one of you to help me clean her."

The two guards gave each other a look before one of them sighed and stepped forward. Fishing out a key, she then opened the door for Shila, revealing Pinra's poor state in all of its undignified squalor.

Pinra looked confused as she stared at the now-open door. "W-What the…"

Shila couldn't help herself as she stepped forward. As much as she promised Gilas otherwise, how could she ignore the sight before her? Entering Pinra's cell almost felt like stepping into another world, a place where despair had taken hold as the scratches on the walls painted a dim view of what Pinra had gone through.

"Oh, Pinra…" the older woman whispered in pity. "This simply won't do at all…"

"W-What?" Pinra asked, a hint of hostility tinging her tone. "What's wrong?"

Instead of replying, Shila stepped forward and wrapped her niece in a warm and comforting hug. She didn't care that Pinra was dirty or soiled. All that mattered was for her to provide her with something… Something that could show that she cared for her without all of the fuss and explanation.

A hug was universal, and she was determined to see Pinra through this.


Pinra didn't know what was happening when she felt Shila's warm arms wrap around her. She tried to fight it at first, but eventually, she melted into the older woman's embrace, still confused as to what she was even feeling at the moment.

From there, everything became a blur to her. Gilas's mother began cleaning her… clothing her… even feeding her food that almost tasted divine compared to the stuff she was eating. By the time it was over, she felt… She didn't know what to feel, really…

'W-What is this…' she inwardly thought. 'It's… warm…'

It was utterly foreign to her. After only having confused feelings of anger and rage at Gilas, this was… mild by comparison. Sure, her being still screamed for the man's death, and she was still doing her best to behave to portray that she was sane enough for her target himself to visit her, her mind was starting to question why she even wanted him dead in the first place.

Why her self-proclaimed aunt even started reading her stories and poems? And she brought her flowers too!

'This is Gilas's mother, right?' Pinra asked herself. 'If she's this nice, why do I feel this anger inside me? Why do I feel so much anger at him?'

'They're responsible for your current state,' the disembodied voice called to her. 'They're the ones responsible for you…'

Pinra frowned. A part of her wanted to believe what the voice was saying, but what she was feeling now completely muddled her emotions.

"Is there something wrong? We're doing our best to get you out of this cell, alright?" Shila reassured her, the older woman comfortingly stroking her hair. "We're going to get you the help you need."

Pinra remained silent as she weakly shook her head. Her supposed aunt then warmly smiled at her and seeing such a sight evoked both wrath and happiness within her. Why? Why was she feeling such conflicting emotions?

If they were the ones responsible for her suffering, then why were they helping her now?

Seemingly hours passed as Pinra allowed herself to relax in the older woman's embrace. She was still in her cell, but it almost felt like heaven with Shila's comforting embrace keeping her safe…

"I'm afraid I'll have to leave for now."

Pinra's eyes widened, panic blooming within her. "W-What?"

"My time is up," Shila sadly smiled at her.

No… No!

"P-Please don't leave…"

Her own voice almost sounded foreign to her. Why did she say that?

"Don't worry, Pinra. I'll visit you again as soon as I'm able," Shila beamed at her with the radiance of a thousand suns. "Perhaps the next time we might, it might even be in a much better place than this."

Pinra was left gaping as she stared at the closing door before her. Her hand reached out to the older woman, a lone tear running down her cheek as the flurry of emotions within her clashed wildly with the rage that was only now returning to her.


Why was she crying?


AN: Do you think Pinra deserves redemption?

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