Jayra looked up at the ceiling as she continued to puff air into her mouth and released it with just the same dismissive motion.

Bella had been so clingy with her that the other ended up being the one who walked and led her to her bedchamber. Not that she minded it. She was glad to know that Bartos’s sister was that fond of her. Then again, she had been hoping that it would be Bartos that would walk her to her bedchamber just so she could pull him inside with her.

Currently, she couldn’t even sneak out, seeing as she didn’t even know where Bartos’s bedchamber was in this huge mansion.

“This is so frustrating,” Jayra murmured out with a pout. She was really anticipating sleeping with Bartos tonight.

Sitting on her bed, she crossed her legs together before folding her arms over her chest. She let out another sigh. She did make herself clear earlier, right? She had clearly told Bartos that she would let him sleep in her bedchamber, so how come it didn’t look like he was coming?

“Am I the only one eager for this?” she mumbled, letting another puff of air out of her mouth. She even bothered to clean herself up well, and…

“This is kind of awkward…”

Her face reddened at the cooler-than-usual sensation she was getting from beneath her. She hadn’t bothered wearing any underwear beneath her loose nightgown at the moment..

She had decided to give herself to Bartos tonight, and she was even going to let him mark her too. She had never felt this type of longing before in her entire life, and she was just that ready to take the plunge into married life. And that on top of her overwhelming feelings to officially become a part of the Hindman Family.

“It’s now or never. Who knows what would happen next,” she murmured, her words filled with determination. “I shouldn’t let this chance slip away…”

All her life, she longed to seek a family of her own… to experience what it was like to belong to a loving group of people that love her.

She sighed as she recalled how envious she got whenever she would witness the royal family, the Ward Family, showing how great their relationship was with one another.

Of course, it wasn’t always like that for Princess Xenia’s family. There were trials and hardships as well, but they still overcame them, staying together and having each other’s back no matter what. It was what inspired Jayra so much that she started dreaming of having the same family as her own.

Yes, she didn’t experience such things like being a daughter to a loving pair of parents, but it was never too late for her to experience the family she always wanted by being a wife and a mother herself… and hopefully, even being a grandmother or great grandmother in the future…

“This won’t do,” Jayra muffled to herself as she got up from her bed. She couldn’t sleep at all. “Might as well…”

Standing up, she decided that she would probably walk around or grab some milk from the kitchen. She was sure the place was somewhere near the dining area, so she could make her way there instead. Walking up to the door, she didn’t bother bringing some sort of light with her, seeing as there were lights illuminating the path scattered across the hallways anyway.

Opening the door, it was then that she screamed upon seeing a hugely built man standing in front of her.


“Shhh… it’s just me, Bartos,” Bartos whispered, quickly grabbing her shoulder as if to calm her down.

Her hand still covering her mouth, Jayra’s eyes widened upon seeing Bartos’s face clearly being shown by the light. In time, he finally let her go as Jayra subconsciously put her palm on her chest as she complained, “You scared the hell out of me!”

Bartos timidly smiled and murmured, “I’m sorry.”

Lifting her brows, Jayra whispered, “What are you doing outside my door? You didn’t even bother knocking.”

“Ah… I… Uhm… I wanted t-to c-check on y-you,” Bartos stuttered with a gulp, making the frown on her forehead deepen by the second.

“How could you check up on me when you’re not even letting your presence known?” she scoffed. “How long have you been standing outside?” Despite his supposed words, her gut was telling her that the man had been standing outside her door for a pretty decent amount of time already.

“Since Bella left,” he confessed.

“What?!” Jayra burst out in disbelief. Quickly grabbing Bartos’s wrist, she pulled him inside her bedchamber. “Come here. Let’s talk inside.”

Despite her tone, she had a mischievous smile on her face as she pulled Bartos in to sit on the edge of her bed. Her heart was beating madly at this point, and she could already feel her stomach churning as she anticipated what could possibly happen next.

Jayra stood before him with her hands sassily placed on her hips. Bartos gulped and murmured, “I was worried that I might disturb you, thinking that you were already resting since our journey was tiring. So I hesitated.”

Jayra nodded and murmured, “I see…”

“Are you planning on going out?” Bartos asked. “Why?”

“I can’t sleep so, I thought I could grab some milk,” Jayra answered.

“You can’t sleep? Why? Is there something wrong with your chamber?” Bartos worriedly asked as he thoughtfully scanned the area with his skillful eyes.

Jayra chuckled, and Bartos could only stare at her with snapped eyebrows.

“I can’t sleep because I need warmth. I’ve been waiting for you to come here since I don’t know where your damn bedchamber was. But instead, you just waited outside wasting precious time waiting instead of barging into my bedroom and playing your part,” Jayra disappointingly sighed. “Didn’t I make myself clear to you earlier that I’ll let you sleep with me tonight?”

Bartos gulped. “But sleeping with you will be torture. Like I said, I can’t guarantee your safety around me with us just sleeping together in one bed,” he pointed out.

Jayra blinked rapidly at what she just heard. She couldn’t believe how literally Bartos took her words… When she said he could sleep with her, it already included them doing it all the way. And here he was thinking that they would simply sleep beside each other…

Did she really have to do everything?

Taking in a deep breath, Jayra let out a loud sigh as she looked at Bartos intently.

Unknowingly, she licked her lips at what she was seeing. The stare that Bartos was giving her was so intense that she felt like she was melting already. There was silence all around them. All, except for the loud beating of their hearts in their chests.

She moved without a second thought, lifting up her gown as she slowly sat on Bartos’s lap, straddling him. She felt his body stiffen as he hoarsely whispered, “Jayra.”

Their eyes stayed connected as she wrapped her slender arms around Bartos’s neck. She then leaned closer as she whispered into his ear, “Hold me tight and don’t you dare let me go. I want to be with you tonight. Not to just sleep together, but to give you my all as your mate.”

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