Clara left the Great Hall in pain. Darius was so firm in his words, even declaring to everyone how desperate he was for Xenia to be Queen. He was was pretty much already calling Xenia his Queen, and it left a painful stab deep in her heart. Still, she just couldn’t accept it happening without at least putting up a fight.

She knew Darius first, and she had been with him for far too long just for her to give up like this.

‘It should have been me…’ This was the only thought stilling in her mind. If Xenia hadn’t come into Darius’s life… then maybe…

She let out a heavy sigh as she walked back to the training grounds. It wasn’t like she didn’t see this coming after her talk with Darius yesterday. She honestly expected much worse as her punishment.

‘I could’ve been exiled… or worse…’

It warmed her heart that Darius was still good enough to her not to disclose to everyone exactly what mistake she just committed. He simply pointed out that since she would join the trial of combat, then it would be fair for her to not stay as the head commander of her post. It was more logical…

She smirked at how well Darius knew her. She wouldn’t have voluntarily stepped down from her post even if he begged, so he came up with something else in the form of this edict against her.

Smiling to herself, Clara put on her usual front when her men approached her. Adah was also following her from behind.

“Commander, I…” Adah whispered out, unable to finish her thought.

“Congratulations, Adah,” Clara reassuringly smiled as she addressed her.

“Please do a good job while I’m gone. His Majesty was right in this decision. I’m the only one holding a high position in the royal court and army that would participate in the trial by combat. It would be unfair for the others, so this is a necessary decision.”

Clara spoke with a smile even though deep inside, she was breaking at the thought of how supportive Darius was to Princess Xenia instead of her. Still, that burning desire in her heart just gave her even more motivation to show her beloved that no other woman could ever stand a chance to be by his side except for her.

“Thank you, Commander,” Adah gratefully replied with a slight bow. “I will definitely make you proud, and I’ll do my best to hold down the fort till you come back to us.”

Clara smiled at all of her men. The Moonlight Archers had gathered in the archery area of the training grounds, and now was the time for her to address them.

With a yell, she announced, “Give your respect to your new Commander. Commander Adah here will take over my position from now on, and I hope you will all follow her orders accordingly.”

She then added with a smirk, “Make no mistake, however. This is not goodbye. We’ll all definitely see each other again soon. For now, I have to focus on my mind and body for the trial by combat.”

“We’re rooting for you, Commander Clara!”

Some of the soldiers cheered for her. It built up to the point that it became as loud as the war drums as almost everyone showed their support to her.

“Our future Queen!”

“You can do it!”

The cheers became louder and louder, and it brought a wide and satisfied smile to Clara’s face. Yes, she had all the support of everyone, and that was her greatest advantage against Xenia… However, she didn’t truly need everyone’s support… The only one who would do was the most important one, and that was Darius’s. It was her best bet, and yet the most unattainable at the moment.

With a smile, Clara signaled for everyone to stop the cheering. Saying a few more goodbyes, she soon bid them farewell.

Turning around to walk back inside the castle, she was on her way to gather her more important things from her great chamber when she passed by Bella.

“Are you happy with the love and support our men are giving you?” Bella scoffed with a mocking grin. “You really encouraged them to yell louder, and I’m sure our King heard their cheers for you as well, not to mention Princess Xenia. You sure do love attention.”

Clara kept her silence. This wasn’t new to her. She and Bella definitely didn’t get along. Still, it had been going on long enough that she wondered when it even started. The two of them were good friends back when they were young. What exactly happened?

“Do you love annoying me?” Clara directly questioned with lifted brows.

“Yes, I do, and you should know it more than anyone else,” Bella nonchalantly shrugged.

“But anyway, I see that our king is being fair by removing you from your position like this. However, for a punishment, this is rather simple and light, don’t you think? Especially with how grave the mistake you just committed?”

Clara frowned at her words. It sounded like this woman knew more to this than she let on. Fortunately for her, she wasn’t in the mood to entertain the woman for long enough. She was too heartbroken right now to waste time with nonsensical arguments.

“I have to get going, Princess Bella. I suggest you focus on your own training,” Clara cooly declared as she walked past Bella without so much as a glance. “Who knows? You might slip and fail to even enter the trial by combat like how you expected to be.”

Bella shook her head as her eyes followed Clara’s retreating back.

“You never change, huh. You only see Darius and no one else around you. You’re so cruel…” Bella weakly whispered. “You completely let your world only revolve around Darius, who clearly doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.”

Bella sighed. She missed those good old times with Clara, but that all changed when her former friend turned into a woman. Slowly and steadily, Clara grew distant from everyone around her, doing nothing except to follow Darius around like a dog.

She didn’t even bother about her old friends anymore, her main existence being too focused on Darius and Darius alone, pleasing him and showing herself to be the best candidate for Queenship to him and the Queen Mother.

“Such a pity,” Bella breathed out, recalling just when she started annoying Clara. It was her way of at least making her presence known to the woman. At least with her arguments, Clara would still see her to the point that she’d want to compete with her for Darius. That way, Clara would still know that she existed… At least, if not as her friend, then maybe as a foe.

“It’s quite fun, at least,” Bella giggled as she started walking away to look for Freya, who had called her for another round of tea.

“Hmm… this little kitten thinks she can fool me? Let me play her game then,” Bella excitedly murmured as she whistled her way to Freya’s great chamber. She was aware that the Princess had another motive for calling her out, and she should at least satisfy her with what she wanted, right?

“Hmm… How much information should I give about myself then?” Bella fumbled with squinted eyes and a smirk.


EN: Historically, the childhood friend rarely wins, but at least they have personality, no?

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