Darius seemed to be in deep thought, his quiet self persisting throughout the luncheon meeting. Already, Xenia could feel that something was bothering him, and she also noticed how he would constantly glance at Clara every once in a while.

Looking at him behaving this way, the curiosity about it was killing her, not to mention the bothered feeling steadily building up inside of her. The affair was filled with talks about the King’s plans and tactics to secure his kingdom. Darius discussed a few certain things with his officials, while Xenia simply listened attentively as she ate.

“What do you think of Gilas’s suggestion, Xen?” Darius suddenly asked her.

Her ears perking, she turned her head with questioning eyes, but Darius only winked at her as if waiting for her answer.

‘Was this also a test? A part of his training?’ she wondered. All eyes in the room were on her, so Xenia decided to smile at them and reply, “Lord Gilas’s suggestion is decent, but if I may address some issues that we should not neglect…”

She gave Lord Gilas a glance to which the latter nodded, signaling her to continue.

“We have to consider the welfare of every denizen in the kingdom. Like the report said, there are some parts of the territory that are experiencing setbacks, especially in regards to the drought encountered in the eastern part,” Xenia sagely explained.

“I believe we still have to consider their well-being while we tighten security. I know that the main focus here is to train every capable denizen to be able to fight and protect the kingdom if the need arises, but you can’t possibly ask them to just focus on this alone and have them neglect their livelihoods. They still have their own lives to live aside from their duties to this kingdom, after all. And while it would be nice to give the soldiers some slack, we can’t feasibly give them a week of rest per month. A day or two a week should suffice for them to check on their families and help them out with some struggles at home.”

She held her breath as she kept her composure. It was just her honest opinion. Gilas wanted strict enclosed training for the newly recruited soldiers, but she strongly believed that having time with family for a day or two a week wouldn’t hurt that much.

“We should do that then,” Darius nodded in agreement. “And make sure that our newly recruited soldiers know that it was a suggestion given by their Queen.”

Xenia let out a sigh of relief at his words. It wasn’t like it was her first time trying to involve herself in political matters like this. Back in Ebodia, her father would always try to make sure that his children’s opinions would be heard before he would come up with a conclusion of his own.

After her initial suggestion, the talk continued on with various topics being discussed, all while Darius would often ask for her opinion at every chance he got. She honestly felt great at how he even wanted to hear her thoughts on things like these as well.


As soon as the luncheon meeting was finished, Darius promptly walked her back to her chambers. Grabbing her hand, he held onto her as if he was afraid to even let her go. He smiled at her as they walked through the hallway, and Xenia could only shake her head while unknowingly smiling back at him.

It was nice. This time, she was even the one who interlocked their fingers together.

“Tell me, Xen. Are you holding my hand right now of your own accord? Or are you just simply tired of fighting me about this?” he directly asked.

She was no longer surprised by Darius’s boldness. There was a silence as she contemplated what words to say to him.

“I don’t mind holding hands like this in public anymore since I already allowed you to do more than this anyway,” she timidly stated. “I guess my body’s already getting used to you.” Besides, she liked the feeling of holding hands with him. Not that she would even say it due to how embarrassing it was.

To her surprise, her face reddened when Darius suddenly brought her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles gently.

“But we’re out in public…” Xenia gasped, making Darius chuckle.

“You forgot something…” Darius reminded with a smirk. “You have to be extra sweet to me so we can banish the negative rumors about you, remember?”

Xenia bit her lower lip as she murmured, “Yes, but I don’t know how. I mean, I-”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take the lead,” Darius huskily whispered into her ear, making sure that she’s the only one who could hear his voice. “All you need to do is enjoy it and get used to me. Do all that until you’re the one initiating everything because of how much you miss and crave my attention.”

Xenia’s stomach flipped just from his words alone. Her heart was palpitating abnormally, and all she could do was hold her breath and bite her lower lip as she measured her response.

“You’re seducing me again,” she helplessly accused, not even aware that she voiced that thought out loud.

Darius chuckled, and only then did she realize that he heard her words.

“Well, I’m guilty of that much, and I can only hope it’s effective…” Darius continued with his whispers, his hand still holding onto hers as he added, “Although, I might snap out of control soon, so I will avoid going inside your chambers from now on.”

Before she knew it, they were already in front of her door as they stood in front of it. His grip on her hand tightening, he added, “We won’t be continuing with your training, Xen. I believe you and Jayra also need some time together so that you can attend to your business with her. In the meantime, I will see to some important matters that I need to address. I will see you later at dinner.”

“Hmm… I’m getting seduced,” Xenia helplessly murmured as she watched Darius’s retreating back. Entering her chamber, she saw that Jayra was already inside with her equipment and catalysts for their lessons.

Jayra looked up to her, her brows furrowing as she asked, “What’s with the face?”

Despite herself, Xenia replied with a sigh, “I’m being seduced, and it’s rather effective so far.”

“So? Seduce him back then,” Jayra scoffed with a teasing grin.

“I don’t know how,” Xenia admitted.

It was a problem that her pride was telling her to fix. She wanted to make Darius fall in love with her without the influence of the Mate Pull, but she was at a loss on how to do so.

“I have some books about it… How about I lend some to you?” Jayra suggested with a mischievous smile. “They’re very interesting books and are proven to be highly educational. Read them before bed, or maybe while you’re in bed…”

Xenia sighed. “Fine. Give them to me now. I’ll check on them later,” she answered, her mind still occupied with how Darius was already growing on her.

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