With the Elders having left the room, those of the younger sort stayed inside the dining hall to partake in some drinks. Clara knew that such a thing was the norm for them, but with Darius’s mate being present, some of the better drinks and bottles were being brought up by her beloved king.

“Tonight is the night for celebration,” King Darius firmly declared. “If we’re going to drink, then we should have nothing less than the best.”

Clara could only watch with a pang of jealousy as her beloved king called for his servants for the best bottles of wine from the castle’s cellar. Still, she kept her composure as she waited for her opportunity to spring her trap.

“Your drink, my love.”

“Thank you, my King.”

Clara kept her tongue in check as she heard her beloved address his mate as his beloved. It should’ve been her by his side instead of that human princess. She was the one that was by his side all this time, and she was the one that supported him on his rise to the throne. Why didn’t he see all of her efforts? Why did it have to be that blasted human? Why?!


“Oh- Yes?”

She quickly blinked away her rising fury as she quickly turned her head to King Darius. With her same radiant smile, she turned her full attention to whatever it was he was about to say.

“Is the drink not to your liking?”

Clara almost gasped as she quickly replied, “It is, my King. It’s splendid.”

“Good,” he nodded with a satisfied hum. “I would be remiss if my guests found the royal stash wanting.”

She hastily found herself sipping on her own cup, the sweet and bitter taste of the red wine burning down her throat as she nodded.

“It was a good meeting,” she complimented. “If anything, your mate has shown that she is capable of holding herself against the Elders’ onslaught.”

“Indeed,” Darius nodded. “Xen is the stubborn sort. I’m sure you two will get along rather well.”

Clara almost seethed upon hearing such words coming from her King. However, she kept up her appearance as she replied to him with a radiant smile. “I’m sure that will be the case, my King.”

While this was all happening, Clara couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at her beloved’s supposed mate. Even now, she was sizing her up, just looking for something that could somehow justify this human being as her King’s mate. She quickly took note of how the princess was sneaking her a few glances herself, her emerald eyes also sizing her up as if she was looking at the competition.

‘I can see right through you, Princess…’

Even now, the way this human smiled at her was a straight-up lie. The stress showing on her face might be subtle, but it was still there as she watched her talk to Darius.

“Good,” Darius hummed in satisfaction. “Very well, shall I leave you to Xen’s company? I still have a few arrangements that I need to clarify with some of those present in this room.”

Clara’s eyes almost widened. A moment alone with the princess? This was her chance! “Very well, my King. I’ll see to it that she’ll be well taken care of.”

She couldn’t help but smile as Darius gave her yet another nod before leaving her alone with Xenia. Turning her gaze to the princess, the tension between them was almost palpable, and they haven’t even exchanged their pleasantries yet.

“Princess Xenia,” Clara introduced herself with a genuinely pleasant tone. “I’m Clara, one of King Darius’s Knight Commanders. Specifically, for the Moonlight Archers.”

“It’s nice to meet you then, Clara,” Xenia greeted likewise, her smile also seeming genuine at first glance. “While I haven’t heard of you from Darius himself, I’m sure you’re nothing but a good person.”

Clara inwardly scoffed at this princess’s words. Was she that naive to think that sweet words would work on her? She could already see some cunning in those green orbs of hers. She wasn’t born yesterday.

“Likewise,” Clara promptly responded. “If you’re King Darius’s mate, I could only assume that you’re more than capable of performing your future duties.”

She almost wanted to vomit speaking out those words. There was no way that a human could withstand the rigors of leading a kingdom such as Cordon. She might be able to lead her own kingdom, but to lead their people? Only a true Alpha should stand alongside their King.

“Thank you,” Xenia curtly replied. “I may not know what these Five Trials entail, but I’ll prove to the Elders that I’m more than capable of being Queen.”

“I’m sure you can.”

Clara smiled as her mind whirred for any possible avenues she could use against this princess. She was sure that there was more to this sudden marriage alliance than a mere happenstance of Darius miraculously finding his mate. The Mate Pull might be strong, but it wasn’t absolute. If there was some kind of ulterior motive to Xenia’s actions, then it could be grounds for her beloved calling off their arrangements.

‘We have some wine… and we have some time…’ Clara inwardly pondered as she eyed an unattended open bottle of wine close to them. ‘Loose lips make for excellent sources of information…’

“I’m sure you must be parched,” Clara cheerfully addressed the princess, her hands already moving for the open wine bottle. “Why not have a sample of Cordon’s finest wine?”

“I-I don’t really drink,” Xenia politely shook her head.

“Oh?” Clara subtly teased. “Is it not custom in Ebodia to share a drink with allies?”

“Well, yes but-”

“Then what’s the harm?” Clara sweetly asked, already pouring the princess a full cup of wine. “This is classic Cordonian hospitality. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to impose, right?”

The princess visibly thought about her offer for a solid second before she replied, “If you insist…”

‘Hook, line, and sinker…’

With a smile, Clara thrust the full glass of wine onto Xenia’s hands. Sipping on her own drink, she raised her silver cup as they began their drinking session.

‘I’ll find out what you’re after if it’s the last thing I do…’

Clara intentionally had Xenia get drunk thinking she would show her true colors when she was drunk since she heard that most humans would be themselves whenever drunk. She was simply confident Xenia had an ulterior motive in agreeing to marry Darius.

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