The Academy’s Weapon Replicator

Chapter 257 (1) - The Academys Weapon Replicator

Bonus chapter thanks to @Seirra1172 and @Albaito from Ko-fi!

Selena entered the conference room upon being summoned, her expression clear and serene.

As an assassin of the "Ten Assassins" under Hagley's command, she displayed no sign of nervousness or tension despite being a newcomer to this gathering.

Kneeling on one knee, she lowered her posture as usual. "Jei reporting. You called for me?"

"Yes," Belphegor replied, observing Selena intently.

She was dressed in the same attire she wore during her first encounter with Frondier—an outfit designed to entice men, its revealing nature emphasizing her figure. Some seated at the round table even momentarily averted their gazes.

Belphegor, scrutinizing Selena as if appreciating a work of art, finally spoke. "You have a fine physique."

"...Thank you," Selena responded.

"I heard you approached Frondier de Roach. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is."

Her answer was businesslike, devoid of emotion, causing a flicker of interest in Belphegor's eyes.

"How do you assess that man?"

"He's not worth assessing," Selena replied without hesitation.

The meaning was clear, yet Belphegor pressed further. "Elaborate. That one sentence doesn't suffice as an answer."

"I apologize," Selena said, bowing her head slightly before continuing. "Frondier is a useless man."


"Although he possesses some unique skills, his fundamental nature is flawed, leading to incorrigible laziness. He tires easily and falls asleep, neglecting everything except for the mandatory activities at Constel."

"I heard he was at the top of his class?" Belphegor probed, testing Selena.

Unfazed, she responded, "Yes, that was before I approached him. To be honest, I had some expectations because of that, but he was below par. I simply question how he ever achieved the top rank. He must have resorted to bribery or cheating."


According to the information Belphegor received from Hagley, Frondier had initially lingered at the bottom of his class at Constel but had suddenly improved his grades. Investigations suggested it was to avoid expulsion.

'Hagley said he didn't share this information with Selena. He didn't want to accidentally provoke Frondier, who is riddled with inferiority complex, by bringing up his past.'

Therefore, Selena's response was expected. She was unaware of why Frondier was once ranked first and why he displayed such pathetic behavior despite his past achievements. Her statements were consistent.

Hagley, standing slightly behind Belphegor, briefly glanced at him.

The usual Belphegor would have grown tired of this conversation by now. The Demon of Sloth enjoyed his sloth. With no significant gains from Selena's answers, it was time to dismiss her.

However, Belphegor spoke once more. "...One more question."


"Your initial intention in seducing Frondier was to steal the Ancient Language from him, correct?"

"That's right."

"And how about that? Does Frondier truly possess that talent?"

This question wasn't particularly relevant to the current operation. By now, it was almost certain: Belphegor was suspicious of Selena.

'What will her answer be this time?'

The interpretation of the Ancient Language was considered the most crucial mission of the Manggot.

Although it wasn't of much interest to Belphegor as a demon, the concept of an undecipherable language itself intrigued him.

A language that neither demons nor gods could decode, a cipher system created by the ancients solely for communication amongst themselves—a language said to be the pinnacle of human wisdom.

Even among the gods, there were those who had seriously attempted to decipher the Ancient Language.

Frondier's talent for interpretation was still of uncertain value, but Belphegor had heard that the Manggot understanding of the Ancient Language had progressed significantly thanks to the knowledge Selena had relayed from him.

'However, I heard that the interpretation of the Ancient Language had stalled at some point.'

Was this Frondier's intention or not?

If Frondier was trying to conceal the Ancient Language, was Selena involved?

To uncover the truth, Belphegor inquired, his gaze sharpening and his magical power heating up as if trying to pierce through Selena's facade.

Yet, Selena responded with no change in tone.

"I doubt Frondier has even properly mastered the Ancient Language."

"What do you mean?"

"The words he taught me started to become mere repetitions."


"After I conveyed Frondier's knowledge, even the Manggot interpretation specialists expressed their concerns."

That was to be expected. Belphegor had asked knowing full well.

'She's taking the bait I was going to subtly reveal and presenting it herself...?'

Selena had brought up the stagnation of the Ancient Language interpretation on her own. This suggested that, in her opinion, Frondier hadn't mastered the language properly.

Naturally, this implied Selena had no knowledge of Frondier's true intentions, wasn't involved, and raised the possibility that Frondier hadn't fully grasped the Ancient Language in the first place.

"Do you truly believe that? That Frondier hasn't fully learned the Ancient Language?"

"He was filled with inferiority complex and bravado. Since my seduction worked as intended, he could have easily put on such a charade to win my favor."

Selena's response was an application of Hagley's words. Hagley firmly believed that Frondier was completely smitten with Selena.

If Hagley thought so, then everyone involved in this Manggot operation probably shared the same sentiment.

However, Belphegor still seemed displeased.

"Did you give him your body?"

"...One night for one word of the Ancient Language. It was a tacit agreement."

"Raise your head."

Following Belphegor's command, Selena slowly lifted her head.

The gazes of those at the round table who had previously avoided her revealing attire now focused on her face.

"Jei, this is the final question."


"Did you give him your heart?"

Belphegor's voice, laced with aura, pricked Selena's skin. His sharp gaze coldly scrutinized her.

Yet, Selena endured it all and responded with the same unwavering breath as before.


With clear eyes devoid of even a speck of emotion, she stated flatly, "He's not worthy of that."


Belphegor remained silent, observing Selena intently.

Before and after her answer, throughout the long silence that followed, Selena remained unchanged, just as she had been upon entering the room.

'...Her expression is flawless.'

Belphegor didn't possess the ability to read people's inner thoughts. That wasn't his forte as a demon.

However, he could usually detect lies based on facial expressions, but piercing through Selena's performance proved impossible.

Her overly pristine expression was suspicious, but perhaps that was simply her demeanor in any situation.

'There's nothing wrong with any of her answers. Even her excessive underestimation of Frondier could be attributed to personal dislike. However...'

However, for some reason, Belphegor felt that Selena's answers were a little too perfect.

To summarize her responses:

Frondier couldn't shake off his laziness, meaning Belphegor's curse was working effectively.

Frondier had achieved the top rank through dishonest means, implying he wasn't a significant threat to the Manggot.

Frondier was a half-baked individual who hadn't fully mastered the Ancient Language, suggesting the slow progress in deciphering it was a minor issue.

'She's giving the Manggot exactly the answers they desire.'

Regardless of the truth, humans find it difficult to doubt an answer that aligns with their wishes, especially when it appears logical and reasonable at first glance.

Could this woman be telling the truth? Or was he being overly suspicious?


This was becoming tiresome.



"Imprison that woman."

Startled, Hagley looked at Belphegor.

"W-Why? Selena is a crucial combat asset for the Manggot."

"I cannot allow her to leave the Manggot."

Belphegor waved his hand dismissively, as if brushing off dust.

"Lock her up and keep her out of my sight."

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