Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 83 - Wise Counsel - Part 1


An hour into the meeting with the Security Council, Elreth yawned and tried to cover it with a polite hand. She supposed she should be grateful that at least this time they came prepared and offered her the briefings without having to be asked. Though, to hear them say it, the WildWood had never been more calm.

She struggled to believe this was true.

"…all in all, we are enjoying an incredibly peaceful time, Sire. Our greatest challenge right now is likely not to allow the guards to become complacent, or our young ones to get up to mischief, since there are no known enemies to focus our energies upon."

"Have we heard from the bears?" Elreth asked.

"Not directly. But they haven't broken the vow. And the patrols are checking the boundary lines. We see no issues, at least right now."

"And the patrols to ensure we have no… human invaders, I think you called them?" she asked casually, pretending she didn't find this particular part of their work incredibly curious.

"They have continued," Lhern affirmed after meeting eyes with Tarkyn, who was present this time—and in charge of patrols and guards. She'd smiled at him as she entered and he'd winked. She'd be speaking to him personally later that day, so she didn't single him out. But she prayed Lhern hadn't seen him wink. It wouldn't exactly help with the royal dignity.

"Very good. Then if there's nothing more from your side, there is something I would like to advise you."

Lhern blinked, but his expression didn't change. "I believe we have covered everything. What is it you'd like to share with us?" he asked dryly.

"I've found my True Mate," she said bluntly.

Lhern didn't react, but she heard one of the others whistle. She didn't turn to find out who. "I will be meeting with the elders tomorrow to discuss it and our plans to walk the Flames and Smoke. I know you'll be there Lhern and Tarkyn." She nodded at each of the men. "But since we'll be planning a ceremony, I thought I should let you know in advance in case there were any issues this council would like me to bring before the elders as a whole. And I'd like to ensure that any security measures that are needed are prepared well in advance. I would like to get to the ceremony as quickly as possible, so this is your warning."

Lhern's eyes narrowed. "May we ask who the lucky male is, and what title he might have?"

Elreth smiled. "It would be appropriate for me to wait until I speak with all the elders tomorrow, I believe. My bringing it to you is to allow you to prepare, and also for the others who won't be present to offer any questions or concerns so that we might discuss them and ensure they're answered at our next meeting."

Lhern stared at her a moment, his gaze thoughtful, then he turned to the others. "Do any of you foresee any issues for the Queen in taking a mate, or during the ceremony?"

"Unless we've had word of any some of threat in the WildWood closer to the event, I'd say there's no security concerns," Tarkyn said. "And congratulations, Majesty."

"Thank you, Tark," she said, smiling. "But I'll admit, I don't know how it's been done in the past, but given my new rule and the necessary conflicts the Flames and Smoke can raise, I would like to have a security presence there, just to be safe."

"You foresee a need for security… at the Flames and Smoke?" Lhern asked skeptically.

"I would hope not. But I foresee a need to be prepared for any eventuality in any occasion that centers on cementing my rule," she said, still smiling, but jaw tight. "When my father walked the flames he'd been in power almost a decade and, as I understand it, the people were the ones who called for the ceremony. I imagine mine will be less… embraced," she said dryly. "I anticipate no problems. But I believe having guards present would assist in making sure that's the case."

"The presence of obvious guards can also make the people sensitive to moods or fears, and create tension where there was none," Lhern said tightly.

Elreth nodded. "Good point. How would you suggest we proceed, then?"

Lhern raised an eyebrow at Tarkyn who scratched the scruff on his face. "We would place security there, but dressed normally. We could have weapons available, but not in hand. Then if any concerns rise, those members will be available, but they can otherwise enjoy the ceremony."

"And create some strength in the barrier for your mate," Gayvn added with a sly grin.

"I'm certain he's up to the challenge," Elreth said, holding his eyes with a warning until he dropped her gaze. Then she turned to the others. "Any other suggestions?"

"It would help if we were aware of the male. If there are issues specific to his tribe or background, we may be better equipped to identify potential threats."

Elreth nodded. "And I will give you his name and tribe when we next meet. For now, I prefer to wait until I've spoken to the elders to identify how best to announce it. We've never had a male mate joining the royal clan before, and I believe we'll need the help of the histories to address it correctly."

"So does that mean you plan to actually follow the traditions as much as you can this time?" Lhern asked pointedly. "That hasn't seemed to be a particular focus for you to this point."

Elreth cut him a look. "Everything about my rule is a first, Lhern. It has been necessary to… let go of certain expectations. But I have not specifically sought to do so. As much as I can, I want to maintain the traditions that have served us so well. The humans have a saying, 'don't fix what isn't broken,' and I believe that is a good guiding principle, don't you?"

He nodded thoughtfully. "Certainly," he said carefully. "With that in mind, I hope those near you have been advising you that it will take a very strong male to find strength in the position he will take in the tribes. I pray you do not place someone in the role who is not sufficient to the task."

"Oh, he's sufficient," Elreth said, smiling as she would at prey. Several of the males shifted in their seats, though Lhern didn't react.

"You have made the choice rather quickly," Lhern said.

"The choice was made for me. He is my True Heart's Call."

"You cannot know that until the mating is complete and the bond cements."

"And yet, I know," she said through her teeth. "Forgive me, Lhern, but I did not bring this to the council for commentary on my life. I bring it to you as a courtesy in the event that the Flames and Smoke occur quickly—which is what I will be requesting of the elders tomorrow. So, if there are no further issues to discuss, I'll be on my way. I have more meetings to attend today."

She started to rise, but Lhern put one hand out toward her, "Hold, please. Sire," he added, a touch too slowly. But Elreth chose not to remark on it, instead settling back into her seat.

"What is it?" She stared the older man down, waiting for him to speak.

But instead, he leaned forward and his nostrils flared as he inhaled her scent.

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