Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 484 - Gotta Be A Dream


Gar woke curled around Rika, his arm over her waist and his hand cupped around her. Inhaling her scent, he opened his eyes to find them aching and grainy with lack of sleep. His heart was pounding. He'd been dreaming that the humans had already arrived and were sneaking up on them as they slept.

But it was just a dream. Wasn't it?

His body didn't think so. What was wrong? He listened, but there was no sound.

Tightening his grip around Rika he screwed his eyes closed, buried his nose in her hair, and tried to force himself to sleep again. But his body was tense. Poised. He'd heard something. But was it in the dream, or here?

He lay still for a few more breaths, but his eyes kept opening on their own as if his body demanded he wake.

Lifting his head slowly so he wouldn't wake his mate, he found the tiniest line of light around the cave door, but it wasn't even dawn yet. The temptation was there to wake Rika and pick up where they'd left off the night before. But he wanted her to get some rest. If they were going to—

The door into the cave made a hushed creak as it swung slowly open and Gar was in motion, teeth bared, leaping to put himself between Rika and the door, snarling, his body rippling with the instinct to shift and protect his defenseless mate.

Rika gasped and sat up, he felt the furs shift at his back. Then the silhouette of a male was his only warning before he leaped into his lion, roaring for the door—

"GAR! GAR! It's me! It's Aaryn! I won't hurt her! Stop!"

A growl still puttering in his throat, Gar slid to a halt a foot from Aaryn and shifted back into his human form, but his teeth were still bared.

"What the fuck, Aaryn! What are you doing here?!"

Aaryn had his hands up, his eyes so wide the whites showed all the way around. He half-crouched, ready to defend himself, and didn't change stances when he heard Gar's tone.

"What's going on?" Rika asked in a small voice. Gar wanted to bite the male's throat out—she was terrified.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Gar. But I had to come. I have to… I need Rika's information about the second traverse—from the human world. And I need… I need you to take me through the traverse. I can't… I can't take Elreth until I've tried it without her. I'm sorry, Gar. But I need your help."


Minutes later, he had the fire stoked, Rika was dressed and holding Aaryn's satchel, while the male waited for Gar outside the door. He'd almost bitten out his brother's throat for showing up when Rika was naked, but Aaryn understood and had taken himself outside as soon as he showed them both the satchel and told Rika what he needed.

Gar had practically chased him out of the cave, then held Rika for a long minute while she found her equilibrium again. But then, because that's how she was, she pulled out of his arms and urged him to go talk to Aaryn.

"He wouldn't be here if it wasn't important, Gar. You know that."

Gar nodded. "Are you okay?"

"I will be," she said with a trembling smile. "It just gave me a rush, waking up like that. I'll be fine. I'll actually calm down faster if I'm alone. Go talk to him."

He was about to ask again, but she gave him a warning look. Gar nodded, but he squeezed her in the hug again. "I'll be right outside. We won't leave the clearing, okay?"

She nodded and leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss him. "I'll be fine. Go find out what's going on. And tell him I'll write the stuff down that he needs while you guys talk. It's fine, Gar. I'm fine."

"I know, but fuck," Gar growled.

Rika smiled up at him. "Thank you for protecting me. Now go sort him out then come back so I can ravish you again."

Gar buried his face in her neck and grabbed her ass. She laughed, but there was tension in it. But she pushed him away, smiling, so he went, muttering curses under his breath.

When he got outside Aaryn was crouched next to the fire pit, working on lighting a fire, but he saw Gar prowling towards him and got to his feet quickly.

Snarling, Gar stalked over to him until they stood toe-to-toe. "What. The Actual. Fuck?"

"I'm sorry."

"This is the only day we get, Aaryn!"

"I know. And I wouldn't have come but I couldn't sleep last night. I was crazy thinking I could just cross with her—her, Gar! El! In my hands. The Queen! This all hinges on her and I was just going to…"

"Apryl would have taken you."

"I don't trust Apryl. Not like I trust you. If I got something wrong she'd try to overlook it. I need you to call me on anything, to make sure I get nothing wrong!"

"Then you should have listened to me and believed me that you'd be fine!"

"I have to know, Gar!" Aaryn snapped, meeting Gar's eyes now, his lip pulling up away from his teeth. "I have to know when it won't cost her—or everyone else—her life!"

Gar stopped. The ring of panic—and domination—was in Aaryn's voice. It made him blink and think and… pay better attention.

Aaryn was saying he might not be strong enough to get Elreth across. And he was right, that wasn't something they could play with. If Aaryn wasn't able to be her Protector…

But of course he was able! He was just having a crisis of confidence and forcing Gar to give up his own time with his mate to pay for it. And she was his mate!

Gar growled, and Aaryn met him stare for stare.

"I'm sorry, Gar. Truly sorry. But this isn't a mistake. I feel it in my bones. I need you for this. We can go quickly. It's not even dawn. If we go now, we'll be there before the sun rises. I'll get that stuff to Gahrye so they can check it out, then when we get Elreth there tomorrow they're already prepared. You'll be back here in two or three hours. That's it. Please. Please…."

Gar let a growl roll in his throat. "You don't have a fucking clue what you're asking—you want me to leave my mate here alone while we go into the next world?!"

"She can lock the door, she'll—"

"I'll be fine."

Gar whirled to find Rika standing in the doorway of the cave. She'd obviously been listening. She had a fur pulled tightly around her shoulders against the early morning cold. She looked tiny and fragile, and…

"There's no fucking way I'm leaving my mate alone in this world, Aaryn," Gar growled, turning back on the male.

"Oh, but you're more than happy for me to do it? You're asking me to put my mate at risk in the traverse, so yours doesn't have to sit in a cave alone? El's your sister, Gar. But she's my mate! Do you get that?!"

Gar blinked as it hit him exactly what that meant.

Holy shit.. He really was becoming his father.

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