Sylver Seeker

The Rest Of The Story Is Available On Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and Audible!

If you are reading this, I have already won.

By which I mean I am a published author, and you can find the rest of the story in the links below!

Book 1 is coming out on the 26th of September 2023 and will be the first of what I hope is going to be a very entertaining, long, and successful series!

Sylver Seeker Book 1 Ebook & Audiobook!

Sylver Seeker Book 2 Ebook & Audiobook!

The story will continue on Royal Road, and further advanced chapters will be available on the Patreon.

If you have any questions, feel free to join my Discord and ask!

Not to get too emotional about it, but I cannot express how grateful I am for everything I will now be able to do thanks to readers like you.

So as always, thank you very much for all the support!

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