“Was it me that you saw?” Sanders was surprised.

Angel nodded, and then told the story of his encounters with the younger Sanders, at the beginning, he had witnessed the fight between young Sanders and the Blue Giant, and then spoke of his very own fight against young Sanders when he had unknowingly been swallowed up by a huge wall mouth that ended up rescuing him.

When Sanders had initially seen the dagger and short stick, there was some speculation in his heart, but when Angel told his story, he had confirmed his suspicions. He took a deep breath and said, “I always thought that the Nightmare Plane could only project inanimate objects, but I didn’t expect it to be able to project all living things.”

Sanders recalls his experiences in the Nightmare Plane, almost every opponent he has met up to now had been a demon, never actually being a human being. He always thought that the projections in the Nightmare Plane were just projections of inanimate objects this whole time, but what he never expected was that the Nightmare Plane could still project living creatures!

If so, can the dead be projected as well? Is this an alternative resurrection?

Sanders wonders if he would have been able to meet the young Sanders if he had not been killed by the Wizard Ghosts. When the two “selves” meet, will there be some kind of time paradox?

Sanders has a lot of associates that have been in this plane, but it wasn’t until now that he learned this bit of information about the Nightmare Plane. What was happening in the inner core areas when outer areas of the Nightmare Plane was already so magical? Will the dead soul really live in a corner of the Nightmare Plane in an even stranger way?

Angel saw Sanders thinking, so he didn’t interrupt him, after a while, Sanders sighed and said: “The Nightmare Plane is such a magical world. The deeper you delve into it, the less you know.”

Angel also feels the same way, although this is his second time entering the Nightmare Plane, but the mysteries involved in this plane really make people shudder.

“Mentor, when I saw you… …the young you, as you were about to kill me, a huge wall mouth swallowed me up. Was that a demon too?” Angel asked.

Sanders shook his head. “I don’t know, maybe it’s purpose was to save you, which means it didn’t want you to die there. Looks like either your talent is different, or your identity… …”

Sanders didn’t say what was going on, but Angel understood. He always thought he was lucky, but from all the details, it seemed that there was a more mysterious force helping him, and compared with Sanders bloody battles, it was more like a light outing for Angel, even when he had met the younger version of Sanders… there was also a “huge wall mouth” that helped him out. Even if Angel had finally ran into the Wizard Ghosts, the latter would probably have just screamed and ran away, so there was almost no danger to Angel at all, with exception of that wall.

Suddenly, Sanders seemed to think of something and looked at Angel:. “You said that I could fly when you saw me? I’m talking about the younger me.”

Angel nodded, and when he was fighting young Sanders, the other was able to, like him, fly in mid-air. But Angel felt that the younger Sanders flying skills did not seem as pure, otherwise how could he have not been able to catch up with him?

Getting a positive answer, Sanders suddenly became silent.

“It’s strange that I lost my memory of when I first entered the Nightmare Plane, and Angel was able to meet my younger self,” Sanders said at the bottom of his heart. “Most curious of all, he saw the me when I could fly as well… …”

After a while, Sanders seemed to figure something out, and suddenly realized, “It seems that the younger me that you met should have been me when I had first entered the Nightmare Plane.”

“Mentor? When you had first entered the Nightmare Plane?” Angel repeated Sanders words, but in a confused tone.


“As to why I’m so sure, there are two main reasons.” Sanders paused: “First, when we enter the Nightmare Plane, some mysterious force temporarily interferes with some areas of our brain, sometimes it blocks a memory, sometimes it adds a memory, sometimes we lose a certain emotion, sometimes it amplifies a certain emotion, but not by much. This time, after I entered the Nightmare Plane, I lost a memory, and this memory… …”

Angel finished his sentence: “Is the memory of Mentor’s first entry into the Nightmare Plane when he was younger?”

Sanders nodded and said, “Yes, I’m sure the Nightmare Plane can’t make a person out of thin air. The younger me that you met should be the memory of when I lost my life.”

“It sounds like a mouthful, but it seems to make sense. It’s just, Mentor says that some kind of mysterious force that can’t be described interferes with our brain region. Why don’t I feel it?” Angel said.

Sanders shrugged: “Maybe you’ve lost your memory already, but it doesn’t affect you, like the food you ate one day, the dream you had one night, the wind that blew one year. There is no bright spot in these memories, and the loss of them will not affect you.”

“Oh.” Angel is still a little skeptical, but he agrees with Sanders.

“Back to the main point, why would I say you met the me that entered the Nightmare Plane for the first time? There’s another reason for it.” Sanders said, then looked directly at Angel, “This is about your talent.”

“My talent?” I thought we were talking about the younger Sanders. Why are you suddenly talking about me again? Angel was a little confused.

“As you can see, younger Sanders can fly, just like you. The reason is that the first time I entered the Nightmare Plane, I actually entered with my soul.”

“Entered with your Soul as well?” Angel looked up at Sanders.

“I know you’ve always wanted to ask me why would I accept you as an apprentice?” Sanders patted Angel on the shoulder: “The reason is not complicated, because you have the same talent as me when I was younger.”

My talent is the same as Mentor when he was younger? Angel captures the implication behind this sentence, that is to say, Mentor’s present talent is different from that of his past?

“The talent of you and me is actually a very special talent. There is no record of it in books. There may have been people in history who have had a similar talent, but they didn’t even know they had it. It was not until hundreds of years ago that the Nightmare Plane came into this world that I was surprised by the special nature of this talent, I had discovered it when I had accidentally entered the Nightmare Plane…”

“I call it: Nightmare Soul.”

… …

Nightmare Soul, was named by Sanders himself.

The so-called Nightmare Soul actually means Nightmare Plane native.

There is no direct access to the Nightmare Plane from the Wizard Plane, and it takes more luck than strength to get into the Nightmare Plane. However, because of its special nature, a Nightmare Soul can hook up a half-channel, connecting to the Nightmare Plane. It’s like the natives of the Nightmare Plane, coming in and out at any time.

“Entering the Nightmare Plane with the soul is a feature of a Nightmare Soul. The soul can fly in the Nightmare Plane, so in Barbie’s Restaurant, when I had heard your story, I immediately realized that you had a Nightmare Soul talent that I have been seeking for a long time.”

“Been seeking for a long time? Doesn’t Mentor have a Nightmare Soul as well?” Angel wondered.

“You’ll understand more about this later.” Sanders went on to talk about the “half-channel”: “When the soul enters the Nightmare Plane, as long as it has been in contact with the Nightmare Plane, it can re-enter the Nightmare Plane through this connection after leaving the Nightmare Plane. This is what is referred to as a half-channel.”

After listening to the introduction of a “half-channel”, Angel always felt that these words were very familiar and he seemed to have heard them somewhere before. After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly remembered that before he entered the Nightmare Plane, Sanders seems to have mentioned… … “Anchor to the Nightmare Plane?”

“Did you remember? Yes, this half-channel is the anchor to the Nightmare Plane, and the wound on the back of your soul, this anchor is an unformed half-channel.”

“That is to say, as long as the soul is injured in the Nightmare Plane, it can produce a half-channel?” Angel wondered if this was a joke.

“It can understood in this way, but in fact the wound of the soul is actually a Nightmare Plane coordinate. If you want to form a half-channel, there needs to be other steps involved, and when you reach that point, I will tell you.”

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