Chapter 292: Versatile Soul Contract (Bonus)

In the interrogation room, the summoner was completely in a trance. His eyes didn’t have any focus and his drool was leaking out of the corner of his mouth. It was as if his soul had left his body.

They had chained the guys with the Cold Iron, making sure he couldn’t use Ena. Read latest chapters at

“You are able to tell him to do anything for you, but don’t kill him yet, alright?” Bella winked.

“No worries. I know how important this guy is. I just want to try a couple of things and see whether it’s possible.”

“Alright. I will leave you here.” Bella nodded and exited the room.

In fact, the interrogation wasn’t the only thing he wanted to do. He was trying to test the Sleeping Garden to see whether they were worth his trust or he should be wary of them.

If Bella and Evelyn knew what he was doing inside, it meant they had broken that trust and Nathan would probably find a way to leave the group.

Once he was left alone with the summoner, Nathan summoned Anubis.

“Why do you summon me? Another heal?” Anubis suddenly stopped when he saw the chained summoner. “Ah!”

“Do you have any ways to remove curses?” Nathan asked.

“As a living? Nope. If we can preserve his soul…” Anubis smirked.

“Ah. I guess there’s that.” Nathan almost forgot about this. If he upgraded Anubis’ power, he could call that soul and force him to confess. Even if the guy didn’t tell the truth, they could draw some conclusions.

It would be much more effective than the current interrogation method. Still, he needed a lot of Ena to do that.

“I don’t think it’s possible right now. I mean, I can use the soul contract to forcefully unlock that ability again, but it costs too much. If I keep using it, I won’t save enough Ena for the fourth familiar as well as your Ena along with Fenrir and Nidhogg.”

“That’s true.” Anubis thought for a moment. “What if we postpone it? I mean, we can wait until we have enough strength. If they’re able to keep him in this state for a while, we might be able to do it? Or should we just kill this guy and wait until another person is captured?”

Nathan scratched the back of his head. “I’m not sure either. In fact, I’m thinking about using my contract to test if I can remove that curse or not.”

“Soul Contract, huh?”

“Yes. After the recent test, I’m able to create a contract without offering my Ena. However, this can only happen between two humans. If I have to make a contract with an object or ability, I need to offer Ena because that’s the only thing that keeps them in this world.

“On the other hand, a human contract is as simple as mutual agreement. If I can somehow make him tell the truth, it means the experiment is a success.

“After all, I can use the contract for something else. For example, tell everyone to die. What if I create a contract that buys the life of someone else? I can give them Ena or money in exchange for their lives. And I can tell them to die if I want to.”

“Isn’t that too cruel, even coming from you?” Anubis squinted his eyes.

“No. I’m talking about a bad guy. I have principles too, you know? What if an assassin comes to take my life? And I use this as a trump card to buy his life? Even if I spend all my Ena, as long as I can keep my life, don’t you think it’s worth it? I can simply get back my Ena.

“How about other objects? Can I put my own Ena into another object to make myself look weaker? And if I dispel that contract, the Ena will return to my body. It’s like storage. Or maybe a spirit weapon or something like those in cultivation novels.

“Nevertheless, I want to test it.” Nathan explained.

Anubis fell into deep thought. “It doesn’t sound like a bad idea. If you are able to do all that with your Soul Contract, it will give you a lot more options.”

“Yes. For now, I want to use two contracts. Tell me if you have an objection after seeing the contract.”

Anubis nodded.

Nathan turned to the summoner. “You are going to sign this contract with your thumb.”

After cutting the summoner’s thumb, Nathan began to form the contract right in front of his thumb so that he didn’t have to move to sign the contract.

[In exchange for 500 Ena, the curses, who will be represented by its host, will not activate for an hour.]

This was a simple contract, albeit it turned red and failed. “This kind of appearance… Does the contract fail because of the lack of Ena?”

“Yes.” Nathan nodded. ”I guess I can’t offer only 500 Ena for a curse inflicted by a Curse Grandmaster. However, I might be able to do it if I offer more Ena, but I don’t think I want to lose that much Ena right now.”

“Fair enough. What about the second contract?”

“It’s this…” Nathan formed the second contract.

[During the interrogation, Party A will have to answer everything truthfully. In exchange, Party B will also say everything truthfully.]

And this time, the contract was completed.

“Oh? So you want to confirm whether the contract works if you use something that is not Ena?”

“Yep. I believe the Soul Contract is much more powerful than I could ever imagine. It is not limited to Ena. I can use my action, money, or even my life as an exchange. Of course, I’m not going to offer my life or even my organs, but the idea is there. I can literally have anything as long as the contract is set up properly. The contract will be limited to my creativity.”

“Still, you have to make the other parties sign them, no?”

“Yes. And because of this, I think I know which divine beast will become my fourth familiar.”

“And that is?”

Nathan smirked.

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