Chapter 802 - 802: Russia Has Fallen

The Russian president watched in surprise as footage of the tournament that just happened in Japan played in front of him. He saw his countrymen fighting against the superhumans and changing into anima, and he couldn’t help the surge of pure anger that was growing from inside him. He had never heard about anything like this! They never said that they were going to turn humans into anima! What sort of fucked-up bullshit was this!?

The president turned around to glare at Yusev before asking him what the meaning of this was, and Yusev just smiled and said that this was what he was paid for.

“We gave you enough money for you not to ask any questions about what we do in our labs. Isn’t that what you were paid for?”

“I never said you could mutate and experiment on my citizens!”

The president was not happy, and his body had already started to release wisps of mana that threatened to lash out at Yusev, but Yusev raised his hand and told the president to calm down. There was no need for him to get so angry.

“Okay, how about we talk about this in private? There’s no need to involve others in our business.”

The president glared at Yusev, but he held his hand. Both of them had made many business deals over the past few months, and the president now trusted Yusev’s business ethics to a certain degree, so he was sure Yusev would at least be able to come up with a sensible alternative for them to both benefit from this.

The president and Yusev walked out of the presidential building. The building was surrounded by large walls on every side, with armed forces positioned in critical areas. There was a large garden that you would have to walk through before you could reach the wall, and it was this garden that Yusev and the president were walking through.

Yusev started the conversation with a crazy sentence.

“The anima have decided to take over the Russian army. They are going to be the ones running the country from now on.”

The president turned to glare at Yusev in shock, and Yusev raised both hands up in the air.

“Don’t look at me like that. I already told you that I didn’t have much choice in this. We are the syndicate, and our job is to act as the liaison between the humans and the anima. We believe that the world would be a much better place if both species could work together and grow into something new. But the anima don’t believe in the same things; they believe that the only way to move forward is by the complete annihilation of humanity. It’s just a small difference in ideals.”

Yusev looked like he was telling the truth, and his facial expressions were so realistic that the president would’ve never been able to guess that he was lying. Yusev didn’t give a damn about humanity or what humanity could become. All Yusev cared about was moving humanity forward toward a new evolutionary branch. To do this, humans had to shed the skin of what they once were and become something more. Humans had to become anima.

But the president didn’t know that Yusev held these ideals, so, to him, Yusev was currently trying to tell him that he was not in support of what the anima were doing and he was trying to come up with a way of fixing things. The president asked Yusev a question.

“So, what are we going to do about this?”

Yusev hummed as he looked up into the air and noticed a figure heading toward them very quickly. The smile on Yusev’s face grew.

“Well, I don’t need to do anything. But you, on the other hand, won’t be able to do anything.”

The Knight appeared from the horizon over the president’s building and shot down toward Yusev and the president with immense speed! Before the president could do anything, she slammed into the president from behind and pushed him to the ground! The Knight held the president tight as he tried to fight back against her power, and she opened her mouth to reveal sharp, jagged teeth and sunk them deep into his neck before pulling out a pound of flesh and bone!

The president was left writhing on the ground, bleeding to death, and the guards that had been standing all around the presidential villa simply stayed in place without bothering to move to help him. The president had allowed the Syndicate to fester in his country for far too long, and now there wasn’t a single person in the presidential building who didn’t believe in the values and message of the Syndicate.

The knight stood from the ground and swallowed the pound of flesh in her mouth before turning to Yusev and giving him a look. Yusev’s body quickly transformed from his regular human look into its anima-human form—a cross between a snake and a human, with his neck lengthening absurdly and scales growing from his arms and legs. Yusev fell to his knees in front of the Knight, and she gave him an order.

“Gather the country and give them the king’s announcement. The king has decided that now is the time to begin the plan.”

An enthusiastic grin spread across Yusev’s face, and he nodded and began to move into the building.

The next morning, a broadcast went out to every single person in Russia. The message of the broadcast was simple, but it was like none of the people who heard it could understand anything anymore because of how frightening the message was.

According to the message, the Syndicate had taken over the entirety of Russia and they had blocked out all of the exit paths and roads that the Russians could use to escape. The people living in Russia were all given an ultimatum. There was going to be a mass genocide in anima attacks happening over the next few days, and the people were all going to be killed by the anima unless they agreed to join the Syndicate and become anima-human hybrids.

The superhumans in Russia could not do anything to help out with the situation since most of them had also been inducted into the Syndicate. The Russian president’s method of ostracizing the powerless and giving all the power to the superhumans had backfired on the country because it gave the Syndicate more than enough reach across the entire superhuman population, allowing them to pollute and absorb all of them without the president’s knowledge.

And now that the country really needed the superhumans to protect them, the citizens without any powers were the only ones that remained.

There was nothing that they could do.

The broadcast went out on one of the bright October mornings, and by the time evening came, more than half of the country was either part of the Syndicate or dead.

The largest country in the world had been taken over.

All over the world, people watched the broadcast of what the Syndicate had done in Russia in shock as they wondered what the hell was going on. The world was not used to receiving any news about Russia because the Russian government had put a lot of sanctions on broadcasts and news out of the country. That meant that the act of them receiving this news was something that was preplanned.

The Syndicate wanted the world to see this.

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