Starting from the Planetary Governor

Chapter 68 - Chapter 68: Chapter 68, Something Happened

Chapter 68: Chapter 68, Something Happened

The arrival of the interstellar soldiers didn’t have much impact on the Governor’s Camp.

Even the people on the wasteland had heard of The Emperor’s Angels. Before the planet was shattered, their stories were enduringly popular, showing up in texts and visual images. Now, in the post-war era, those things were gone, but ‘stories’ themselves still existed. The older generation told the younger generation, who passed it on to the next, and so on…

This made people under the Governor curious when they saw the interstellar soldiers, and they couldn’t help but look over repeatedly.

But, as characteristic of wastelanders, they were sensitive and timid toward danger.

They only dared to watch from afar, not daring to be too bold or direct with their gazes, to avoid angering these giants who could crush them with a mere slap.

And the interstellar soldiers… honestly, were already incredibly used to this kind of attention.

As for the impact on the camp’s development…

Honestly, there was a bit.

In Gu Hang’s case, there had always been a significant labor shortage for production development. Now, setting aside other supply needs, they even had to allocate an engineering team to build houses for the interstellar soldiers.

Key was the fact that these interstellar soldiers took the matter very seriously, living right next door and supervising directly, not daring to cut corners at all.

Lots of produced alloy steel, cement, and bricks had to be transported over for their use. The materials provided were already the best, yet the soldiers were still not quite satisfied until they were assured that they truly were the highest quality items available from the Governor’s Camp.

However, overall, this impact remained within the range that Gu Hang could accept.

It was like hiring seven strong men; you just had to think of it as paying their wages.

Beyond attracting attention, slightly slowing the development speed of the Governor’s Camp, and using some labor and resources, their presence was otherwise quite low-key. Every day, aside from inspecting the construction site, they were praying and training, living like monks.

Later, perhaps feeling a bit sheepish about having nothing to do all day—after all, they were supposed to assist in combat—they began entering the alien forest in groups to fight the mutant monsters.

Definitely for the defense of the Governor’s enterprise, and not because they were bored after not seeing blood for a while!

Only, the monsters in the forest couldn’t satisfy the interstellar soldiers.

Previously, although there weren’t any high-level monsters in the alien forest, there were still a good number of them. However, after the Primordial Wrath Owl Sect’s ambush plan against Gu Hang, when a catalyst was triggered that caused a large number of hatching nests to emerge prematurely and a vast number of monsters to be killed, the number of monsters in the alien forest had drastically reduced, even the nests were scarce.

This made it difficult for the interstellar soldiers to get in some practice and find that feeling of slaughter they were craving.

But soon, their opportunity to wield their weapons appeared.

While the Phoenixes had nothing to do, Gu Hang returned to the task of worrying about the camp’s development.

The total population of the camp had officially surpassed ten thousand these days.

With production plans and population distribution, Osenia might not have arranged everything perfectly, but she at least had things well organized, leaving Gu Hang little room to step in directly.

Having a political officer with a rating of 9, the camp of ten thousand was being managed quite well.

After just a brief focus, not needing to worry much, he saw his camp’s monthly income steadily increasing, reaching 61 points at present.

He hoped that by next month’s ‘payday,’ it would break a hundred!

Also, during this period, he had selected and conscripted over a hundred soldiers from the new refugees, who alongside the five hundred troops previously brought by Lambert from the Hodgson Family—whose command and ownership had been completely transferred to the Governor—formed two additional infantry battalions.

That would be the 5th and 6th battalions.

These six hundred soldiers had also undergone training enhancements through Gu Hang’s system function, which meant Gu Hang used 6 points of Grace, but also meant that his forces now exceeded 1700 people.

Out of caution, Gu Hang made substantial changes to the officers of these two battalions and redeployed them. A significant number of soldiers were also reorganized with the previous 2nd, 3rd, and 4th battalions.

The mixed forces had been disentangled as much as possible from their former command systems. After the reorganization, even if Lambert harbored ulterior motives, it wouldn’t be of much use; it was unlikely he could incite the troops to defect in the middle of a fight.

Of course, based on interactions over this period, Gu Hang tentatively believed that the two members of the Hodgson Family, old and young, were truly cooperative. Still, even so, it was wise to guard against others. It was only right for Gu Hang to take precautionary measures.

Lambert had no objections to this. He even had no qualms about losing military power and being assigned to assist young Osenia, which earned him praise from her for his diligent work.

He understood that his identity could cause misunderstandings and precautions from the Governor. But he had resolved to prove his loyalty through his attitude and everything he did over the upcoming lengthy period.

Gu Hang was pleased with this.

The young man was proving his worth.

His grandfather was doing so as well.

Population growth within the camp would have been difficult to achieve without help from Revival City.

Moreover, most of the goods from the Governor’s Camp, besides internal consumption, sold very well in Revival City on the foreign market. Purchasing food, minerals, and other consumer goods also went smoothly.

During this time, Dennison Henry even felt that business was too easy.

But today, Lambert came to Gu Hang somewhat flustered, bearing some unsettling news.

“I can’t contact my grandfather.”

Gu Hang frowned, “Be more specific.”

“This morning, I made a routine check with Revival City, but couldn’t get through. It’s not that no one was picking up, but the line was completely dead. I realized something wasn’t right, tried to connect to other wireless communication lines of our family, but the situation was similar; I also contacted some people who have a good relationship with our family. Nobody knew what had happened, but they told me that Revival City is under lockdown, preventing the poor from the outer city from entering…”

Gu Hang narrowed his eyes.

“This is really bad news… It sounds like Mr. Hodgson might have run into trouble.”

“I implore you to save him!”

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