Chapter 147: Big fish, small pondSilva decided that he would test the strength of this will first. He took out his sword and charged at the will.
The will felt the threat from Silva. It moved, but only a bit—a mighty black flame arc. The arc was several meters tall and massive.
It moved at a speed that Silva didn’t expect. He managed to leap out of the way at the last moment, but felt the searing heat of the flames.
Silva landed on the ground and rolled for a bit before coming to a stop.
“If that attack had hit me, I’d be dead for sure.” For the first time, Silva felt dread facing a being.
The will had yet to seriously attack him, yet he had almost gotten burned to ashes.
Silva got up again and faced the will, but the will didn’t move. Instead, the surroundings started changing.
It transformed into a battlefield with only the two of them in it.
“Seems you’re taking me seriously now. I don’t know why you would do that, as you clearly just showed me you’re stronger than me,” Silva said.
He took out Minotaur’s Rage and got into a stance, ready to fight.
The will didn’t move from its position. It simply raised its sword and pointed it at Silva. The sword started firing flaming blades at Silva.
Each one was the exact size of the sword and moved faster than the speed of sound, causing ripples in space as they traveled.
Silva swung his axe to block the first one. The collision caused an explosion, and Silva was tossed back.
He landed on his feet just in time to block the second one. The same thing happened, and he was tossed back again.
He managed to survive the first three easily, but as the will increased its firing pace, Silva was pushed back and hit with multiple flame blades.
He rolled across the ground and finally came to a stop; this was the first time in a while that he had taken damage.
Silva got back on his feet and wiped the blood from the side of his mouth.
“Damn, I didn’t think the will alone would be this strong. How strong is the real Dark Dragon, then?” Silva wondered.
He recognized that there was no way he would win if he tried to do this alone, so he summoned his clones.
The clones charged from all directions, trying to flank the will. All of them now had stats over three hundred thousand, and Silva was sure even Drake might not be able to take one of them.
Yet as the clones got close, the will swung its sword in a circular motion. The force from the swing blasted and hit all the clones, sending them flying.
The will immediately charged at the real Silva. Silva couldn’t even react to the speed with all his senses working at hyper-speed.
The will got behind him and was about to stab, but a clone managed to use Flash Step and intercepted, parrying the blade to the side.
However, the attack carried such force that it still slammed into Silva and his clone, throwing them meters away.
Silva got up from the ground, bruised and battered, his healing factor already working to heal him.
Silva’s eyes opened to the reality that there were beings beyond his comprehension, and he was still weak.
This will now was only a small fraction of the real deal, yet he couldn’t stand against it.
“Ophelia, I don’t know if you can hear me, but tell me, what is the strength of this will compared to the Dark Dragon at his peak?” Silva asked, hoping she could hear.
“This is less than five percent, could be less, but I am certain it is less than five percent,” she responded.
When Silva heard that, he didn’t know how to take it. What was this being? What was the Dark Dragon really—a world destroyer?
“Last question, how does this will compare to the current Demon Kings and heroes?” Silva asked.
“It is thirty percent of the weakest of them,” she responded.
“I see, so I’m just a big fish in a small pond.” Silva felt a wave of anger, anger at his weakness, anger at the fact that he was nowhere near the strongest.
So, to change that, he would defeat this will and take that sword.
All the clones, including Silva, charged at the will. When they were close, they all activated Chronos Lock at a safe distance.
All the Chronos Locks activated, and caught the will, but then it vanished—it was only an afterimage. Silva looked up and saw the will descending from above.
He immediately moved out of the way, and so did all the clones, putting as much distance as possible between them.
The will stabbed into the ground, causing a massive explosion that left a huge crater.
When the dust settled, it was no longer there. Silva heard another explosion and saw his clone flying through the air after being attacked, with the will chasing after it.
“Support him!” Silva yelled, and all the clones, including himself, charged toward the will. They all shot dark bullets at it to try to take it down.
But it was as if the will had eyes at the back of its head; it dodged all of them with grace and ease. Silva decided to try something else.
He threw his axe with all his strength, and then made a plan with one of the clones.
The will saw the axe and simply dodged it, but unexpectedly, a clone brought out its dragon wings and used Flash Step to get up there quickly and grab the axe.
The clone immediately swung it down, and for the first time, they made contact with the will. The will still blocked it with the sword, but the force sent it rocketing into the ground and created another large crater.
Yet, immediately after it fell, it got back up like nothing had happened.
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