“This phase will consume the first six months. We need a comprehensive understanding of the demons we face as they are sure to have adapted and changed after the last war twenty years ago.”

“Scholars, mages, and scouts must work together to gather every scrap of information available—weaknesses, hierarchies, their magic. We must also conduct reconnaissance of known demon-infested territories and locate their portals. If possible, capturing low-level demons for study will provide valuable insights.”

Elder Fael stroked his beard thoughtfully. “Knowledge is power, and without it, we are blind. Agreed.”

Nodding in agreement, Elder White Fang continued. “We require scholars well-versed in ancient texts, mages skilled in various aspects especially cloaking, teleportation, healing, and illusions, and finally we need scouts adept at infiltration. Knowledge of demonic hierarchies, their strengths and weaknesses, and their realms will be our strongest advantage.”

Elder Iridia leaned forward, her eyes sharp. “Reconnaissance missions into demonic territory will be perilous. The risk of capture or death is high.”

White Fang nodded grimly. “Understood. But the risk is necessary. Our scouts must be prepared to sacrifice everything. To mitigate losses, we will first target minor rifts and weak points. Capturing lesser demons for study will be crucial. Every piece of knowledge gained may save countless lives.”

Elder Fael stroked his beard thoughtfully. “In addition, we must establish communication channels between the continents. If a scout falls or succeeds, we must know immediately.”

Lady Leah interjected, her voice firm but calm. “Agreed. Our intelligence network must be vast and covert. We cannot afford breaches. Every scrap of information will matter.”

The conversation shifted to maps, with White Fang projecting magical images of demonic rifts, potential strongholds, and zones of high demonic influence.

The Elders leaned in, studying the maps closely. “But wouldn’t we need to secure our weak points? I’m at least certain that this Continent is weak toward the south. If we’re attacked from there, it’ll take a while for our forces to even get there.” One of the oldest of the Great Elders, Elder Anaki pointed out.”

“Which brings us to phase two,” White Fang announced, his tone growing even more intense. “Specialized training and resource allocation. Our standard troops will be torn apart if we send them unprepared. Every soldier must learn to recognize and counteract dark magic. We will establish elite units—demon hunters or as we call them, Dunters, mages, exorcists, alchemists. Their training will be brutal, but necessary.”

Lord Terrace spoke up, his voice a low rumble. “Training takes time. Will six months be enough?”

“It will have to be,” White Fang replied, his expression hardening. “These units will lead the fight, but every soldier must be prepared to stand their ground. No one is immune to the coming threat.”

Elder Iridia stood and paced. “Enchanted weapons, armor laced with wards against curses, protective charms… All of this takes resources and labor. Our artisans and mages will be stretched thin.”

Lady Leah met her gaze. “Then we stretch them thin. We have no other choice. Armors, arrays, scrolls, weapons, everything must be prepared and tested. Our supplies must be guarded. Demons will seek to sabotage us from within.”

There were murmurs of agreement, and Elder Fael spoke again. “Supply lines must be protected at all costs. Secure routes, fortified supply depots, and contingency plans for every possible disruption. If our troops lack what they need in the heat of battle, all will be lost.”

“Phase three covers building fortifications and ensuring civilian safety.” Great Elder White Fang outlined the need for strongholds near key demonic portals and sanctified areas where lesser demons would be unable to cross.

“These fortifications must be more than physical,” he said. “They must be infused with holy power and protected by layers of wards. Sanctified grounds will offer our people places of refuge.”

Elder Iridia nodded solemnly. “And what of the civilians?”

“They will not be forgotten,” White Fang assured her. “Evacuation plans must be established. Fortified shelters, basic training for militias, and emergency response systems. Every village, every town, must have a plan.”

The Great Elders exchanged grim glances. They knew how fragile civilian morale could be in times of war. Lady Leah added, “Our people must be prepared for the worst. Panic and fear will break them before any demon does.”

“That leaves us with phase four.” Elder Fael stated with a look of anticipation. He seemed to like where things were headed and wanted to see how Elder White Fang would play it out.

“The final phase will cover war simulations, final testing of weapons and armor, and last-minute intelligence. We shall create training scenarios that would mimic demonic ambushes and tricks, testing the troops’ resolve against illusions, curses, and the psychological warfare demons employed.”

The group understood that this was their last chance to prepare for battle, and there could be no weaknesses.

Time slowly flew past and when the strategies were fully outlined, Great Elder White Fang took a seat with slight relief. “This war will not be won in a single battle but smaller scaled battles that’ll build up progress toward the final clash. It will test our strength, our unity, and our resolve. We must be ready.”

The Twelve Great Elders sat in heavy silence for a moment before Elder Iridia stood once more. “There is one final matter to discuss. Coordination across all continents. This war will touch every corner of our world.”

Elder Fael rose with her. “To that end, we will nominate three of our own to act as representatives. The youngest three among us will be tasked with traveling alongside the four representatives from the Eastern Shirefort Continent.”

The Great Elders turned to their youngest members, who stepped forward. Elder Fein, Elder Saranoh, and Elder Lezley were three individuals who looked middle-aged.

Each nodded their acceptance of the responsibility. “Together,” Elder Iridia continued, “you will speak for our continent and ensure that all matters discussed are relayed with clarity and precision.”

Great Elder White Fang inclined his head in acknowledgment. “We welcome this cooperation. There is strength in unity after all.”

Elder Fael addressed everyone present. “There remain two other continents to consult. The three representatives of this Continent will visit one, while you four from the East will travel to the other. These meetings must be thorough but coordinated with haste. Time is slipping through our fingers.”

Though their departure to these distant continents would not happen immediately, their future path had been laid out. Elder White Fang sighed, turning to Lord Terrace who was beside him. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

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