Chapter 189: Call For Help

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Before the bus came, Li Xianyu’s face experienced countless disfigurations. The cat deity’s claws cut iron like mud, not to mention Li Xianyu’s face.

An infuriated cat was terrifying, especially a female cat.

Fortunately, Li Xianyu’s ability was self-healing, or this handsome little face would be ruined.

When he got on the bus, all he had left on his face was shallow but dense claw marks.

At this location, very few people took the bus. Li Xianyu sat in the last row of seats.

“What about the name Mengqi? I think it suits you very well. If you don’t like it, Fiona is good, too. I still have several nice names here: Carter, Morgana, Lacus.” Li Xianyu murmured but did not get any response from the proud cat. When he turned to look at her, it was standing on the seat, silently looking at the town that was gradually becoming further away.

Li Xianyu saw a lot of emotions: sadness, melancholy, and helplessness in her eyes... The times had abandoned her, and this land, which once gave it glory and happiness, no longer needed her.

Li Xianyu stretched out his hand and tried to pat her head. However, thinking that they were not familiar and the searing pain on his face warned him not to do so, he silently withdrew his hand.

The cat deity’s ear moved and seemed to have felt something. She turned around and sat down beside him. “My real name is Cui Hua.”

Li Xianyu was shocked and his facial muscles twitched and it took a lot of effort for him to resist laughing out loud.

“In a hundred years, you are the first to know my real name.” The cat deity gazed at him, her expression changing slightly changing. “Is it not a nice name?”

“It’s nice. It’s great.” Li Xianyu nodded hard, and he didn’t mind saying a white lie for the sake of his face.

However, Great-Grandma who was sitting on his left heard this, and with a puff of her cheeks, she laughed out loud.

Laughter was contagious and Li Xianyu immediately guffawed. “Pfft~”

Hiss~ The cat deity was enraged and jumped on his face, dealing cat punches on his face.

After Li Xianyu begged her for mercy, the cat deity let him go. She squatted on the seat and asked Li Xianyu to face her and listen to her carefully.

“I thought about it and decided not to change my name.” She sighed. “My master gave me the name, even though it doesn’t sound nice.”

“It’s good,” Li Xianyu said.


Then they remained silent. Li Xianyu took out earphones to listen to songs. Cui Hua saw this and asked him, “What is this?”

“Earphones... You use it to listen to music.”

She squatted, her front paws patted twice on the seat. “I want to listen to music too.”

Li Xianyu gave one earphone bud and helped her put it on. Knowing that the cat had a keen hearing, he turned down the volume.

Great-Grandma saw this and secretly grit her teeth. She kicked her great-grandson. “You don’t treat me with such consideration.”

I’m ashamed... Li Xianyu thought, If you lift your right leg to show me, I will be more considerate.


I want it but can’t get it

There’s nothing you can do about life

I can’t let go of what I should

I’m only wrestling with the past


Loneliness leaps over the wall in the night

There is only emptiness before my eyes

The grandeur in the past is like a slap

Every moment you remember, is like suffering from a slap


Go forth, go forth

The hope of life is always ahead.


Three days later, in the suburbs of Fuzhou Linhai.

This was a barbecue stall gathering place. It was rather famous in Fuzhou and whenever night fell, the sheds would light up one by one shade. The fresh fragrance of seafood would float farther and farther amidst the barbecue in a charcoal fire.

When the night got darker, more and more people would come for supper. They might be sitting in the shed or in the open, drinking beer, eating barbecue and chatting raucously.

Old Yang, the owner of the stall, looked suspiciously at the diners at a table in the corner. They were a man and a woman, plus a cat.

The girl was incredibly beautiful, and prettier than celebrities on the television but that was not the point.

The striped cat that was several times bigger and stronger than the average stray cat, lie on the table and ate ferociously. It showed that the young man and woman were cat lovers. Well, that was still not the point.

It was 11:00 P.M., and the young man and woman came at about 7:00 P.M. when the lights were just lit up. They had been eating until now. That was the main point.

It was not that Old Yang had never seen guests who ate barbecue and drink beer and brag to each other until late into the night. On the contrary, there were too many guests who sat for an hour or two.

The problem was that the young man and woman, plus the cat, had eaten a whole three thousand dollars worth of food.

Three thousand dollars was equivalent to the total sales volume of one night in the most prosperous time in Old Yang’s business.

“No way. Something’s wrong. Are they really people?” Old Yang was surprised. He had never seen people who had such a terrifying appetite.

“Boss, six more liters of draft beer, fifty oysters, and ten pounds of all kinds of fish.” The young man drank beer, raised his hand, and called for Old Yang.

Look, they order fish by the pounds. Old Yang answered and his face didn’t betray anything but he panicked in his heart.

Old Yang was a child who grew up in the seaside countryside. He had encountered many strange things at sea. He has also heard elders say some strange things, and if they were compiled into books, he could write a “The Years When I Was a Fisherman”.

He once heard a story like this. When he was young, a fisherman in his village went out to sea to fish at night. In the middle of the night, he suddenly heard a cry for help. Holding a torchlight, he discovered someone floating in the sea that was grabbing onto a piece of wood.

The fishermen on board rescued the man. The man was pale and white. He was ashen and his body was cold. The few fishermen didn’t pay much attention and only thought he was freezing.

They returned with a bountiful catch that night, and on their way back, everyone but the person steering the boat went to bed.

The fisherman in the same village heard someone eating in his grogginess. He sat up and looked at it, and found that there was a man squatting at the stern, and he seemed to be gnawing at something.

Carefully, he went over and found that the person was the man they had rescued recently. He was gnawing at the fish on the boat.

His belly was bulging like a ball because it was full of fish.

When the man heard the movement, he looked back. He was a bulging and rotting face that had drowned in the sea.

The man in the same village cried out in horror, but the victim did not harm him. When he was full, he went back to the sea and disappeared.

Other fishermen were also frightened. When they got home, they asked the old people in the village about this. The old men said that if the body of a drowning person in the sea was not found, he will become a hungry ghost. He will then pretend to cheat the people on passing fishing boats, and sometimes go ashore to find food.

This barbecue gathering place was not far from the sea.

Li Xianyu had no idea of the boss’s thoughts going wild and happily enjoyed eating the seafood.

He found the place on the Internet and ratings were not bad. The barbeque, although a little less hygienic and environmentally friendly, was good and cheap. The amount was huge and filling and the seafood was fresh.

In the past three days, dueling with Cui Hua’s punches was his homework. Li Xianyu definitely was not looking for abuse. It was Great-Grandma’s decision.

Cui Hua’s punches were as fast as lightning, and she could continue to hit for half an hour without stopping. Li Xianyu’s arms fractured time and again, but it also healed. Later, he found that he could gradually keep up with Cui Hua’s speed.

Although Cui Hua was obviously going all out, such progress made Li Xianyu quite happy.

Perhaps in the future, he would be able to create a divine technique and to become the ancestor of martial arts in the demon descendants community.

Li Cat Punches!

“So, in a month, you’re going to attend the Taoist Forum Conference of the demon descendants community.” Cui Hua’s voice was very low as she whispered.

“Yes,” Li Xianyu whispered in the same low voice. “You know about my background. The conference is a good opportunity for me to emerge. Just like national military exercises, they show their force to the outside world, and they have to think about it and hesitate when they want to deal with me.”

Cui Hua tilted her head. “You’re my servant. I’ll protect you.” As she said this, she hit Li Xianyu with her soft front paw, “But next time you have to prepare a more comfortable chariot for me.”

Cui Hua’s so-called chariot was in fact, a schoolbag which Li Xianyu specially bought for her. As she was listless during the day, Cui Hua curled up in his school bag to sleep. When she was bored, she poked out her head and looked around.

She didn’t want to, but Li Xianyu said that all distinguished owners travel by a sedan chair.

Cui Hua heard this and thought it made a lot of sense. Thus, she didn’t reject her servant’s good intentions.

A loud whistle came from a muscular man wearing a tank top. He carried a bucket of draft beer and walked over. His face was flushed as he sat beside Great-Grandma without being invited. “Beauty, can I get your WeChat account?”

Great-Grandma raised her little face, looked at him, and continued to bow her head to eat.

“My brothers over there are watching, giving face,” said the man.

Not far away from the table sat four or five equally burly men, smiling at this.

Li Xianyu’s mobile phone rang, as a message entered. It was the official number of Baoze’s law enforcement, but the area code was not Shanghai, but the Fuzhou branch.

This was a call for help:

“Three colleagues encountered an emergency in the course of their mission and needs emergency rescue.”

Address: Dahongyan.

Note: Colleagues under the rank of senior staff, please ignore this automatically.

Employees in danger may contact the company for assistance.

This message was usually sent when company employees were in jeopardy and the company could not send assistance in time. The message would be sent to all company staff in the area. If they happen to be nearby, and have the strength to do so, they would provide support.

Afterwards, the company would reward them with a very generous sum of points.

For example, Li Xianyu was now in danger and is about to die, but the company was too far away. If they sent someone over, his corpse will be cold by then, so the law enforcement department would issue such a distress message.

At this time, if there happened to be a master colleague in the vicinity, Li Xianyu would be saved.

Dahongyan was not far from here, about five kilometers away...

“When I came closer, you look even prettier.” The man shouted happily at his companions, “Come here if you don’t believe me, she’s super pretty!”

“Carry her over here.”

“Haha, is the little girl an adult yet?”

“Look at that figure. I don’t believe it if she’s not an adult.”

The companions roared with laughter.

Perhaps the man saw that Great-Grandma was adorable and obedient, and did not reveal disgust, the man became bolder. He was just about to sling an arm around her shoulders.


Li Xianyu pressed his head on the table and the cheap synthetic wooden table collapsed directly.

“Great-Grandma, you go pay, I’ll take care of it.” Li Xanyu handed his mobile phone to her. “After you are done, we have business to get to.”

He greeted the men who had stood up, holding chairs or wine bottles. He kicked the guy who charged in front, and the man flew back a few meters. He then raised his hand, and like dealing with kindergarten children, slapped each person over effortlessly.

“How much is it?” Great-Grandma, holding the mobile phone, asked Old Yang, the owner of the stall.

Old Yang took a slight step back and was afraid to look at the beautiful woman. “C-Can you not give me cash?”

He was afraid to receive joss paper.

“Alipay WeChat is fine.” Great-Grandma said, “Pack the stuff I asked for just now.”

“Then, then why don’t you try Alipay?”

A moment later, Old Yang received the transfer of money and was relieved.

“It isn’t a ghost? After eating so much, her stomach didn’t even bulge.” Old Yang thought about it, as his expression changed slightly. He called his wife over who was washing seafood behind him. “Help me see if I received a transfer on my mobile phone?”

Ghosts could confuse people’s wits. One could think they had received the money, but they might not necessarily have received it.

“Three thousand four hundred dollars.” The wife glanced at it and asked, “Was it given wrongly?”

“No, it’s good that we received it...”

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