Chapter 534. Set Sail

Riding the signature green bicycle meant for mailmen, Bandages cycled through the winding streets and alleys. Despite the high death counts on the outskirts of the island leading to fewer letters to deliver, he remained meticulously dedicated to his duties.

There was only one letter left in his green mailbag, and he could head home after delivering it.

Just then, a voice reached his ears...

"Damn it! The sea level is actually rising. Those Divine Light Order bastards! If the Pope is in front of me right now, I'd shoot him myself!"

Bandages looked toward the source and saw a middle-aged man reading a newspaper on a nearby bench. He clearly picked out the annoyance in the man's voice earlier.

With a squeak of his brakes, Bandage stopped in front of his final destination for the day. Before he could slide the last letter into the mailbox, the door adorned with colorful seashells swung open. An elderly woman with silvery hair stepped out.

"Don't bother with the mailbox, young man. Just hand it to me will do. Is the sender Johnson?"

Bandages took a glance at the envelope in the hand and saw that the sender was indicated as Johnson Parker of the Coral Archipelago.

"Yes..." Bandages answered.

The elderly woman approached Bandages earnestly. Grabbing the envelope from Bandages, she tore it open with trembling fingers.

After scanning through the letter's content, a look of immense joy spread across her face, marred by age spots. Clutching the letter to her chest, her voice quivered with relief as she said, "Thank heavens, he wasn't killed by the death light. He's still alive!"

Without asking Bandages' for his agreement, the elderly woman began to ramble on excitedly about her story.

"Young man, you know, he's my elder brother. My biological elder brother. No matter which island we moved to, we three siblings always kept in touch through letters. Even since the death light struck, my elder sister and I haven't received any letters from him. We thought he had been killed by the death light. But to find out that he's still's great.

"Thank you, young man. This letter means so much to me," the elderly lady concluded.

"Mm..." Bandages replied before pushing down on the pedals and cycling toward his home.

Along the way, he didn't miss the chatter of the islanders. They were discussing the news posted by the Governor's Mansion and also expressing their own opinions.

Close to fifteen minutes later, he finally arrived at the entrance of his basement unit.

Just as he was locking up his bicycle, his hands halted as he spotted the fresh tire tracks on the ground. A car had stopped by at his doorstep.

After securing his bicycle, Bandages headed toward the door. As soon as he pushed the door open, the fragrant aroma of food assaulted him. His mother was cooking while his siblings were busy with their homework.

"You're back? Wash your hands; dinner's almost ready," Elena called out without turning her eyes away from her cooking. After all, she could recognize her eldest son's footsteps.

Soon, the family of four was seated at the table and enjoying their dinner. It was a simple spread, typical fare for ordinary folk, but Elena’s cooking, infused with care and affection, made them taste exceptionally delicious.

Watching her three children devour the lobster porridge with gusto, Elena's face lit up with a contented smile. She cherished this simple and peaceful life and wished for it to last forever.

"Weister, eat slowly. There's still more if you haven't had your fill."

As Bandages listened to his younger siblings about the interesting events that happened at school, he finished his dinner. He retreated to his own room and stared blankly at a photo on the desk. It was a group shot of the Narwhale's entire crew.

Memories of all his time with them and the fresh tire tracks he had noticed earlier surfaced in his mind.

Just then, a series of knocks on his door broke his train of thought. Elena entered the room with a steaming cup of tea and placed it down on the table.

"Child, there's something I wish to discuss with you."

"What... is it... Mother...?"

"I've made up my mind. Let's move to the heart of the island," Elena said.

Bandages blinked in surprise. "Didn't you... oppose the idea... previously?"

"Yeah... Previously, I thought that if I kept you away from your crew, you would forever be safe. But I realized that's not the way. I was just being selfish," Elena admitted softly.

"As a mother, sometimes you have to let go and allow your children to choose their own path, even if... even if that path is fraught with danger," Elena paused and pulled out an exquisite invitation card from her pocket.

"The Governor is summoning you back. He said it's to rescue the world. I don't quite understand his meaning. Also, I'm sorry for opening your letter and reading it first."

A complicated expression surfaced on Bandages' countenance as he received the invitation and traced the golden foil with his fingertips.

"Will you... let me go?" Bandages asked.

Tears pooled in Elena's eyes as she gently stroked the back of Bandages's head. "My answer is not going to change anything, is it? Just like back on the Isle of Whereto, you'll end up going anyway. That's how headstrong you are, my child. I cannot stop you at all.

"Promise me just this one thing: come back alive," Elena said in a cracking voice as tears streamed down her face.

"I promise you... Mother."


Three days later, in the Governor's Mansion of Hope Island, Anna stood in Charles' way. Her visage was painted with unease as she asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to the surface to retrieve the darkness. While I'm gone, please take care of Hope Island in my stead," Charles answered casually. He then shed his pajamas to reveal his muscular torso scarred from countless battles. He slipped into a deep blue long-sleeve shirt before draping his old captain's coat over his shoulders.

The coat had followed him for years, and despite being patched and mended countless times, he couldn't bring himself to wear anything else, as it had become a part of him.

"Why do you have to go? Aren't there enough explorers even without you being there? Can't you act like how a leader should be?"

Charles turned to look at her. "Anna, we don't have time. You've seen the Navy's reports. At the current rate, it will only take three years for the sea to completely submerge all the islands.

"Don't forget who I am, Anna. My identity can be crucial on the surface."

"Screw that shitty identity! You're nothing but a selfish bastard!" Anna snapped, her voice tainted with increasing annoyance. Her skin cracked and healed intermittently to reveal writhing tentacles beneath.

Charles held Anna's head gently and planted a firm kiss on her forehead. "That is just one of them, but there's another one. I'm the Chosen One of Edikth. I can't say for certain if that identity will protect me, but at least it has kept me alive so far."

"The Light God is dead. What good is being the Chosen One of Edkith now?" Anna retorted with skepticism.

"Do you remember the Pope Lylejay? Why is it that he survived even after the Light God died? Perhaps the identity of being a Chosen One might just be an advantage needed on the surface.

"We have but three years left now, Anna. We can't afford to fail. The Subterranean Sea is our home now. For you, for Sparkle, and for all the humans in the seascape, I have to go to the surface."

Before Anna could respond, Charles leaped over the balcony railings and sprinted across the newly erected canopy.

Upon reaching the docks, his gaze landed on the Narwhale, gleaming anew, and her crew standing ready at their designated posts. Charles scanned each face slowly: First Mate Bandages, Sailor Norton, Third Engineer Audric, Boatswain Dipp, Cook Planck, Ship's Doctor Linda.

Everyone was here.

Even Second Mate Conor had shown up.

Charles had not forced them to return. He had merely extended an invitation, and it was up to them if they wanted to partake in this expedition. After all, exploring the surface was perilous.

"Captain... you're late..." Bandages said teasingly.

A smile appeared on Charles' face, and it was a radiant one. He raised his right fist and playfully punched Bandages on the shoulder.

"Narwhale... set sail!"

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