Chapter 156. The Pope

Wrapped up in bandages like a mummy, Charles could only lie still on the bed and stare at the pristine white ceiling over him.

To others, he would look like he was daydreaming, but his mind was replaying the brief conversation he had with the mantises. He was trying to make sense of them.

Those creatures had only uttered a few words, but the implication behind them was gravely significant. They had mentioned a calamity caused by mankind. Judging from the insects' current situation, it seemed like they had also been victims of the same disaster.

Secondly, their second sentence revealed that they had interacted with a group of humans before and entered some sort of pact with them. It was highly likely that the group of humans were the representatives of the Foundation.

However, what perplexed Charles the most was the first issue. If a major catastrophe had befallen humans, why had there been no records of it in the history of the Subterranean Seascape?

When he had just arrived in this space, he had scoured the seascape's history for clues to the exit. Before the advent of steam turbines, there were only records of islands sinking or sovereign disputes. There was no mention of any disaster or how humans came to be in this underground realm.

Could it be some major catastrophe on the surface world? But how would a surface disaster affect the mantises that live in the subterranean space?

Just as Charles wrestled with his own puzzlement, the door was pushed open. Two men entered the room. Laesto had a stern expression on his face, while Hunn looked visibly excited.

"Governor Charles, all praises to the Light God that you are awake. We feared that you might never come around," Hunn said.

Charles cast a glance at Laesto, and his eyes transmitted the message. "Haven't I woken up a long time ago?"

"Quick, tell me. What are those creatures that live at the top of the cavern? Did you see what the Land of Light looked like?" Hunn pressed on.

Adjusting the bandages on his itchy left shoulder, Charles propped himself up on the bed and recounted everything he had seen.

"The bugs... there were many of them... based on what I saw, there were at least several hundred. The rift leading to the Land of Light seemed to be their lair. If we want to reach the Land of Light, we would have to get rid of them. How many of those Sky Battlers do you have at the moment?”

"We still have two of them on the Resurrection. But we’ve run out of the protective suits that can resist the divine light. Those were intended for underwater use, so we didn't prepare too many of them," Hunn responded.

Charles shook his head. "Even if we have the suits, two ships would be far from enough. They are far too powerful. We need far greater combat power to fight against them."

"Hmmm..." Hunn lowered his head and pondered for several moments before he finally lifted his gaze to meet Charles'. "Please wait. I can't make this decision on my own. I would need to consult His Holiness the Pope."

With that, Hunn stood up and exited the room. The earlier excitement on his face had been erased without a trace and replaced with a knitted brow.

Several hundred six-meter-long monsters... If they had been on the island, their existing forces would be enough to easily take them out. However, those creatures were battling in their home ground, where the deadly divine light shone, which made the issue much trickier and more challenging to tackle.

As for the calamity the mantises spoke of, Charles chose not to mention it to Hunn. He had sought the Divine Light Order here for one purpose, which was to help him return to the surface world. If he abruptly mentioned other matters, it might cause unnecessary distraction.

Things should be settled one after the other. Charles' goal had remained singular and unwavering—to return to the surface. He would only consider his next move upon reaching the surface world.

"I feel like I'm nearly back to normal now. Can I move about now?" Charles asked shamelessly despite being wrapped head to toe in gauze.

Laesto let out a snort and responded, "You suffered from severe burns and want to move around so soon? You may try if you have the courage to." He took a swig from his tin flask and leaned nonchalantly against the wall as he awaited Charles' next movement.

As Charles shifted, he felt a stinging sensation as though thousands of tiny needles were pricking him. Casting a side glance at Laesto, Charles began to unravel the bandages on him. Upon reaching the last layer, he realized that the gauze had fused with the blood scab on his skin.


With a swift yank of the bandages, an excruciating pain coursed through Charles, and he jolted in response. Gritting his teeth, Charles continued peeling the bloodied bandages.

"Enough! You can endure the pain, but watching you is distressing for me." Laesto approached Charles with a look of disdain and swiftly wrapped up the freshly exposed wounds once again. "Hold onto that black blade of yours that can accelerate healing. Keep the bandages on for five days. After that, you can perhaps take a few steps."

Just as Laesto finished securing the bandages on Charles' arm, Hunn pushed the door open and entered the room once more. "Governor Charles, His Holiness would like to meet you."

"Now? How?"

Charles' bed was hoisted by several burly men and placed on a wooden boat. The boat then swiftly glided toward the massive vessel shimmering with golden hues by the side.

Soon, Charles found himself in a lavishly decorated room and met the so-called Pope. Standing at three meters, the towering statue resembled an elderly man.

The statue's empty hands stretched up with its palms facing upward. The only piece of clothing on it was the stony kilt tied around its waist.

As tiny bits of debris fell off the statue, it pivoted, and its pupil-less eyes stared at Charles, who was lying on the bed. It emitted a hollow and hazy voice that sounded like a distant echo.

"Hello, young man. I've heard of your story and your deeds in service to the Light God. Your actions shall receive their due reward."

"Why do you wish to see me? I've already told Hunn everything that needs to be said," Charles responded.

The statue let out a chuckle before it requested, "Please repeat what you said to me, Governor of Hope Island."

Charles stared in bafflement at the statue before him.

What the hell is the Divine Light Order up to?

Despite his confusion, Charles reiterated everything about the cavern and the insects to the statue once again.

The statue went silent for a brief moment before it spoke, "I'm not sure what you are hiding, but it’s clear that you haven't lied about a single thing."

Charles felt an invisible hand gripping his heart.

This thing can detect lies? No! Not only can it detect lies, but it seems that it knows that I have concealed some of the mantises' words!

As though it had read the tumultuous whirlwind of doubt in Charles, the statue chuckled and said, "Please forgive us. This matter is of great importance to our Order. We have to be cautious."

Charles' features contorted with unease. He found it deeply unsettling for his thoughts to be laid bare and scrutinized so intrusively.

"Since you have verified the authenticity of my words, what is the Divine Light Order’s decision? From what I've seen, those creatures live in groups. If we don't act promptly, no one can assure that they won't multiply further."

"Young man, have you forgotten my words? Don't try to intimidate me with false intelligence. I can see through deceit. Don't worry, Hunn has merely bought the vanguard forces over.

”Soon, I will redeploy the entirety of our Northern Sea forces to set sail for Hope Island so that we can get to the Land of Light in the shortest time possible."

As Charles was carried out of the room, Hunn prostrated before the statue; his forehead, marked with a white triangle, was plastered to the ground.

"Hmmm. Hunn, I see many unfamiliar sights and wonderful scenery on the young man. He doesn't seem to be from our world."

Hunn lifted his head to look at the statue. "Then, Your Holiness, our plan—"

"Proceed as intended. We have to go to His holy kingdom. As the emissary of the Light God in this mortal realm, I can sense our Lord's immense anguish. We have to render assistance."

"As you wish, Your Holiness."

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