Shroud Arcanum

Chapter 45 - 44 - Hell (1)

45 Chapter 44 - Hell (1)

Inside the armored vehicle, the subtle vibrations from the terrain outside were overpowered by the engine's steady hum. The interior was dim, illuminated only by the faint glow of the dashboard lights. The scent of leather and cold metal hung in the air, mixing with the muted tension among the occupants.

Victor finally pierced the silence, his voice a measured blend of accusation and concern. "Your trap for those soldiers... It's a violation of our countries' agreement."

Zalya spared him a quick glance before refocusing on the road. "It's merely a controlled landslide. If your reinforcements act swiftly, there should be minimal casualties."

Victor grunted in response, "Even 'minimal' means some lives are lost."

Zalya said, "It's war, and my actions aren't war crimes."

Liam, interested in the underlying reason for the conflict, inquired, "Why are our nations even at war?"

Victor shrugged, visibly uncomfortable. "From what I know, it's more of a high-level personal issue, but it escalated, pulling both countries into the fray."

Liam found the reason absurd, but considering it's not important for now, he refrained from pursuing the topic further.

As the first rays of the sun began to pierce the horizon, the silhouette of Duskdale loomed ahead. However, the scene that unfolded was vastly different from what they remembered. The once-sturdy gates that welcomed visitors were now in ruins, torn asunder by some great force. The wooden walls, symbolizing the village's strength, were crumbling as they had witnessed battles and sieges.

But what caught their attention the most were the runes. Those mystical symbols that used to shimmer brightly, providing a protective aura around Duskdale, now lay dormant. Faint without any glow, reducing them to mere ornamental inscriptions.

The ground outside Duskdale's walls was a brutal testament to the ferocity of the battle that had occurred. Bodies lay scattered haphazardly - some still whole, while others were gruesomely dismembered, their severed limbs strewn across the landscape.

Puddles of congealed blood bore witness to the fierce combat and desperate final moments of many. The very air was thick with the metallic scent of spilled blood, which seemed to hang heavily, suffocating any passersby.

From within the village, a very faint echo of despair reached them - sporadic screams, sobs, and plaintive cries for help. These sounds painted a grim picture of the horror that the residents of Duskdale were enduring.

The sight of enemy guards patrolling the destroyed perimeter of Duskdale left no room for doubt – the village had fallen. The insignia on the uniforms of the patrols and the methodical way they moved suggested a level of organization that could only come from a well-disciplined military unit.

Zalya, with a mix of disbelief and frustration in her voice, exclaimed, "How did this happen? We were supposed to have more time."

Liam shot a sharp glance at Victor, trying to gauge any reaction from their captive. "Are these soldiers from your unit?".

Victor squinted, scanning the figures in the distance, and then responded, "Based on their uniforms, yes. But I can't be certain. I don't recognize any of their faces. However, this..." He gestured towards the devastation and the lifeless bodies of civilians, "...this is unexpected. Even in war, we have an agreement against blatant massacres of civilians. This is a war crime."

Irys, her gaze fixed on the village, broke the tension. "My instincts warn me that something bad is happening now. Whatever is happening there, will be deadly to us if we delay any longer,"

Zalya, absorbing Irys's words, agreed. "Waiting here is a waste of time. We need to move into the village and find out what happened,"

Victor suddenly chimed in, "Take me with you. I'll bear witness to whatever we uncover." His thoughts raced, contemplating how he could use this to his advantage. 'If I can gather evidence of this atrocity, I can finally corner that treacherous superior of mine. He must hold a grudge against me; why else would he send me to the frontlines while my symbiote is under repair?'

Irys, Liam, and Zalya - exchanged surprised glances, taken aback by Victor's sudden offer. His eyes narrowing suspiciously, Liam said, "What are you plotting, Victor? Thinking of defecting now? As prisoners just stay here."

Victor, trying to convince them, countered, "Just free me from these cuff, and I promise to be useful for you. This... massacre, it's beyond war tactics; it's a crime. While I'm not a hero, exposing this might redeem my tarnished reputation after your lot captured me."

Both Liam and Irys turned to Zalya. Liam leaned in, suggesting in a hushed tone, "Why not give him some poison? It'd ensure he doesn't think of double-crossing us."

Zalya pondered momentarily and then nodded in agreement.

Upon hearing the plan, Victor's eyes widened in horror, and his face paled. "Wait, poison? No, I changed my mind!" he exclaimed, stepping backward.

However, before he could react further, a blade's cold, sharp edge pressed gently against his neck. Irys stood behind him, her sword in hand and a menacing smile playing on her lips. "What kind of man, taking back their own words?" Victor swallowed hard, regret evident in his eyes.

Zalya, sizing up Victor, reached into her satchel and produced a small, translucent bottle filled with a vivid green liquid. The bottle itself, with its ornate designs and dark cork. Its contents were unmistakably that of poison.

Holding it out to Victor, she commanded, "Proof it, drink this yourself, The choice is yours well the alternative is beside your neck… As you said you want to get merit, Earn it then, you will help us scout the area first."

Realizing he just dig his own grave, Victor hesitated only for a moment before snatching the bottle. Uncorking it, he took a deep breath and downed the contents in a gulp. The flavor was an odd combination of sour bitterness, like over-steeped green tea mixed with an overly sweet syrup. Trying to keep his composure, he rasped, "When will I get the antidote?"

Zalya met his gaze, a hint of amusement in her eyes, "Once our mission here is complete. Till then, I suggest you stay on your best behavior."

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