Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Chapter 519: The hope of reforming the Demon Hunt Squad

Chapter 519: The hope of reforming the Demon Hunt Squad

Falling down, Long Haochen pressed down his both hands and took a deep breath, causing his figure to float like a feather.

The time was already close to daybreak, but the sky was still dusky. So his light elemental spiritual energy would really look conspicuous and inevitably make him overly obvious, therefore causing issues to rise. So he instead used very challenging methods to control his own fall.

This was all to avoid getting found out by the demons, the main reason being that he didn’t wish for them to know that he would need to return to the original location after teleporting to the Tower of Eternity. If this secret is known by the enemies, strategies will easily be planned to counter him, so Long Haochen preferred to be more prudent.

Luckily, he wasn’t too high in the sky. His distance to the ground was roughly of four hundred meters, therefore a series of acrobatics and propelling movements enabled him to lower his falling speed. When he was on the eve of reaching the ground, he then assumed a curling position, and put all his strength in his feet to perform a kick.

As a matter of fact, his current external spiritual energy was already over 20,000, making this full powered kick able to cause a huge shockwave and drop his falling speed.

His body landed onto the ground on an oblique posture, and after a series of rolls, he was propelled forward. The Gold Foundation Armor on him having also helped to neutralize a great amount of the pressure from the fall, Long Haochen stabilized after the series of rolls, jumped forward and rushed toward the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass.

His powerful mental capacity showed its prowess in this situation as well, helping to conceal his figure as far as possible, during the whole way to the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass. It was only near arrival that defenders from the Knight Temple found out about his return.

A misunderstanding would naturally not arise: the Gold Foundation Armor on him was a symbol of his status, and moreover, he was the only one Gold Foundation Knight that hadn’t returned.

Thus, when Long Haochen arrived in the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass, high surges of acclamations and countless looks of respects were awaiting him.

Large areas of knights were watching Long Haochen with passionate eyes, violently beating their own armors on the chest with their fist as an indication of their respect of greatest order for Long Haochen.

This was their tribute to the newly appointed Saint Knight Head. Even the Divine Knight Long Tianying didn’t figure out how Long Haochen wounded severely Saminaga, to say nothing about the ordinary soldiers. In their eyes, this powerful Saint Knight Head had defeated the other party’s strongest demon god, and without being a Divine Knight. Therefore, in their eyes, it was as if the prefix provisional’ before his full title never existed. At the same time, this gave them an even greater confidence regarding this Holy War.

When Long Haochen stood in front of Long Tianying, his grandfather suddenly realized that he had no idea of what he should say. He was able to feel that Long Haochen was totally alright, and should have escaped to another space, but how did he just accomplish that?

There certainly existed some abilities that could shatter space for a short time after reaching the ninth step, but they required a very tranquil and stable environment to be used. But what about the time he passed through space? At that time, seven demon gods were joining hands against him, so who knew to which extent space was in havoc. But even in these circumstances, Long Haochen just crossed space; Long Tianying hadn’t the slightest idea of how to explain this mystery.

And Long Haochen was gone for so long, which was to say that he surely was at other fixed spatial coordinates, otherwise if he travelled back and forth in another space, he would forever have become unable to come back.

“Grandpa.” Long Haochen performed a knight salute to Long Tianying. His attitude became a lot warmer than before: at the time he was attacked by Saminaga, he sensed how Long Tianying was trying hard to rescue him. And before teleporting away, he saw Long Tianying by his own eyes. How couldn’t his approval toward his own grandfather not rise from that?

Long Tianying had a bitter smile on his face, “I don’t know what I should say right now. What was that pagoda that appeared and surrounded you at that time?”

After pondering for a short time, Long Haochen replied, “I don’t want to hide anything from you, but that’s a secret I am not allowed to tell. I can only tell you that it can actually only restrict the Demon God of Death Saminaga and no one else. And I am unable to control it as well. It just appeared on its own. I am connected spatially to it, and it was the one that teleported me away.”

To Long Haochen’s surprise, Long Tianying actually didn’t keep questioning him. His look became gentle, “Is your body all right? Saminaga didn’t injure you?”

Long Haochen shook his head, “I am all right, and can come to the battlefield at anytime. Grandpa, the day will rise soon away. The demons will probably be launching a retaliatory attack. I have already made my preparations for battle, and am waiting for your orders.”

Looking at him, Long Tianying became silent, then couldn’t help but show a little anger, “What order is there to give? Your judgement is wrong. I can tell you with certainty that today, we can be at 70% sure that demons won’t come to attack. Didn’t you see on your way back? Saminaga’s pillar has already lost all its light. This time, you inflicted him extremely serious damage: his Domain of Death was torn to shreds by your pagoda. Tell me what’s good with you? Your grandpa Yang and I have already told you to keep your strength concealed to avoid exposing your identity. And you kept concealed your abilities known of them, but relied on the ones unknown to them to gain the spotlight right away.

Given that you have two divine tools on you, how could the demons not follow you closely? I estimate that before long, the Demon God Emperor will know about your existence. Yet, how do you want me to keep sending you to the battlefield? You also said that that pagoda could only counter Saminaga. If the other demon gods launch another attack against you, what’s to be done if you have an accident?

Although Long Tianying got angry, Long Haochen felt instead warming up. He could clearly feel the concern and worries in his grandfather’s voice.

“Grandpa, then I will just be defending the city and no more. Even if the demon gods want to get rid of me as I am on the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass, they would have to ponder over the issue beforehand. We may know that the pagoda can only counter Saminaga, but they don’t! I think that the demon gods won’t dare take such a risk. They should have learned their lesson from Saminaga’s experience. And that was really not my fault! Gold cannot be prevented to shine. And you should not want your grandson to be totally inconspicuous in the battlefield right?”

At that time, Long Haochen couldn’t help but show a smile on his face, looking at Long Tianying quite shamelessly.

Long Tianying also couldn’t help but reveal a smile in response. He didn’t smile a lot, but seeing this grandson before his eyes, he had really no way to keep restraining his joy.

After this time of worry, he had to recognize the great points of his grandson. In fact on Long Haochen, the slightest flaw could not be seen. At an age below twenty, he had already reached the eighth step, and had two divine tools in his hand. Although he was not yet able to utilize them fully, considering his age and pace of progress, it really looked like he would be able to contend against the demon gods in a few years! And he will surely become a great hero and leader that will create a new page on humans’ history.

Taking a deep breath, Long Tianying replied, “This time, we have totally filled these demons with fear. From our estimate, among the three Demon God Legions, almost all the Hell Demons should be dead, so without any magic offense, the Demon Emperor Legions are like a toothless tiger. And that’s nothing compared to how Saminaga is now in a state of heavy wounds. He is the strongest of the demon gods outside, and as you said, they shouldn’t dare act blindly without thinking after this. They will only maintain the previous situation, and as long as no reinforcement comes, they shouldn’t dare launch a decisive battle against us. For this reason, I don’t plan on letting you keep appearing in the battlefield.”

“What?” Long Haochen was immediately in high distress, “Grandpa, you can’t do that! Grandpa Yang and you should respect your engagements.

If you don’t let me appear in the battlefield, how am I supposed to gather those ten millions contribution points? I have to reform our team, to make a slaughter on the demon rear.

Long Tianying stood up and slowly walked to Long Haochen’s front, with an indignant look on his face. His robust figure really looked imposing, and in front of Long Haochen, he gave off the same feeling as an unwavering mountain.

“Haochen, don’t worry. I don’t share the same thoughts as your Grandpa Yang. You are my blood-related grandson, and my only one grandson. And you are the Scion of Light, a god’s chosen one, and humanity’s future hope. If you remain in safety under my wing, when will you become the humans’ leader and the leader that will annihilate demons? You need to keep tempering yourself, and rise through hardships, just like you did before. I believe that you have the ability to defend yourself, and to create even more miracles. So your grandpa won’t stop you from going in the battlefield. After two days of war, you made the enemies cower in fear one after another, making them lose the opportunity to recover a large amount of corpse, and wounding severely Saminaga. This will cause the demon army’s momentum to crumble. I will keep in record these two accomplishments. As the head of the Knight Temple, I have the authority to award you with enough contribution points. So I decided to reward you with 500,000 contribution points, as a prize for having turned the tides of the war in these two days. ”

“500,000?” Long Haochen was shocked, but also happy, and couldn’t help but worry, “Grandfather, are you sure this doesn’t count as favoritism?”

“Nonsense!” Long Tianying raised his hand to tap on Long Haochen’s head, scolding him with a smile, “Ask around in our Knight Temple, and you’ll see that no one ignores that your grandfather is the most strict and impartial Divine Knight! I am the wielder of the Divine Throne of Order and Law, if I cannot even make fair decision, how could I keep the approval of the Divine Throne? Be at ease, if anything the reward I bestowed upon you is rather low. Just think, if you didn’t stay on the rear, how many of the fifty Mythril Foundation Knight that were with you would have returned alive? It is all because you spared no cost to risk your life to cover their back, and deserves these 500,000 contribution points. You gained this for your display of bravery and self-sacrifice. Although I am very angry that you disregarded your own safety mole that, I can say as your grandfather and the head of the Knight Temple that you are my pride, my grandson who did not abandon his fellow soldiers at that time of danger, and used your actions to prove your bravery.”

Seeing his grandfather so moved, Long Haochen’s eyes started to moisten in spite of the situation. Despite his strength and willpower, he was still no more than a twenty year old boy. The gain of his grandfather’s approval was really an important thing in his eyes.

Long Tianying took a deep breath to calm down his moodiness, then continued, “You did very well, but you really cannot remain here. Your light should be shining where it is needed. And our Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass has already no trouble defending strongly its position, plus you’d be no more but a target here. So after thinking thoroughly, I came to the decision of giving you a last mission. After completing it, you will be considered having gathered ten million contribution points, and will be allowed reform your Demon Hunt Squad. I should also be telling you that this time, your grandpa Yang has returned to the Alliance to discuss a plan that could make full use of your ability to destroy demon god pillars. The Alliance believes that this is how your strength will develop the best.”

Hearing about the opportunity of reforming his Demon Hunt Squad, Long Haochen nearly hopped in excitement, “Grandpa, please announce the contents of the million. No matter what, I will definitely complete it.”

Long Tianying replied, “Don’t place your hopes so high. How could a mission equivalent to ten million contribution points be so simple? You can come back first, you will be leaving for the sake of completing this mission tomorrow. This mission is not complicated, and you will be able to accomplish it single-handedly. With the status as Saint Knight Head, you will have to join the defense of every of the five Temples’ defensive forts, and accumulate at least a million contribution points in every of them, or make a great accomplishment of yesterday’s degree. After you finish that for every of the five defensive forts, you will automatically be gathered with your other comrades. At that time, all of you will be sure to receive a new mission from the Alliance. Understood?”

Happiness always comes all of a sudden. For a moment, Long Haochen was unable to show any reaction.

Leaving for the other five Temples to participate in their battles, and reunite with his comrades one after another was without a doubt a much simpler mission than the one consisting on simply gathering ten million contribution points. And moreover, being able to join his other comrades one by one was more than he could wish. For a moment, Long Haochen was somewhat speechless due to excitement.

Long Tianying smiled in reaction, “Is it the idea of heading to the Exorcist Mountain Pass to see your girlfriend that makes you so happy?”

Right, wasn’t the Exorcist Mountain Pass controlled by the Assassin Temple the closest to there? This was the place where Cai’er was!

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