Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Chapter 512: Surprise Attack (III)

Chapter 512: Surprise Attack (III)

Light Bomb was totally unlaunchable through the magic cannons because it would immediately produce a violent explosion even before being shot, or just after coming out. This couldn’t threaten the enemies in the slightest, and became instead a self-damaging weapon.

But during their tests, the Knight Temple’s researchers found out to their great surprise about a good benefit of the Light Bombs. That was their ability to superimpose their effects. After identical Light Bombs explode, the effects of the additional ones will add up, and the continuous increase of power could go up several-fold.

This discovery immediately brought great joy to them, and resurrected the researches on the Light Bombs that was close to being abandoned.

After spending a long time experimenting and researching, they finally discovered that the effects of the superpositions were the greatest when the power of the Light Bomb was unleashed through a power equivalent to that of light magic of the fourth step. Unfortunately, it could still not be launched through Magic Cannons, and could only be thrown by hand. It further required a light user to set the light essence aflame after the throw to produce that superimposed blasting power.

After its creation, this item was very rapidly criticized, because in the battlefield, going through this process of superposition was just too difficult.

A Light Bomb reaching only the fourth step, when fired, would immediately be stopped by the enemy. Where could there be any chance to complete superposition in such circumstances? One could say that in a situation of direct clashing on the battlefield, accumulating Light Bombs until reaching the forbidden spell level was almost impossible.

Furthermore, don’t jump to conclusions just because Light Bombs only display the might of spells of the fourth step: their cost of fabrication is extremely high, not only requiring the hand of a great expert, but also mythril, as well as many other kinds of precious metals that can be welded together with magical crystals of the light element, making for a very high total cost.

Therefore, this experiment was a success, but in the end, very few Light Bombs were made. Rare metals were still manageable, and could always be found, but the light element crystals were really hard to find, and having the knights hunt the magical beasts gathered in the Knights’ Saint Mountain was no solution.

Therefore, in the Knight Temple’s treasure, there were only a few hundred of these and no more, and they weren’t really used after being invented.

But since they used up so much energy to make these things, the Knight Temple naturally considered a situation where they could display the greatest power. And that situation was a sneak attack. Only when ambushing the enemy could the superposition ability of these Light Bombs be exploited fully. And the surprise attack that took place today was the first stage for the Light Bombs in history.

For the sake of this surprise attack, the Knight Temple made an extremely detailed plan that would have its best effect the first time it was used. Hence, Long Tianying gave the final decision to take out all these things they had in store.

Launching three series of attacks was in the plans, and the segmentation of the attacks was also planned ahead, for the sake of avoiding the situation where those seven demon gods would disperse, as well as to guarantee that everyone that participated in this raid would be able to escape unscathed.

In fact, those participating in this raid were all at least Mythril Foundation Knights! And their leaders like Long Haochen or He Jun were even more powerful. These were absolutely not forces that the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass could afford to lose.

The first wave of attack was undoubtedly the most dangerous, because they were very likely to be chased by the demon gods, which is why the Holy Knight He Jun took command of it. Long Haochen’s group was assigned to the last wave to better ensure their safety. In this situation, how could Long Haochen not understand his grandfather’s share of troubles? Although he didn’t truly agree with him totally in his heart, he had to obey his order as a soldier in this battle.

Over fifty figures shot up, flying at rapid speed by using their spiritual wings. Long Haochen deliberately remained last, and summoned Star King while watching the situation in the rear attentively.

This whole surprise attack went close to perfectly, aside from the first forbidden spell that got restricted by the seven demon gods. The other two spread out all around, and their damage didn’t limit itself to destroying the Demon Emperor Legions, wiping out at least half of all the affiliated Hell Demons.

This was the terror of forbidden spells. In front of such a surprise attack composed of forbidden spells, the Hell Demons, most of whom reached the sixth step in strength, didn’t have much ability to resist. Even the defensive demons such as Demonic Bears could only lose their lives in front of such a powerful attack, to say nothing of the physically weak Hell Demons.

The seven demon gods were now infuriated to the extreme. Just as the power of the forbidden spell they were confronting was starting to die down, the other two forbidden spells exploded. Even if the other powerhouses of the ninth step staying in the demon camp did their best to stand in front of the power of the forbidden spells, in the end they didn’t have the protection from the demon god pillars, and didn’t dare insist stubbornly on the task. Therefore, two huge golden mushroom clouds were seen spreading out in the sky above the camp.

Saminaga’s teeth nearly broke down from the gritting. Although the demons’ damage had always been huge in this Holy War, this was the first time they suffered such a blow. And those were the three Demon Emperor Legions affiliated with the Demon God Emperor! The last time, he was already furious when hearing about the hard blow the second legion suffered. As a result, a Devil King acting as Saminaga’s man was beaten nearly to death, and was still recuperating even now. This time, with such a heavy damage sustained by the three legions, even with his status, the Demon God Emperor won’t easily excuse him. Right at this time, Saminaga took notice of the last batch of escaping knights, and immediately noticed Star King being ridden by Long Haochen.

That was a Starlight Unicorn King! Even in the eyes of Saminaga, that was a considerably powerful light elemental magical beast. Moreover, he had just seen Star King’s master display a glorious divine tool. How could he forget such a scene that easily?

Seeing Long Haochen, Saminaga’s thoughts were stimulated, thinking secretly, To make up for the loss of the three Demon Emperor Legions that will surely incur the Demon God Emperor’s rage, I’m afraid I could only bring this divine tool back to our emperor. Although the demon gods wouldn’t be able to use them, handing over a light elemental divine tool would indeed most likely be enough to appease the fury of the Demon God Emperor.

Therefore, right after sorting out his thoughts, he immediately set himself in motion, and flapped his immense grey wings, immediately shooting up like a grey meteor to chase after Long Haochen.

Long Haochen was after all not a god, and naturally couldn’t possibly guess what the thoughts of Saminaga were. He didn’t use his spiritual wings for fear of leaking out his identity, but it turned out that the sight of Star King still made him a target of the Demon God of Death.

Saminaga’s sudden departure shocked the other six demon gods, because they weren’t done handling the first forbidden spell. When he left, the power of the forbidden spell immediately spread out, engulfing dozens of troops from Demon Emperor Legions. The only one that really understood his thoughts was the Demonic Bear God Vassago.

That was because he took notice of Long Haochen and was prepared to chase after him, but was pre-empted by Saminaga.

Under the circumstances, Vassago couldn’t carry-out his plan. Otherwise, it would be seen as a provocation towards Saminaga. Although he had always wanted to seize the fifth seat as a demon god, he wasn’t willing to have a confrontation with Saminaga. He was very clear on the strength of the Fiend Clan.

Long Haochen was in the midst of retreating with his comrades, the other two teams having already withdrawn successively to the Dragon Resisting Mountain Pass. This time, he suddenly sensed an indescribable feeling of intense pressure. This was the first time he had ever felt such a feeling. Even his father and grandfather never triggered that.

The oppressive feeling didn’t subsist in the auras, but in the air. He felt as if the air surrounding him turned sticky, pressing in on him from every side. It increased to the extent that Star King’s speed went down. That omnipresent pressure seemed to crush them forcibly.

“Not good!” Without needing to look back, Long Haochen could guess the situation. Someone who could pressure him to such extent without triggering the slightest desire of fighting back could only be at the rank of demon god.

“Han Yu, quickly go!” With a loud shout, Long Haochen had Star King turn back, while unleashing Rippling Light.

An orange glint was loosed from his left hand as well, quickly protecting his whole body.

The Divine Snail Shield of Sun and Moon really deserved being called an existence with the potential of reaching the supra-divine tool level. After releasing it, Long Haochen immediately felt his whole body becoming light, and that feeling oppressing his body was greatly weakening. However, he could already discern at this time the Demon God of Death who was chasing madly after him, and couldn’t help but gasp in reaction. That was the fourth ranked demon god! Even as a powerhouse reaching over 400,000 spiritual energy his grandfather admitted to not being his match. Above the ninth step, every rank was a whole new stage, and the gap separating them could not simply be described with words. Even if Long Tianying had more than 200,000 spiritual energy and had his Divine Throne, he was only able to end up in mutual destruction against Saminaga. How could Haochen resist?

But this time, Long Haochen couldn’t retreat. No matter what, Star King’s speed couldn’t possibly compare with Saminaga. Being targeted, Long Haochen didn’t have the slightest chance to resist. Moreover, he was the commander of this army, and the newly-appointed Saint Knight Head. In this moment of life or death, how could he leave his allies’ backs to the enemy’s mercy? Therefore, he had to remain, and do his best to resist Saminaga.

Maybe he had no other choice but to use that power. That was the only thing that could help him escape a certain loss without leaking his identity.

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