Chapter 135


The man gasped. He realized through Ricardis words that he was hanging close to the threshold of death. Rosaline looked sulky. She wasnt going to kill him.

Soon, the knights and soldiers standing guard came pouring in. But the high priest Laheansi was the one trying to sneak into Ricardiss room at dawn.

He sounds familiar

Starz looked at Laheansi with a puzzled expression. Ricardis covered his face with his hands in shame. He was very embarrassed. Soon, two priests came running in a hurry. They smiled and bowed their heads.

Our high priest The priests arrived as Laheansis guardians and began apologizing with long and familiar phrases, which made Starz relieved.

They apologized so dexterously, and Ricardis looked at them pitifully, recognizing how they had to practice for such situations.

The disturbance quickly ended, and the knights, who had rushed in with swords, returned to their posts with a look of bewilderment. Ricardis watched the whole scene from the terrace and sighed, and before returning to his room, he granted the entrance of the uninvited guest with a flick of his hand.

Laheansi officially set foot in the Moonstone Castle under the guidance of Rosaline. Rosaline glanced back after feeling the persistent gaze behind her. Their eyes were at the same level, and Laheansi smiled at Rosaline.

Are you the famous Sir Rosaline?


Laheanshi was a little taken aback. Usually, when a modifier such as that or famous was attached to ones name, they would respond modestly with No. It was a vain prestige. He was slightly shocked because he heard a bold answer instead of humility. Indeed, she was both Rosaline and she was famous.

Sorry for the disturbance in the early morning. I would have liked to meet secretly with Prince Ricardis, but things became so messy.

Its because you tried to climb up the wall. You need to go through the official visitation process.

Well, that was very formal. It wasnt like Laheansi didnt know that

I was trying to surprise him, but I got surprised instead. Where were you? I checked twice and thrice to see if anyone was around.

I was watching from a tree. You crawled from under a bush.

The priests who walked behind Laheanshi groaned. I cant believe you showed that ugly side again

Rosaline had been watching Laheansi since he crossed the wall of the Moonstone Castle. Creeping under the bush, hed accidentally squished an earthworm under his hand and popped it. When he tried to scream, he was conscious of his surroundings and hurriedly covered his mouth, but unfortunately, it was the hand that killed the worm, so he vomited. She had seen it all.

You cant make this up. What a wonderful knight!

Thats right.

Laheansi chuckled. Even though she was as stern and standard as any other knight, she showed her strange side now and then. What a fascinating knight.

As they talked, they arrived in front of Ricardiss room before they knew it. Waking up from the commotion, Isserion greeted the guest with empty eyes. His hair was a mess.

Rosaline pointed it out to Isserion, Your hair looks weird.

Isserion helplessly replied that he knew. Unable to take her eyes off it, Rosaline continued that he looked like a bird for some reason. Again, Isserion expressed his awareness and pushed their backs, urging them to enter. He didnt seem to have the strength to get angry because this situation had cut his sleep short. Leaheansi, the culprit of all the commotion, felt a guilty prick of his conscience.

Ricardis was seated at the table, dressed in comfy clothes. He was busy reading documents with one hand. People should have some humanity, but there was not a hint of swelling in his face or eyes, even though it was evident that he had just woken up.

The bridge of his nose was still high, and the lines of his face were still sharp. The eyes reading the papers were a little sleepy, but it created a languid atmosphere and only reflected a different beauty than usual. The mans silver hair shimmered as the morning light entered the window and drifted dimly through the room. It was a very picturesque sight. Laheansi shook his head, admiring his half-brothers dazzling figure.

Blessings of Idelavhim, who calls upon the white night, Prince Ricardis

Sigh. Before Laheansi could finish his words, Ricardis angrily threw the papers at him. Laheansi curled up awkwardly and covered his face with his arms. Rosalines eyes widened at the sudden situation.

Ah, Brother!

You call me brother now after waking everyone up!? Im so embarrassed that I can hardly show my face to my subordinates!

The two priests nodded. Ricardis rubbed his temple and slumped back on the sofa.

So, at dawn, Ricardis blue eyes shone sharply. You must have a very urgent reason to come this early. His jaw muscles twitched. Right, Laheansi?

Laheansi was stunned for a moment at his murderous appearance before quickly nodding. Yes!

Sit down.

Yeah! All right, Brother!

The answer was quick. Laheansi sat across from Ricardis while the two priests returned to the temple. Servants set simple refreshments on the table, and Laheansi delightedly picked up a cookie.

Ah, I missed this taste. The Moonstone Castle chef is good at it.

The beginning was ominous. But as expected, Laheansi only came to play. Ricardis eyes narrowed. Laheansi opened his mouth with his cheeks full of cookies. Crumbs fell to the floor.

Oh, its nothing special.

For real, you punk? Ricardis was speechless, and Laheansi continued with a smile.

A priest was murdered.

It was a big deal.

He was found dead in the forest belonging to the Imperial family. They say it was the work of a beast. So, not a big deal. Todays report is over!

It could be a big deal, but it also could be trivial. A priests death may be a significant event, but was it vital to visit Moonstone Castle this early to bring word of it? Ricardis crossed his arms and stared at Laheansi.

I think you have something else to add.

Laheanshi grinned. As expected, youre quick-witted.

Hurry up and tell me.

Oh well, its nothing. But from my point of view, there are many suspicious things about this case.

Ricardis lazily touched his teacup, reflecting on what he had said. A priest was found dead in a part of the forest belonging to the Imperial family. It was the work of a beast. It was suspicious. It was strange that someone who lived in the Great Temple went to the Imperial Forest, and it made no sense that there were beasts that could harm people there.

I saw the body. It was very mangled. Ah, thinking about it makes me sick again.

Laheansi covered his mouth. Ricardis pulled his body back slightly.

None of his body parts were missing, so it couldnt be said to be done by an animal. Why would an animal hunt without eating its prey? Well, theres a possibility the priest invaded its territory, but the body was too ravaged. There was not a single untouched spot. It was like a corpse in a murder case filled with resentment. But its also difficult to say it was the work of humans. The body didnt have broken fingernails or show other signs of struggle. Still, despite many suspicious things, less than an hour after someone discovered the body, it was concluded to be the work of a beast. Well, thats normal, but

Like he said, it was normal. As it was the beginning of the Founding month, when the prince and princess of Balta are in Illavenia, the news of the priests murder is more than just a single persons misfortune. It could damage Illavenias reputation because Illavenia was not just the ruler of the continent but a divine empire carrying the glory of God.

Even if the priest were hacked entirely to pieces with a sword, they would call it the work of a beast, an unfortunate accident. The culprits identity would be left unclear, whether an animal or a person because Illavenia had already decided on the narrative.

I just thought it was very technical.

Laheansi gurgled his tea. Had this guy been a high priest so long that he had forgotten his manners? Ricardis gave him the stink eye.

Regardless of whether a beast or a human did it, dont you think the timing was too perfect? Laheanshi smirked.

Ricardis raised his teacup. A weak stream of steam floated up. He went through the various ways the priest could have died. The priest died repeatedly in his mind as he mumbled: once by a beasts fangs and claws and another by a man with a sword.

He matched the two types of possible culprits with the current climate. As Laheansi said, the timing was too perfect. Of course, it could be a coincidence, but there was a high possibility that the culprit had done it knowing Illavenia would bury this incident.

Well, theres nothing more I can say regarding an incident from the Temple, so keep that in mind. Isnt there something dangerous happening in our corner of the Imperial Palace? This younger brother came running at dawn because he was worried about his older brother, but you started getting angry instead of letting him kiss you! Youre so mean! Youre awful!

Get out.

Im sorry, Brother Please let me have breakfast before I go. You know how tasteless the food in the Temple is

Laheansi stuffed enough food into his mouth that he wouldnt feel bereaved even if Ricardis immediately kicked him out. Ricardis sighed heavily. Laheansi made some mannerless, chewing noise, but Ricardis didnt scold him.

He thought deeply. What he said echoed in Ricardis mind. In their corner of the Imperial Palace there was something dangerous.

Ricardis looked at Rosaline. She was looking at Laheansi with envy, but as soon as she noticed his approaching gaze, she met his eyes. He just stared at her, and she tilted her head. Ricardis struggled to smile despite his furrowing brows.

[T/N: And that is the end of Book 3. There are still so many unanswered questions huhuhu but hopefully, they dont put you off. Thank you very much for your support in any form, and heres to a better Book 4!]

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